Harta Romaniei V 8.6.zip

seeders: 1
leechers: 0
Added on June 8, 2016 by alin2008todorin Games
Torrent verified.

Available in versions:

Harta Romaniei V 8.6.zip (Size: 4.44 GB)
 Harta Romaniei V 8.6.zip4.44 GB


Harta Romaniei V 8.6 pentru ETS 2 V 1.24

Harta Romaniei necesita activarea si a trailer mod-ului.
La Harta Romaniei, daca nu aveti harta activata, este necesara crearea unui profil nou, si la mod joc, selectati romania.mdb

Modurile de anotimp trebuie sa aibe prioritate mai mare ca harta.

Unele vehicule din trafic au atasate sunete specifice de motor.

Numarul total al soferilor este marit la 454
Numele soferilor sunt Romanesti.

Sunt modele noi sau editate cele existente.

Este adaugata o facilitate noua in joc, schimbarea automata a modurilor de anotimp. Detalii in Season_changer.zip
Daca doriti un mod specific de anotimp, extrageti-l din Season Changer.zip in folder-ul mod si activati-l.

Este marita manevrabilitatea pe timp de iarna, si, de acum, nu mai aveti zapada in tunele !
Intersectiile si prefabricatele , ca si conducere pe timp de iarna, sunt similare cu drumusile.

Sunt refacute modele, unele sunt noi, corectii in harta, si sunt eliminate prabusirile in versiunile beta datorita rotilor la camioane si remorci.

Putine trailere sunt compatibile cu ATC, asa ca nu o utilizati !!!!

Celelalte noutati le veti gasi voi....

Romanian Map V 8.6 for ETS2 V 1.24

Romania map require trailer mod to be activated.
At Romanian map, if tha map it is not activated, you must create a new profile, and, at game mod, select romania.mdb

Sesons mods must have higher priority than map.

Some traffic vehicle have specific sound engine.

Hired driver number is increased to 454
Drivers names are Romanian.

Added new models or edited old ones.

You can have automatic season changer in game. Details in Season_changer.zip file
If you want only a specific season mod, extract it from Season Changer.zip file to mod folder and activate-it !

Increased traction in winter, and , from now, you don't have anymore, snow in tunnels !
Crossroads and prefabs, in winter, behave like roads.

Reworked many models, some new, correction on map, and fixed crashes on beta's due to wheels on trucks and trailers.

Few trailers are compatible with ATC, so, better not use !!!

Others must be discovered...

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Harta Romaniei V 8.6.zip
