| | Before 1776 - Life In The American Colonies.pdf | 4.49 MB |
| | 00. Professor Bio.avi | 8.82 MB |
| | 35. Destruction Of Tea And Colonial Rebellion.avi | 215.29 MB |
| | 18. The New England Uprising Of 1689.avi | 215.38 MB |
| | 08. New England Heretics-Religious And Economic.avi | 215.39 MB |
| | 20. Captives And Stories Of Captivity.avi | 215.4 MB |
| | 07. The Puritans And Massachusetts.avi | 215.41 MB |
| | 02. Spain's New World Empire.avi | 215.41 MB |
| | 33. North Carolina Regulators Seek Local Rule.avi | 215.41 MB |
| | 03. John Smith, Pocahontas, And Jamestown.avi | 215.42 MB |
| | 06. The Iroquois, The French, And The Dutch.avi | 215.44 MB |
| | 21. The Indians' New World.avi | 215.44 MB |
| | 31. Pontiac's Revolt Against The British.avi | 215.44 MB |
| | 15. Bacon's Rebellion In Virginia.avi | 215.45 MB |
| | 26. The Atlantic Slave Trade And South Carolina.avi | 215.45 MB |
| | 09. The Connecticut Valley And The Pequot War.avi | 215.45 MB |
| | 28. The Great Awakening.avi | 215.45 MB |
| | 17. William Penn's New World Vision.avi | 215.45 MB |
| | 10. Sugar And Slaves-The Caribbean.avi | 215.46 MB |
| | 11. Mercantilism And The Growth Of Piracy.avi | 215.46 MB |
| | 14. King Philip's War In New England.avi | 215.46 MB |
| | 22. Family Life And Labor In Colonial America.avi | 215.48 MB |
| | 24. France, Senegal, And Louisiana.avi | 215.48 MB |
| | 29. The Albany Conference Of 1754.avi | 215.48 MB |
| | 30. The Great War For Empire.avi | 215.49 MB |
| | 27. The New York Conspiracy Of 1741.avi | 215.49 MB |
| | 25. Georgia-Dreams And Realities.avi | 215.5 MB |
| | 34. Virginia-Patrick Henry And The West.avi | 215.51 MB |
| | 32. Imperial Reform-The Sugar And Stamp Acts.avi | 215.51 MB |
| | 12. South Carolina-Rice, Cattle, And Artisans.avi | 215.51 MB |