S K I D R O Wthe leading forceproudly presentsTrain Fever: USA (c) Gambitious Digital Entertainment01-03-2015......Release Date Protection.................SteamSimulation.........Game Type Disk(s)....................1 DVDRELEASE NOTESWith the USA DLC, a complete American game mode is added to TrainFever. Equivalent to the original European game mode, the player startsin 1850 and experiences more than 150 years of railroad history. Morethan 50 realistic American vehicles including trains, buses, streetcarsand trucks are includedTo make the American experience complete, landscape and towns aremodified as well. Wild West stylized American towns spread in a desertlandscape and wait for a transport tycoon to be connected to the worldAlso, environment elements like trees, streets and the sky have beenadaptedAll vehicles are realistic. Models and textures have been developed byusing blueprints and photographs of the original vehicles. As a resultthe USA DLC depicts quite a piece of American railroad andtransportation historyThe USA DLC has been developed in close collaboration with the moddingcommunity. We are excited that modders have contributed more than 15vehicles. It s great to see such an active modding community. Tofurther support these activities, together with the release of the USADLC modding support is significantly extendedFeatures:Complete USA game mode (equivalent to European game mode)More than 50 realistic and detailed American vehiclesTrains, buses, streetcars and trucks of more than 150 years of AmericanhistoryAmerican landscape, towns, streets and environmentNOTE: This expansion is made standaloneINSTALL NOTES1. Unpack the release2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content assecure/trusted in your antivirus program6. Play the game7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!GREETINGSTo all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!ascii art by thegodlike & terrific duomalodix + irokostitan artdivision