Max Payne3 V100113 [R G Games]

seeders: 0
leechers: 2
Added on April 8, 2013 by Sam2220in Games > PC
Torrent verified.

Max Payne3 V100113 [R G Games] (Size: 16.36 GB)
 disk2.bin4.36 GB
 Disk4.bin4.33 GB
 Disk1.bin3.47 GB
 disk3_3.bin1.97 GB
 disk3_1.bin1.52 GB
 disk3_2.bin687.8 MB
 disk3_4.bin33.67 MB
 Setup_MP3-1.bin1.87 MB
 Setup_MP3.exe1.13 MB
 disk3_5.bin1.41 KB
 dvd.txt159 bytes
 autorun.inf68 bytes





It's 100 % work" No need to Update to download" NO need to Create a social club account" just follow the Installetion note
Tested this repack and game works!
Follow steps below:
Step 1: Update you're videocard driver. Download latest driver.
Step 2: Close you're anti-virus(task manager and close process)
Step 3: Turn off internet connection (plug out cable for example)
Step 4: Run Setup_MP3.exe (select english) and install game (setup took me 2 hours on laptop)
Step 5: Also install all redist like social club, vcredist and directx! Internet is required for directx! 
Skip directx setup or quickly enable internet and turn off again after directx setup.
Step 6: Open you're anti-virus program and exclude Max Payne 3 folder (the folder were you installed the game)
Step 7: Block MaxPayne3, MP3-eng and MP3-rus with firewall!
Windows 7 firewall tutorial:
In start searchbox type: windows firewall and open/run
Other option = Open the Control Panel, Click “System and Security”, Click “Windows Firewall”
Click on New Rule in the sidebar on the right.
Choose program rule and find+add MP3-eng for example.
Choose block connection and select public+domain+private
Give it a name and complete!
Step 8: Right click on MP3-eng (desktop shortcut), select properties>compatibility, select administrator and click apply + OK
Step 9: Run MP3-eng (desktop shortcut) and play the game!
No need to create a rockstar club account!
Step 10: Quit game and plug internet cable back in + enable anti-virus (or restart pc) and now you can run the game without any problems!

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Max Payne3 V100113 [R G Games]



Max Payne3 V100113 [R G Games] screenshot
Max Payne3 V100113 [R G Games] screenshot
Max Payne3 V100113 [R G Games] screenshot
Max Payne3 V100113 [R G Games] screenshot

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