REAL LEGENDS NEVER DIE!CRUDE.12<___Z>C.R.U.D.EP.R.O.U.D.L.Y P.R.E.S.E.N.T.SWeather Display v10.37R.05RLS.DATE.........2012/01/03RLS.SIZE..........06x5.00MBRLS.TYPE.............KeygenPROTECTION...........SerialPLATFORM.............WinAll* RELEASE NOTES *Weather Display is an applicationthat allows you to monitor theweather status. Not only does itsupport a huge range of stations fromall the major manufacturers but it'salso stacked with features and options.These include real time, auto scaleand graph history graphing, FTP ofthe weather data to your web page,pager and email notifications ofextreme conditions, web download,Metar / Synop emails, averages /extreme / climate / NOAA reports, webcam upload, grouped file uploads, FTPdownloads, decoded metar download's,APRS output (internet and direct comport as well) ,WAP, direct web camcapture, animated web cam images,weatherdials, weather voice, weatheranswer phone, use of Dallas 1 wiresensors (such as lightning counter,solar sensor, barometer sensor andextra temperature/humidity sensorswith any weather station), use aLabjack to add extra temperature orhumidity sensor to your existingweather station (USB).URL:* iNSTALL NOTES *1.) Unpack and install2.) Insert code from registrationwindow to keygen and generateyour serial3.) Enjoy!NOTE: Generated keys are based onthat computer and operating systemwhere they're generatedIf you can't understand how to installor use this then please don't waste ouror anyone else time whining about badinstallation instructions.Instead of blaming us for deliveringpoor package try to read developer'sFAQ or program's manual.* C O N T A C T *CRUDE IS A CLOSED GROUPSO WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANYKIND OF NEW MEMBERSOUR RESPECT AND GREETS GOES TO:BEAN . CoolPHat . DVT . EMBRACE . FLTHERiTAGE . HOODLUM . Lz0 . OUTLAWSPARADOX . SKIDROW . UNLEASHED . VACEAND TO ALL OUR FRIENDS IN THE SCENEYOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :P* aScii by ___Z *Direct From Starso2.o1.12
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