| | 002 Course Structure-EN.srt | 7.67 KB |
| | 001 Message to the Students.html | 836 bytes |
| | 002 Course Structure.mp4 | 48.81 MB |
| | 003 Thinking in 3D.mp4 | 56.75 MB |
| | Extra-Example-Roundtable.jpg | 88.75 KB |
| | Extra-Example-Spaceship.jpg | 347.43 KB |
| | 001 Navigating the Viewport.html | 6 KB |
| | 002 Learning the HotKeys.html | 5.93 KB |
| | 004 Starting 3ds Max.mp4 | 56.41 MB |
| | 005 Navigating the Viewport.mp4 | 96.82 MB |
| | 006 How to Create 3D Primitives.mp4 | 58.71 MB |
| | 007 Basic Tools Move Rotate and Scale.mp4 | 87.18 MB |
| | 008 Practice Modeling a Street Sign using Primitives.mp4 | 83.77 MB |
| | 003 Faces Edges and Vertices.html | 6.11 KB |
| | 004 Extrude Swift Loop and Weld.html | 6.19 KB |
| | 009 Message to the Students.html | 846 bytes |
| | 010 From Primitives to Complex Models.mp4 | 33.69 MB |
| | 011 Faces Edges and Vertices.mp4 | 65.25 MB |
| | 012 Modeling Tools Extrude.mp4 | 66.8 MB |
| | 013 Modeling Tools Swift Loop and Cut.mp4 | 64.6 MB |
| | 014 Modeling Tools Weld Vertices.mp4 | 46.97 MB |
| | Wood-Keg-Reference-Board.jpg | 591.25 KB |
| | Wood-Keg-Turnaround.jpg | 198.71 KB |
| | 015 Message to the Students.html | 838 bytes |
| | 016 Lets Model.mp4 | 88.53 MB |
| | 017 Preparing the Scene.mp4 | 33.02 MB |
| | 018 Inserting a Background Image Reference.mp4 | 44.29 MB |
| | 019 Starting with a Primitive.mp4 | 38.86 MB |
| | 020 Matching the Silhouette.mp4 | 47.02 MB |
| | 021 Modeling the Top Half.mp4 | 41.18 MB |
| | 022 Adding Details.mp4 | 44.46 MB |
| | 023 Mirroring the Bottom Half.mp4 | 35.55 MB |
| | Exercise-2-Modeling-Before-Optimization.zip | 29.2 KB |
| | 024 Message to the Students.html | 834 bytes |
| | 025 Optimizing like a Pro.mp4 | 58.74 MB |
| | 026 Quads Triangles and Ngons.mp4 | 72.22 MB |
| | 027 Removing Ngons.mp4 | 74.7 MB |
| | 028 Polishing.mp4 | 48.4 MB |
| | 029 Preparing for the Engine.mp4 | 30.24 MB |
| | 030 Exporting to the Engine.mp4 | 51.17 MB |
| | 031 Message to the Students.html | 820 bytes |