Plot Summary For Transformers 2007
A long time ago, far away on the planet of Cybertron, a war was being waged between the noble Autobots (led by the wise Optimus Prime) and the devious Decepticons (commanded by the dreaded Megatron) for control over the Allspark, a mystical talisman that would grant unlimited power to whoever possessed it. The Autobots managed to smuggle the Allspark off the planet, but Megatron blasted off in search of it. He eventually tracked it to the planet of Earth (circa 1850), but his reckless desire for power sent him right into the Arctic Ocean, and the sheer cold forced him into a paralyzed state. His body was later found by Captain Archibald Witwicky, and before going into a comatose state Megatron used the last of his energy to engrave a map, showing the location of the Allspark, into the Captain's glasses, and send a transmission to Cybertron. He is then carted away by the Captain's ship. A century later.
Scenes from the Video By Adrian Dennis
Scenes from the Video By Adrian Dennis
Overview For Transformers 2007 The Movie
Movie Information
Film Length....... 2h 23mn 27sec
Format............ MP4
Size file......... 2.63 Gig
Language.......... English
Original Source... 1080P BluRay Disc
Genre ............. Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Video Information:
Format............ H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
Framerate......... 23.976 fps
Resolution........ 1280 x 588
Audio Information:
Format............ AAC LC
Bitrate........... 320 kbps
Sample Rate....... 48000 KHz
Channels.......... 6 channels
Subs.............. None
How to Play Movie Instructions
You can Play this movie with any video player but if you dont have any you can download Vlc
VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols without external codec or program. Done Enjoy!
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