| | Course Starter Materials.url | 274 bytes |
| | Dr. Timothy Spurgin.gif | 36.8 KB |
| | The Art Of Reading Guidebook.pdf | 438.97 KB |
| | L10 - The Game Is Afoot—Sherlock Holmes.m4a | 6.81 MB |
| | L7 - Explosive Devices—Irony Abd Ambiguity.m4a | 6.85 MB |
| | L23 - A Baggy Monster—War And Peace.m4a | 6.88 MB |
| | L9 - Master Plots—The Stranger And The Journey.m4a | 6.92 MB |
| | L11 - The Plot Thickens—Scott And Brontë.m4a | 6.95 MB |
| | L2 - Authors, Real And Implied.m4a | 6.99 MB |
| | L3 - Narrators—Their Voices And Their Visions.m4a | 7 MB |
| | L21 - A Long Short Story—''Runaway''.m4a | 7.03 MB |
| | L4 - Characters—Beyond Round And Flat.m4a | 7.04 MB |
| | L20 - Thumbs Up—Interpretation And Evaluation.m4a | 7.05 MB |
| | L19 - Realism Times Four.m4a | 7.11 MB |
| | L8 - Reading For The Plot—Five Simple Words.m4a | 7.13 MB |
| | L14 - Scene And Summary, Showing And Telling.m4a | 7.16 MB |
| | L15 - Subtexts, Motives, And Secrets.m4a | 7.16 MB |
| | L5 - Descriptions—People, Places, And Things.m4a | 7.18 MB |
| | L6 - Minimalists To Maximalists To Lyricists.m4a | 7.19 MB |
| | L16 - Dialogue—The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.m4a | 7.26 MB |
| | L18 - Adaptation—From Fiction To Film.m4a | 7.27 MB |
| | L13 - Chapters, Patterns, And Rhythms.m4a | 7.31 MB |
| | L12 - The Plot Vanishes—Faulkner And Woolf.m4a | 7.34 MB |
| | L17 - Metafiction—Fiction About Fiction.m4a | 7.37 MB |
| | L22 - A Classic Novel—The Age Of Innocence.m4a | 7.42 MB |
| | L24 - Picking Up The Tools.m4a | 7.68 MB |
| | L1 - Artful Reading And Everyday Reading.m4a | 7.85 MB |