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MyPhoneExplorer Simply explore your SonyEricsson or Android phone ! Connect your phone via cable, bluetooth or infrared and you'll be surprised how easy and efficient it will be to manage your phone with our software. Since it's first release MyPhoneExplorer evolved into the most popular freeware tool for SE-phones. The software is constantly updated with new features. Since version 1.8 MyPhoneExplorer supports also Android-based phones (connected via WiFi, USB cable or Bluetooth) Features: Adressbook - with direct sync to Outlook, GMail, Windows contacts, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Lotus Notes and Tobit David Organizer with calendarview and direct sync to Outlook, Google, Sunbird, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Windows calendar(Vista), Rainlendar, Lotus Notes, Tobit David and net shared calendars (WebDAV, FTP, local) SMS - archive, export, import, excessive messages,... Filebrowser with cachesystem to minimize datatransfer, automatic photosync... Set phoneclock based on atomtime and much more. f.e.: calllists, edit profiles, control phone, memorystatus, phonemonitor,... Symbian-Phone users from SE (f.e. P1i, M600i, W950i, W960i, G700, G900) please note: You need to install the PC-Suite first and the connection with MyPhoneExplorer is only possible through an USB-Cable. There are a few Low-Cost-Phones (f.e. T200i) which does not have a PC-Interface. Web: ................................................................................................... PhotoScape PhotoScape is a fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos. Key Features Viewer: View photos in your folder, create a slideshow Editor: resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming, paint brush, clone stamp, effect brush Batch editor: Batch edit multiple photos Page: Merge multiple photos on the page frame to create one final photo Combine: Attach multiple photos vertically or horizontally to create one final photo Animated GIF: Use multiple photos to create a final animated photo Print: Print portrait shots, carte de visites(CDV), passport photos Splitter: Slice a photo into several pieces Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it Color Picker: Zoom in on images, search and pick a color Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode Raw Converter: Convert RAW to JPG Paper Print: Print lined, graph, music and calendar paper Face Search: Find similar faces on the Internet PhotoScape is provided free of charge. We are always upgrading PhotoScape. Web: ................................................................................................... PhotoScape argazkiak zuzentzea eta hobetzea ahalbidetzen duen argazki edizio software atsegin eta erraz bat da. Ezaugarri Nagusiak: - Ikusgailua: ikusi argazkiak zure agiritegian, sortu aurkezpen bat - Editatzailea: birneurriratzea, dizdira eta margo zehazpena, zuri oreka, iluntasun zuzenketa, uztaiak, globoak, eradonki modua, gehitu idazkia, marraztu irudia, mozketa, iragazkiak, begi-gorri kenketa, lorapena, margoketa brotxa, klon irarketa, eragin brotxa - Multzo Editatzailea: editatu argazki ugari multzoka - Orrialdea: batu argazki anitz orrialde framean amaierako argazki bat sortzeko - Nahastu: erantsi argazki anitz zutika edo etzanka amaierako argazki bat sortzeko - GIF animazioa: erabili argazki anitz amaierako argazki animatu bat sortzeko - Irarkitu: irarkitu argazkiak, ikusaldi txartelak, muga-agiri argazkiak - Banantzailea: ebaki argazki bat zati anitzetan - Ikusleiho Harpena: hartu zure ikusleiho-argazki bat eta gorde - Margo Hautatzailea: handitu zooma irudietan, bilatu eta hautatu margo bat - Berrizendatu: aldatu argazki agirien izenak multzoka moduan - Raw Bihurketa: bihurtu RAW -> JPG-ra - Paper Irarketa: irarkitu lerroak, grafikoa, musika eta egutegi papera - Aurpegi Bilaketa: bilatu antzeko aurpegiak Internet-en ................................................................................................... SMPlayer A quick look at SMPlayer SMPlayer is a free media player for Windows and Linux with built-in codecs that can play virtually all video and audio formats. It doesn't need any external codecs. Just install SMPlayer and you'll be able to play all formats without the hassle to find and install codec packs. One of the most interesting features of SMPlayer: it remembers the settings of all files you play. So you start to watch a movie but you have to leave... don't worry, when you open that movie again it will be resumed at the same point you left it, and with the same settings: audio track, subtitles, volume... SMPlayer is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the award-winning MPlayer, which is capable of playing almost all known video and audio formats. But apart from providing access for the most common and useful options of MPlayer, SMPlayer adds other interesting features like the possibility to play Youtube videos or download subtitles. ................................................................................................... Begirada azkar bat SMPlayerri SMPlayer kodekak barne-bilduta dituen Windows eta Linux-rako multimedia irakurgailu askea da, bideo eta audio heuskarri ia guztiak irakurri ditzake. Ez du kanpoko kodekik behar. Besterik gabe ezarri SMPlayer eta heuskarri guztiak irakurtzeko gai izango zara kodek paketeak bilatu eta ezarri beharraren eragozpenik gabe. SMPlayer-en ezaugarri interesgarrienetako bat: irakurtzen dituzun agiri guztien ezarpenak gogoratzen ditu. Horrela filma bat ikusten hasten zara baina utzi beharra duzu... ez kezkatu, filma berriro irekitzen duzunean utzitako puntu berean berrekingo du, eta ezarpen berdinekin: audioa, bidea, azpidatziak, bolumena... SMPlayer MPlayer sari-irabazlearentzako erabiltzaile interfaze grafika (EIG) bat da, zeina audio eta bideo heuskarri ezagun gehienak irakurtzeko gai da. Baina MPlayerren aukera arrunt eta erabilgarrienetarako sarbidea eskaintzeaz gain, SMPlayer-ek beste ezaugarri interesgarri batzuk gehitzen ditu, Youtube bideoak irakurtzeko aukera edo azpidatziak jeistea bezalakoak. Web: ................................................................................................... Vuze Description Vuze (formerly Azureus) is a P2P file sharing client using the bittorrent protocol. Search and download torrent files. Play, convert and transcode videos and music for playing on many devices such as PSP, TiVo, XBox, PS3, iTunes (iPhone, iPod, Apple TV). Web: ................................................................................................... Related Torrents
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