F4CG - since 1983!cpNpresentsVideo Chat Recorder v1.2(c) Zebra MediaCracker ....: Team F4CG Release Date ....: 01-18-2012Supplier ...: Team F4CG OS Type .........: WindowsPacker .....: GiftWrap Number Of Disks .: [xx/02]Protection .: SKE Program Type ....: ApplicationSITE: http://www.zebra-media.comRELEASE NOTES:One click is all it takes to capture any video includingweb-cam chats and video calls. Video Chat Recorder byZebra-Media is designed to record/save/capture any videochat and group video chat (video conference) with ease.Using a software you can record Skype, Google Chat Video,MSN, Cha-Cha-Chat, Live, Facebook Audio/Video Chat, AOL,Aim, Yahoo or any messengers video chats. You can use itto record video chats, web conferences, online lectures,online courses, online movies, screen demos, trainingvideos, teaching videos, animated tutorials, animatedpresentations, animated help files. It's the best way tomake professional-looking videos from hard-to-capture websites, webcams, chat sites, and more. It can record bothvideo and audio, and save the recorded video as AVI, MPEGfile or any other video file, so that you can replay yourrecording anytime. With Video Chat Recorder, you'll getamazing video quality, or compact portable files. You canchoose between high-quality, high-speed MPEG/AVI files,or smaller media files. Video Chat Recorder can use any videocodec presented in your system for compressing your videoin real time. Recorder software is portable and can beinstalled and run from the USB flash drive (PAF and U3Smart drive editions are also available).INSTALLATION NOTES:1. Unzip, unrar and run setup/install.2. Enjoy !GROUP NEWS:No group news available at this moment ...PROGRAM PROVIDED FOR TEST PURPOSES ONLY!IF YOU LIKE THIS PROGGIE, BUY IT!F4CG GREETINGS:All current and past F4CG members wherever you are.All hard-working/secure groups in the real scene.UPDATE [03-01-2006]ascii by cpN of cRo in 2oo5