| | 00 Introduction.mp4 | 62.32 MB |
| | 11 Summary.mp4 | 28.11 MB |
| | 1-3 Handle form posts.mp4 | 140.28 MB |
| | 1-2 Handle querystring variables.mp4 | 82.7 MB |
| | 1-1 Build a basic controller.mp4 | 78.09 MB |
| | 1 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 6.7 MB |
| | 2-2 Build views using Razor.mp4 | 401.21 MB |
| | 2-3 Use view helpers.mp4 | 309.96 MB |
| | 2-1 Understand view basics.mp4 | 189.18 MB |
| | 2-4 Customize Razor views- Layout sections and strongly-typed views.mp4 | 139.52 MB |
| | 2 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 5.71 MB |
| | 3-2 Pass data to the view.mp4 | 427.75 MB |
| | 3-1 Model your domain.mp4 | 206.29 MB |
| | 3-3 Use strongly-typed models.mp4 | 93.44 MB |
| | 3 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 5.96 MB |
| | 4-1 Design route URLs.mp4 | 260.85 MB |
| | 4-2 Route a URL to a controller.mp4 | 215.76 MB |
| | 4-3 Create dynamic routes.mp4 | 179.55 MB |
| | 4.4 Generate URLs from routes.mp4 | 22.15 MB |
| | 4 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 5.41 MB |
| | 5-1 Extend controllers with filters.mp4 | 423.24 MB |
| | 5-2 Extend controllers with action results.mp4 | 65.73 MB |
| | 5-3 Test MVC applications.mp4 | 62.3 MB |
| | 5 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 5.79 MB |
| | 6-3 Build view-specific models with AutoMapper.mp4 | 86.38 MB |
| | 6-2 Extend the model binding with value providers.mp4 | 58.35 MB |
| | 6-1 Use model binding.mp4 | 48.28 MB |
| | 6 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 7.92 MB |
| | 7-6 Target and test iPad and iPhone with mobile display modes.mp4 | 255.28 MB |
| | 7-3 Assemble complex pages with child actions.mp4 | 229.68 MB |
| | 7-4 Organize large applications with areas.mp4 | 218.92 MB |
| | 7-2 Use partial views for common page sections.mp4 | 207.96 MB |
| | 7-1 Manage code duplication.mp4 | 119.04 MB |
| | 7-5 Develop MVC for the iPad and iPhone with responsive design.mp4 | 56.27 MB |
| | 7 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 7.6 MB |
| | 8-1 Build consistent forms with templated helpers.mp4 | 259.5 MB |
| | 8-2 Control selection of editor and display templates.mp4 | 206.89 MB |
| | 8-4 Validate user input with DataAnnotations and ModelState.mp4 | 199.78 MB |
| | 8-3 Customizing templates.mp4 | 158.65 MB |
| | 8 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 5.85 MB |
| | 9-1 Apply jQuery for html features.mp4 | 198.07 MB |
| | 9-3 Add ajax callbacks easily with AjaxHelper.mp4 | 195.33 MB |
| | 9-2 Enable unobtrusive javascript validation for forms.mp4 | 56.09 MB |
| | 9 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 6.3 MB |
| | 10-2 Create web services with Web API and MVC.mp4 | 379.84 MB |
| | 10-1 Use the fundamentals of HTTP.mp4 | 249.29 MB |
| | 10-3 Use Web API for jQuery ajax calls.mp4 | 42.62 MB |
| | 10 Learning Objectives.mp4 | 6.25 MB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.js | 372.76 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.js | 251.44 KB |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.min.js | 197.67 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.debug.js | 166.54 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.intellisense.js | 149.5 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.min.js | 91.67 KB |
| | modernizr-2.5.3.js | 48.23 KB |
| | jquery.validate-vsdoc.js | 42.88 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.js | 40.36 KB |
| | jquery.validate.js | 38.46 KB |
| | ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_454545_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_888888_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png | 180 bytes |
| | ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png | 178 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png | 120 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png | 119 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.min.css | 24.2 KB |
| | jquery.ui.theme.min.css | 13.79 KB |
| | jquery.ui.datepicker.min.css | 3.31 KB |
| | jquery.ui.button.min.css | 1.82 KB |
| | jquery.ui.dialog.min.css | 1.14 KB |
| | jquery.ui.slider.min.css | 961 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.resizable.min.css | 955 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.tabs.min.css | 951 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.accordion.min.css | 867 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.core.min.css | 864 bytes |
| | ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_454545_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_888888_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png | 180 bytes |
| | ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png | 178 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png | 120 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png | 119 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.css | 31.14 KB |
| | jquery.ui.theme.css | 17.91 KB |
| | jquery.ui.datepicker.css | 4.01 KB |
| | jquery.ui.button.css | 2.43 KB |
| | jquery.ui.tabs.css | 1.35 KB |
| | jquery.ui.dialog.css | 1.33 KB |
| | jquery.ui.core.css | 1.3 KB |
| | jquery.ui.resizable.css | 1.13 KB |
| | jquery.ui.slider.css | 1.11 KB |
| | jquery.ui.autocomplete.css | 1.09 KB |
| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
| | AccountController.cs | 14.1 KB |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 2.31 KB |
| | HomeController.cs | 714 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 798 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
| | orderedList7.png | 3.57 KB |
| | orderedList8.png | 3.39 KB |
| | orderedList9.png | 3.37 KB |
| | orderedList0.png | 3.34 KB |
| | orderedList5.png | 3.28 KB |
| | orderedList4.png | 3.28 KB |
| | Bullet.png | 2.8 KB |
| | orderedList3.png | 772 bytes |
| | orderedList2.png | 733 bytes |
| | _layout.cshtml | 1.94 KB |
| | _LoginPartial.cshtml | 754 bytes |
| | error.cshtml | 230 bytes |
| | index.cshtml | 1.91 KB |
| | CONTACT.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | about.cshtml | 727 bytes |
| | Login.cshtml | 1.41 KB |
| | _RemoveExternalLoginsPartial.cshtml | 1.22 KB |
| | ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | Register.cshtml | 946 bytes |
| | _ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml | 915 bytes |
| | _ChangePasswordPartial.cshtml | 809 bytes |
| | _SetPasswordPartial.cshtml | 768 bytes |
| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
| | ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml | 162 bytes |
| | EDIT.cshtml | 1.24 KB |
| | index.cshtml | 1020 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | ConferenceEditModel.cs | 516 bytes |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 291 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.75 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.11 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.23 KB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.js | 372.76 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.js | 251.44 KB |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.min.js | 197.67 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.debug.js | 166.54 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.intellisense.js | 149.5 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.min.js | 91.67 KB |
| | modernizr-2.5.3.js | 48.23 KB |
| | jquery.validate-vsdoc.js | 42.88 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.js | 40.36 KB |
| | jquery.validate.js | 38.46 KB |
| | ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_888888_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_454545_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png | 180 bytes |
| | ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png | 178 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png | 120 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png | 119 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.min.css | 24.2 KB |
| | jquery.ui.theme.min.css | 13.79 KB |
| | jquery.ui.datepicker.min.css | 3.31 KB |
| | jquery.ui.button.min.css | 1.82 KB |
| | jquery.ui.dialog.min.css | 1.14 KB |
| | jquery.ui.slider.min.css | 961 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.resizable.min.css | 955 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.tabs.min.css | 951 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.accordion.min.css | 867 bytes |
| | jquery.ui.core.min.css | 864 bytes |
| | ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_888888_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_454545_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png | 180 bytes |
| | ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png | 178 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png | 120 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png | 119 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.css | 31.14 KB |
| | jquery.ui.theme.css | 17.91 KB |
| | jquery.ui.datepicker.css | 4.01 KB |
| | jquery.ui.button.css | 2.43 KB |
| | jquery.ui.tabs.css | 1.35 KB |
| | jquery.ui.dialog.css | 1.33 KB |
| | jquery.ui.core.css | 1.3 KB |
| | jquery.ui.resizable.css | 1.13 KB |
| | jquery.ui.slider.css | 1.11 KB |
| | jquery.ui.autocomplete.css | 1.09 KB |
| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
| | AccountController.cs | 14.1 KB |
| | HomeController.cs | 714 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 794 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
| | orderedList7.png | 3.57 KB |
| | orderedList8.png | 3.39 KB |
| | orderedList9.png | 3.37 KB |
| | orderedList0.png | 3.34 KB |
| | orderedList5.png | 3.28 KB |
| | orderedList4.png | 3.28 KB |
| | Bullet.png | 2.8 KB |
| | orderedList3.png | 772 bytes |
| | orderedList2.png | 733 bytes |
| | index.cshtml | 1.91 KB |
| | CONTACT.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | about.cshtml | 727 bytes |
| | _layout.cshtml | 1.79 KB |
| | _LoginPartial.cshtml | 754 bytes |
| | error.cshtml | 230 bytes |
| | Login.cshtml | 1.41 KB |
| | _RemoveExternalLoginsPartial.cshtml | 1.22 KB |
| | ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | Register.cshtml | 946 bytes |
| | _ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml | 915 bytes |
| | _ChangePasswordPartial.cshtml | 809 bytes |
| | _SetPasswordPartial.cshtml | 768 bytes |
| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
| | ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml | 162 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.46 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.11 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.23 KB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.js | 372.76 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.js | 251.44 KB |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.min.js | 197.67 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.debug.js | 166.54 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.intellisense.js | 149.5 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.min.js | 91.67 KB |
| | modernizr-2.5.3.js | 48.23 KB |
| | jquery.validate-vsdoc.js | 42.88 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.js | 40.36 KB |
| | jquery.validate.js | 38.46 KB |
| | ui-icons_888888_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
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| | ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png | 178 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png | 120 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png | 119 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.min.css | 24.2 KB |
| | jquery.ui.theme.min.css | 13.79 KB |
| | jquery.ui.datepicker.min.css | 3.31 KB |
| | jquery.ui.button.min.css | 1.82 KB |
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| | jquery.ui.tabs.min.css | 951 bytes |
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| | ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png | 180 bytes |
| | ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png | 178 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png | 120 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png | 119 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.css | 31.14 KB |
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| | jquery.ui.datepicker.css | 4.01 KB |
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| | jquery.ui.slider.css | 1.11 KB |
| | jquery.ui.autocomplete.css | 1.09 KB |
| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
| | AccountController.cs | 14.1 KB |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 1.08 KB |
| | HomeController.cs | 714 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 794 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
| | orderedList7.png | 3.57 KB |
| | orderedList8.png | 3.39 KB |
| | orderedList9.png | 3.37 KB |
| | orderedList0.png | 3.34 KB |
| | orderedList5.png | 3.28 KB |
| | orderedList4.png | 3.28 KB |
| | Bullet.png | 2.8 KB |
| | orderedList3.png | 772 bytes |
| | orderedList2.png | 733 bytes |
| | index.cshtml | 1.91 KB |
| | CONTACT.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | about.cshtml | 727 bytes |
| | _layout.cshtml | 1.88 KB |
| | _LoginPartial.cshtml | 754 bytes |
| | error.cshtml | 230 bytes |
| | Login.cshtml | 1.41 KB |
| | _RemoveExternalLoginsPartial.cshtml | 1.22 KB |
| | ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | Register.cshtml | 946 bytes |
| | _ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml | 915 bytes |
| | _ChangePasswordPartial.cshtml | 809 bytes |
| | _SetPasswordPartial.cshtml | 768 bytes |
| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
| | ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml | 162 bytes |
| | index.cshtml | 837 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 236 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.64 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.11 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.23 KB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.js | 372.76 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.js | 251.44 KB |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.min.js | 197.67 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.debug.js | 166.54 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.intellisense.js | 149.5 KB |
| | jquery-1.7.1.min.js | 91.67 KB |
| | modernizr-2.5.3.js | 48.23 KB |
| | jquery.validate-vsdoc.js | 42.88 KB |
| | knockout-2.1.0.js | 40.36 KB |
| | jquery.validate.js | 38.46 KB |
| | ui-icons_222222_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
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| | ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_888888_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-icons_454545_256x240.png | 4.27 KB |
| | ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png | 180 bytes |
| | ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png | 178 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png | 120 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png | 119 bytes |
| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.min.css | 24.2 KB |
| | jquery.ui.theme.min.css | 13.79 KB |
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| | jquery.ui.button.min.css | 1.82 KB |
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| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
| | jquery-ui.css | 31.14 KB |
| | jquery.ui.theme.css | 17.91 KB |
| | jquery.ui.datepicker.css | 4.01 KB |
| | jquery.ui.button.css | 2.43 KB |
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| | jquery.ui.slider.css | 1.11 KB |
| | jquery.ui.autocomplete.css | 1.09 KB |
| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
| | AccountController.cs | 14.1 KB |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 2.48 KB |
| | HomeController.cs | 834 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 984 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
| | orderedList7.png | 3.57 KB |
| | orderedList8.png | 3.39 KB |
| | orderedList9.png | 3.37 KB |
| | orderedList0.png | 3.34 KB |
| | orderedList5.png | 3.28 KB |
| | orderedList4.png | 3.28 KB |
| | Bullet.png | 2.8 KB |
| | orderedList3.png | 772 bytes |
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| | ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | Register.cshtml | 946 bytes |
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| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
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| | ConferenceEditModel.cs | 516 bytes |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 291 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.82 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.14 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
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| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
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| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
| | AccountController.cs | 14.1 KB |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 2.48 KB |
| | ConferenceXmlController.cs | 1009 bytes |
| | HomeController.cs | 834 bytes |
| | DefaultController.cs | 379 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 984 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
| | orderedList7.png | 3.57 KB |
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| | ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
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| | _ChangePasswordPartial.cshtml | 809 bytes |
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| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
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| | index.cshtml | 1.09 KB |
| | ConferenceNotFound.cshtml | 137 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | ConferenceEditModel.cs | 516 bytes |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 291 bytes |
| | ConferenceXmlModel.cs | 266 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 25.04 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.14 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.23 KB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.js | 372.76 KB |
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| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
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| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 794 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
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| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
| | ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml | 162 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.46 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.11 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.23 KB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.js | 372.76 KB |
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| | HomeController.cs | 714 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 984 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
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| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 291 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.75 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.11 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
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| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
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| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
| | ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml | 162 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | SecurityAreaRegistration.cs | 614 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 984 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
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| | orderedList4.png | 3.28 KB |
| | Bullet.png | 2.8 KB |
| | orderedList3.png | 772 bytes |
| | orderedList2.png | 733 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.91 KB |
| | AttendeeEditModel.cs | 1019 bytes |
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| | ConferenceShowModel.cs | 420 bytes |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 359 bytes |
| | ConferenceXmlModel.cs | 266 bytes |
| | sessionModel.cshtml | 230 bytes |
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| | _layout.cshtml | 2.23 KB |
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| | Register.cshtml | 322 bytes |
| | _ConferenceListModel.cshtml | 320 bytes |
| | ConferenceNotFound.cshtml | 137 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 2.73 KB |
| | ConferenceXmlController.cs | 1009 bytes |
| | HomeController.cs | 834 bytes |
| | DefaultController.cs | 628 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 26.35 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.14 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.39 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | sitenav.cs | 354 bytes |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.43 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UITests.csproj | 4.53 KB |
| | WebTestBase.cs | 870 bytes |
| | ConferencePageTester.cs | 834 bytes |
| | packages.config | 456 bytes |
| | Interop.SHDocVw.dll | 128 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.75 KB |
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| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
| | AccountController.cs | 14.1 KB |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 2.31 KB |
| | HomeController.cs | 714 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 612 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
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| | _ChangePasswordPartial.cshtml | 809 bytes |
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| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
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| | index.cshtml | 1020 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | ConferenceEditModel.cs | 516 bytes |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 291 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.75 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.11 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.23 KB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
| | jquery-ui-1.8.20.js | 372.76 KB |
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| | ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | Register.cshtml | 946 bytes |
| | _ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml | 915 bytes |
| | _ChangePasswordPartial.cshtml | 809 bytes |
| | _RenderLogOnPartial.cshtml | 807 bytes |
| | _SetPasswordPartial.cshtml | 768 bytes |
| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
| | ExternalLoginFailure.cshtml | 162 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | SecurityAreaRegistration.cs | 614 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 984 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
| | orderedList7.png | 3.57 KB |
| | orderedList8.png | 3.39 KB |
| | orderedList9.png | 3.37 KB |
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| | orderedList4.png | 3.28 KB |
| | Bullet.png | 2.8 KB |
| | orderedList3.png | 772 bytes |
| | orderedList2.png | 733 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.91 KB |
| | AttendeeEditModel.cs | 1019 bytes |
| | ConferenceShowModel.cs | 632 bytes |
| | ConferenceEditModel.cs | 516 bytes |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 359 bytes |
| | ConferenceXmlModel.cs | 266 bytes |
| | sessionModel.cshtml | 230 bytes |
| | string.cshtml | 115 bytes |
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| | about.cshtml | 727 bytes |
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| | index.cshtml | 1.01 KB |
| | AttendeeConfirmation.cshtml | 330 bytes |
| | Register.cshtml | 322 bytes |
| | _ConferenceListModel.cshtml | 320 bytes |
| | ConferenceNotFound.cshtml | 137 bytes |
| | _show.cshtml | 366 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 2.73 KB |
| | CarController.cs | 1.42 KB |
| | ConferenceXmlController.cs | 1009 bytes |
| | HomeController.cs | 834 bytes |
| | AttendeeController.cs | 834 bytes |
| | DefaultController.cs | 628 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 26.52 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.14 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.39 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | sitenav.cs | 354 bytes |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | AssemblyInfo.cs | 1.43 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UITests.csproj | 4.53 KB |
| | WebTestBase.cs | 870 bytes |
| | ConferencePageTester.cs | 834 bytes |
| | packages.config | 456 bytes |
| | Interop.SHDocVw.dll | 128 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.75 KB |
| | NuGet.exe | 616 KB |
| | NuGet.targets | 6.89 KB |
| | NuGet.config | 169 bytes |
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| | ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png | 111 bytes |
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| | jquery.ui.autocomplete.css | 1.09 KB |
| | site.css | 13.62 KB |
| | AccountController.cs | 14.1 KB |
| | ConferenceController.cs | 1.65 KB |
| | HomeController.cs | 714 bytes |
| | RavenDbConfig.cs | 8.17 KB |
| | BundleConfig.cs | 2.13 KB |
| | StructuremapMvc.cs | 1.62 KB |
| | AuthConfig.cs | 1012 bytes |
| | RouteConfig.cs | 612 bytes |
| | WebApiConfig.cs | 490 bytes |
| | FilterConfig.cs | 287 bytes |
| | ServiceLocatorImplBase.cs | 7.54 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyScope.cs | 5.14 KB |
| | StructureMapDependencyResolver.cs | 2.11 KB |
| | orderedList6.png | 3.67 KB |
| | orderedList7.png | 3.57 KB |
| | orderedList8.png | 3.39 KB |
| | orderedList9.png | 3.37 KB |
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| | ExternalLoginConfirmation.cshtml | 1.13 KB |
| | Register.cshtml | 946 bytes |
| | _ExternalLoginsListPartial.cshtml | 915 bytes |
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| | _SetPasswordPartial.cshtml | 768 bytes |
| | manage.cshtml | 710 bytes |
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| | index.cshtml | 1020 bytes |
| | EDIT.cshtml | 379 bytes |
| | WEB.config | 2.86 KB |
| | _ViewStart.cshtml | 55 bytes |
| | AccountModels.cs | 2.76 KB |
| | ConferenceListModel.cs | 291 bytes |
| | ConferenceEditModel.cs | 196 bytes |
| | InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs | 2.03 KB |
| | conference.cs | 1.94 KB |
| | ATTENDEE.cs | 644 bytes |
| | Session.cs | 438 bytes |
| | SPEAKER.cs | 394 bytes |
| | favicon.ico | 31.29 KB |
| | CodeCampServerLite.UI.csproj | 24.75 KB |
| | WEB.config | 4.11 KB |
| | packages.config | 3.37 KB |
| | Web.Release.config | 1.31 KB |
| | Global.asax.cs | 1.29 KB |
| | Web.Debug.config | 1.25 KB |
| | global.asax | 113 bytes |
| | Local.config | 70 bytes |
| | CodeCampServerLite.sln | 1.23 KB |