Yahoo! Messenger,Latest Version(9.0) - {S.Y} (Size: 24.17 MB)
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| | | 18.4 KB |
| | | 18.38 KB |
| | | 16.04 KB |
| | | 15 KB |
| | | 14.41 KB |
| | | 10.92 KB |
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| | 2.png | 326 bytes |
| | 3.png | 308 bytes |
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| | DisplayImgOverlay.png | 1.37 KB |
| | SearchBar.png | 876 bytes |
| | btn-single-status.png | 361 bytes |
| | FriendList.xml | 278 bytes |
| | frame.png | 3.41 KB |
| | SmsButton.png | 2.24 KB |
| | CallButton.png | 2.07 KB |
| | background.png | 1.29 KB |
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| | resize_ctrl.png | 2.82 KB |
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| | btn-single-dropdown-small.png | 807 bytes |
| | bg_selected.png | 145 bytes |
| | bg_hover.png | 143 bytes |
| | colors.xml | 9.77 KB |
| | preview.png | 2.42 KB |
| | Localized.xml | 87 bytes |
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| | background.png | 907 bytes |
| | colors.xml | 9.77 KB |
| | preview.png | 203 bytes |
| | Localized.xml | 85 bytes |
| | YahooMessenger.exe | 4.15 MB |
| | ymsdk.dll | 3.27 MB |
| | ymsglite.dll | 1.38 MB |
| | res_msgr.dll | 1.28 MB |
| | YCPFoundation.dll | 1.01 MB |
| | yvoiceui.dll | 996 KB |
| | yui.dll | 892 KB |
| | YCPSSL.dll | 744 KB |
| | photoshare.dll | 676 KB |
| | GIPSVoiceEngineDLL_MD.dll | 656 KB |
Yahoo for PC.
Yahoo! Mail is your ubiquitous email program on the web, Windows 8 and mobile devices with unlimited storage, SMS texting, social networking and instant messaging to boot.
While Yahoo! Mail is generally a joy to use, free-form labeling and smart folders would be nice, and the spam filter could catch junk even more effectively.
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