World Science U(Brian Greene)-{VIRU'$}

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World Science U(Brian Greene)-{VIRU'$} (Size: 1.24 GB)
 Does anthropic reasoning reduce the drive of physicist to find deep explanations.mp41.81 MB
 Does the Anthropic Principle have explanatory power when applied in the setting of a single...1.81 MB
 How do scientists propose using the Anthropic Principle.mp41.93 MB
 Is the emergence of life a rare random occurrence.mp41.95 MB
 Might there be other forms of life that thrive in environments very different from our own.mp42.06 MB
 What is the relationship between the Anthropic Principle and the possibility that there are...2.98 MB
 What features of the universe seem fine tuned for our form of life to exist.mp43.09 MB
 Can we explain why the features of the universe seem so finely tuned for our form of life.mp43.25 MB
 Does the Anthropic Principle necessitate a fundamental change in science.mp43.56 MB
 What is the connection between the amount of dark energy and the existence of our form of life.mp43.72 MB
 In 20 seconds or less, what are the fundamental laws of physics.mp4683.32 KB
 What do physicists mean by a force.mp4936.43 KB
 Who was Newton.mp41.02 MB
 What are Maxwell's Equations.mp41.55 MB
 When did modern physics begin.mp41.59 MB
 What is inertial mass.mp41.68 MB
 What is energy.mp41.78 MB
 How does physics explain the temperature of an object.mp41.79 MB
 What are the key theories that underly our current understanding of the physical universe.mp41.89 MB
 What is the difference between theoretical and experimental physics.mp41.95 MB
 Do you understand the universe.mp41.43 MB
 What do you think is the relationship between the laws of physics and free will.mp41.46 MB
 In order to push knowledge forward, what comes first observation or theory.mp42.65 MB
 Based on what we know today, is free will real or illusory.mp42.66 MB
 Does science reveal truths that are part of an objective reality.mp42.75 MB
 What is the relationship between physics philosophy.mp42.79 MB
 When we die, are we really gone.mp42.96 MB
 What is the Holographic Principle.mp43.22 MB
 Do you think that Humans will ever have the full understanding of the nature of reality.mp43.33 MB
 Will every star become a black hole.mp41 MB
 Why do we now believe black holes are common.mp41.03 MB
 Is it common for galaxies to have a black hole at their center.mp41.17 MB
 Is there matter in a black hole.mp41.51 MB
 Is matter destroyed when it falls into a black hole.mp41.57 MB
 Do black holes suck things in.mp41.57 MB
 Are there ways of directly observing the effect of a black hole.mp41.76 MB
 When something falls into a black hole, what effect does it have on the black hole itself.mp41.76 MB
 What are black holes.mp41.84 MB
 How many black holes are there.mp41.87 MB
 What is cosmology.mp41.16 MB
 How old is the universe.mp41.18 MB
 Is there a sense in which different observers have different descriptions of reality.mp41.5 MB
 Is the universe infinitely big.mp41.58 MB
 What are some of the observational probes studying the microwave background radiation.mp41.69 MB
 How big is the observable universe.mp41.71 MB
 According to the big bang, give a thumbnail sketch of how the universe has evolved.mp41.77 MB
 Is the big bang a theory of how the universe began.mp41.81 MB
 Did time begin at the big bang.mp41.81 MB
 What is the universe expanding into.mp42 MB
 What's the effect of dark energy on gravity.mp41.69 MB
 What's the difference between dark matter and dark energy.mp41.71 MB
 What is the modern view of the cosmological constant.mp41.75 MB
 Is there a connection between dark matter and dark energy.mp41.9 MB
 Has anyone directly observed Dark Energy.mp42.12 MB
 Dark energy is the proposed explanation for the accelerated expansion of space, but how much dark...2.19 MB
 Why do scientists think space is filled with dark energy.mp42.6 MB
 Ordinary matter constitutes 4% of the universe, so what makes up the rest.mp42.71 MB
 Have physicists developed mathematical theories that connect dark matter and dark energy.mp42.74 MB
 Could dark energy be energy left over from the Big Bang.mp43.06 MB
 What kind of particles comprise the dark matter.mp41.1 MB
 What is dark matter.mp41.47 MB
 What's the evidence that the universe is filled with dark matter.mp42.51 MB
 What do you think is the most promising candidate for the dark matter.mp42.69 MB
 Does everyone agree that's there's dark matter or are there alternate proposals that...3.11 MB
 Could dark matter be coming from other dimensions.mp43.2 MB
 How would the experience of moving through extra dimensions of space differ from motion through...1.23 MB
 What is a Radion.mp41.54 MB
 Are extra dimensions an embarrassment that theoretical physicists try to hide away.mp41.75 MB
 Can objects move though the putative extra dimensions of space.mp41.8 MB
 Are small and large extra dimensions mutually exclusive scenarios, are can they be mixed.mp41.8 MB
 How big do physicists imagine that extra dimensions typically might be.mp41.95 MB
 Is there any evidence for the idea of extra dimensions.mp42.02 MB
 Can you put the Plank scale into perspective How small is it.mp42.16 MB
 If there are more dimensions of space, why don't we see them.mp42.73 MB
 Did Kaluza's and Klein's work on extra dimensions result in a successful theory.mp42.76 MB
 What is general about General Relativity.mp4940.58 KB
 What is general relativity.mp41021.55 KB
 Is anti-gravity possible.mp41.61 MB
 How does general relativity describe environments with extremely strong gravity.mp42.03 MB
 Can you give a feel for how the math of General Relativity allows for anti-gravity.mp42.15 MB
 What is the difference between Special and General Relativity.mp42.35 MB
 If the sun disappeared, when would we know about it.mp42.43 MB
 What determines the trajectory of an object, like the Earth, as it moves in the vicinity of the...2.5 MB
 What is the connection between mass and gravity.mp42.87 MB
 What evidence suggests that space is a real physical entity.mp42.91 MB
 Taking account of the Nobel-prize winning Higgs idea, why is a photon massless.mp4890.55 KB
 Besides the photon are there other particles that don't interact with the Higgs field.mp41.22 MB
 Why was the Higgs so difficult to find.mp41.79 MB
 Why did physicists have confidence that the Higgs particle existed even before it was found.mp41.98 MB
 How does the Higgs field affect the notion of empty space.mp42.44 MB
 Does the higgs particle ruin the symmetry of the particle physics equations.mp42.67 MB
 What does it mean for a particle to decay, and what role do such processes have in identifying...2.77 MB
 What is the Higgs particle.mp42.84 MB
 Is the Higgs field similar to the discredited notion of the Ether.mp42.89 MB
 How do physicists use collisions between protons in the Large Hadron Collider to look for the...3.21 MB
 Can Math be Poetry.mp41.5 MB
 How are letters and numbers connected.mp41.62 MB
 What is mathematics.mp41.92 MB
 How can math or an equation describe something that's real and tangible.mp42.09 MB
 Where do numbers come in to the understanding of basic physical processes.mp42.92 MB
 How do you link mathematics and the physical make-up of an object.mp42.98 MB
 Why do you have confidence that math is the proper language for understanding reality.mp43.31 MB
 Is the brane multi-verse different than a parallel universe.mp4941.72 KB
 If there are multiple universes, could there be copies of us in some of them.mp42.48 MB
 Can I get from one brane to another.mp42.5 MB
 What observational evidence do we have for our cosmological theories.mp43.38 MB
 How will we ever know if the idea of multiple universes is right or wrong.mp43.72 MB
 Is there a physical process that could, at least in principle, give rise to multiple universes.mp43.75 MB
 If the universe is spatially infinite, what can we say about reality in locations ever-more...5.64 MB
 What is the name of the supersymmetric partner to a neutrino.mp4385.04 KB
 Do neutrinos have mass.mp41.39 MB
 How are neutrinos produced.mp41.64 MB
 Can neutrino detectors provide any information regarding the source of the neutrinos.mp41.89 MB
 Where do these particles come from.mp41.98 MB
 Were some neutrinos created in the aftermath of the big bang.mp42.15 MB
 Are there different types of neutrinos.mp42.16 MB
 What are Neutrinos.mp42.34 MB
 How do experimenters detect neutrinos.mp42.36 MB
 Is the relationship between an electron and an electron-neutrino evidence of a symmetry.mp42.39 MB
 What is a parallel universe.mp4887.36 KB
 How many different worlds does the Many Worlds approach need.mp41007.41 KB
 What is a universe.mp41.26 MB
 Do you believe in parallel universes.mp41.64 MB
 If there are other universes, do they have the same properties as ours.mp41.91 MB
 Would parallel universes be continually created.mp42 MB
 What are some examples of parallel universe proposals.mp42.06 MB
 Are the various multiverse proposals compatible with one another.mp42.08 MB
 Why aren't the multiple universes considered part of a bigger reality, which itself could be...2.53 MB
 Could there be other universes that are copies of ours.mp42.65 MB
 What are the W and Z particles.mp4988.69 KB
 What is a Boson.mp41.04 MB
 What are quarks.mp41.35 MB
 What is the hadron in the name Large Hadron Collider.mp41.56 MB
 Have theorists predicted particles that were later found experimentally.mp41.89 MB
 Is the universe mostly made of the same particles that constitute us.mp41.94 MB
 How are considerations of symmetry used in determining the equations of particle physics.mp41.99 MB
 What is quantum chromodynamics.mp42.06 MB
 At what level of detail do physicists seek to understand nature.mp42.18 MB
 What is particle physics.mp42.2 MB
 What is locality.mp41.63 MB
 Can particles become entangled through natural processes.mp41.91 MB
 Are the two particles in an entangled state set up to be that way.mp42.53 MB
 How far are we from teleporting everyday objects.mp42.55 MB
 How is quantum entanglement related to quantum teleportation.mp43.52 MB
 What is Bell's Inequality.mp43.58 MB
 Is quantum teleportation of individual particles a theoretical idea or has it been achieved.mp43.67 MB
 Are two entangled particles that are far apart autonomous.mp44.01 MB
 How did physicists receive Einstein's claim that entanglement implies quantum mechanics is...4.02 MB
 What is entanglement, or spooky action.mp46.22 MB
 Did Einstein have a role in developing quantum mechanics.mp41.56 MB
 How does the frenzied quantum world morph into the calm world of everyday life.mp41.64 MB
 What is the quantum measurement problem.mp41.89 MB
 Is quantum mechanics more accurate than previous theories of physics.mp41.95 MB
 What is the primary new idea of quantum mechanics.mp42.07 MB
 What is the spin of a particle.mp42.16 MB
 Can a particle like an electron have a definite position.mp42.17 MB
 Did Einstein believe in quantum mechanics.mp42.21 MB
 Is quantum gravity the missing piece of the unified theory puzzle.mp42.28 MB
 Can a particle like an electron be in two places at the same time.mp42.39 MB
 What do scientists mean when they say that time is relative.mp41.72 MB
 Can we DIRECTLY see the effects of special relativity in day to day life.mp41.72 MB
 What is space-time.mp41.86 MB
 How real is the division of reality into past, present and future.mp41.87 MB
 Is there a master clock that provides an ultimate, universal measure of time.mp41.88 MB
 What does E=mc² mean.mp42.04 MB
 In E=mc², what is c and what is its role.mp42.06 MB
 Is there a formula that tells us how much time slows during movement.mp42.15 MB
 To you, who was Albert Einstein.mp42.15 MB
 Can you provide an intuitive explanation for why nothing can travel faster than the speed of...2.17 MB
 Why do the 'typical' vibrations of a string in string theory have a great deal of...1.07 MB
 What is the goal of string theory.mp41.27 MB
 How does string theory suggest that space itself can tear.mp41.37 MB
 What is the most important achievement of string theory.mp41.53 MB
 Are experimentalists now searching for gravitons.mp41.53 MB
 Could there be something smaller than a string.mp41.75 MB
 Does string theory change our notion of a 3D universe.mp41.88 MB
 Without experimental evidence, where does string theory stand.mp41.89 MB
 Can the Large Hadron Collider directly probe string theory.mp42.01 MB
 What is your focus within physics.mp42.14 MB
 If supersymmetry is correct, what would that mean for nature's fundamental particles.mp41.71 MB
 How do the additional symmetries of supersymmetry advance us toward a unified theory.mp41.95 MB
 What are some of the particles predicted by theory that experimenters are now searching for.mp42.48 MB
 How does supersymmetry enhance the symmetries respected by the equations of particle physics.mp43.17 MB
 Is there any evidence that supersymmetry exists, or is it purely theoretical.mp44.27 MB
 What is supersymmetry.mp44.88 MB
 Scale_Review_-_YouTube.mp47.93 MB
 Scale_Video_-_YouTube.mp450.44 MB
 Speed_Video_-_YouTube.mp4121.64 MB
 Do physicists think time exists.mp41.29 MB
 Is time an essential concept in physics.mp41.34 MB
 Is time just an illusion.mp41.34 MB
 Is time travel to the past possible.mp41.52 MB
 When physicists say that motion slows time, what does that really mean.mp41.6 MB
 Do physicists describe the world using four dimensions.mp41.77 MB
 Why do physicists try to understand time.mp41.84 MB
 How does time relate to what clocks and watches measure.mp42.37 MB
 What is Time.mp42.4 MB
 Are we close to fully understanding time.mp42.43 MB
 What is a unified theory.mp4971.43 KB
 Are physicists trying to combine quantum mechanics and general relativity.mp41.62 MB
 What is quantum Gravity.mp41.96 MB
 Can quantum foam be observed.mp42.33 MB
 Isn't it surprising that the universe behaves very differently on different scales.mp42.4 MB
 Why do quantum mechanics and general relativity conflict with each other.mp42.51 MB
 Is the search for a unified theory correctly described as a search for the Theory of Everything.mp42.73 MB
 Is the search for a unified theory driven by the urge to find mathematical beauty.mp42.79 MB
 What are the candidates for unified theory.mp42.84 MB
 If the macro-laws and micro-laws conflict, does that mean our understanding of physics is wrong.mp43.01 MB


Video clips and lectures about cosmology, particle physics, relativity and quantum mechanics presented by string theorist, Brian Greene

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World Science U(Brian Greene)-{VIRU'$}


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