| | 03 - Small Town.mp3 | 10.81 MB |
| | 05 - Set It Off.mp3 | 10.42 MB |
| | 02 - Brother John.mp3 | 9.35 MB |
| | 01 - Rhyme Animal.mp3 | 7.55 MB |
| | 10 - The Alternative Song.mp3 | 7.3 MB |
| | 07 - Sweet Unknown.mp3 | 6.96 MB |
| | 04 - Lift It.mp3 | 6.75 MB |
| | 09 - Moment of the Day.mp3 | 6.31 MB |
| | 08 - Sunshyne.mp3 | 5.44 MB |
| | 06 - Breather.mp3 | 5.4 MB |
| | 04 - This Is A Call.mp3 | 3.51 MB |
| | 07 - I Climb.mp3 | 3.13 MB |
| | 11 - Ordinary.mp3 | 2.89 MB |
| | 10 - Bounce.mp3 | 2.85 MB |
| | 12 - Break The Silence.mp3 | 2.81 MB |
| | 02 - Step To Me.mp3 | 2.76 MB |
| | 01 - Phenomenon.mp3 | 2.74 MB |
| | 06 - Faith, Love And Happiness.mp3 | 2.67 MB |
| | 08 - Quicken.mp3 | 2.62 MB |
| | 03 - Last Words.mp3 | 2.57 MB |
| | 05 - Rawkfist.mp3 | 2.45 MB |
| | 10 - Small Town.mp3 | 6.33 MB |
| | 11 - Set It Off.mp3 | 5.53 MB |
| | 14 - Brother John.mp3 | 5.34 MB |
| | 06 - Rhime Animal.mp3 | 4.57 MB |
| | 18 - The Alternative Song.mp3 | 4.07 MB |
| | 16 - Sweet Unknown.mp3 | 4.04 MB |
| | 12 - All The Way Live.mp3 | 3.85 MB |
| | 17 - Moment Of The Day.mp3 | 3.78 MB |
| | 13 - Lift It.mp3 | 3.62 MB |
| | 04 - Supafly.mp3 | 3.37 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 05 - Hurt.mp3 | 6.46 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 11 - Breathe You In.mp3 | 5.96 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 06 - Hand Grenade.mp3 | 5.73 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 08 - Hit The Floor.mp3 | 5.22 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 04 - Stranger.mp3 | 5.18 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 09 - Go.mp3 | 5.17 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 07 - Move.mp3 | 4.73 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 03 - The Art Of Breaking.mp3 | 4.53 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 01 - Absolute.mp3 | 4.51 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 02 - Slow Bleed.mp3 | 4.39 MB |
| | Thousand Foot Krutch - 10 - Make Me A Believer.mp3 | 3.81 MB |
| | 11. The Safest Place.mp3 | 5.64 MB |
| | 08. Learn To Breathe.mp3 | 5.64 MB |
| | 09. Inhuman.mp3 | 5.59 MB |
| | 10. Broken Wing.mp3 | 5.36 MB |
| | 12. Wish You Well (Piano Version).mp3 | 5.26 MB |
| | 05. Favorite Disease.mp3 | 5.18 MB |
| | 06. My Home.mp3 | 5.05 MB |
| | 13. The Last Song.mp3 | 4.95 MB |
| | 02. Falls Apart.mp3 | 4.92 MB |
| | 01. The Flame In All Of Us.mp3 | 4.61 MB |
| | Bring Me To Life.mp3 | 5.97 MB |
| | 13-thousand_foot_krutch-already_home.mp3 | 7.1 MB |
| | 06-thousand_foot_krutch-watching_over_me.mp3 | 6.91 MB |
| | 07-thousand_foot_krutch-the_part_that_hurts_the_most_(is_me).mp3 | 6.78 MB |
| | 10-thousand_foot_krutch-foward_motion.mp3 | 6.57 MB |
| | 05-thousand_foot_krutch-e_for_extinction.mp3 | 6.39 MB |
| | 02-thousand_foot_krutch-welcome_to_the_masquerade.mp3 | 6.21 MB |
| | 09-thousand_foot_krutch-look_away.mp3 | 6.1 MB |
| | 04-thousand_foot_krutch-bring_me_to_life.mp3 | 5.97 MB |
| | 11-thousand_foot_krutch-outta_control.mp3 | 5.79 MB |
| | 08-thousand_foot_krutch-scream.mp3 | 5.63 MB |
| | 01-thousand_foot_krutch-welcome_to_the_masquerade.mp3 | 11.32 MB |
| | 14-thousand_foot_krutch-untitled.mp3 | 9.94 MB |
| | 13-thousand_foot_krutch-puppet.mp3 | 8.44 MB |
| | 07-thousand_foot_krutch-scream.mp3 | 7.86 MB |
| | 02-thousand_foot_krutch-bring_me_to_life.mp3 | 7.16 MB |
| | 10-thousand_foot_krutch-rawkfist.mp3 | 7.15 MB |
| | 12-thousand_foot_krutch-already_home.mp3 | 6.88 MB |
| | 05-thousand_foot_krutch-the_flame_in_all_of_us.mp3 | 6.77 MB |
| | 08-thousand_foot_krutch-what_do_we_know.mp3 | 6.61 MB |
| | 09-thousand_foot_krutch-falls_apart.mp3 | 6.6 MB |
| | 01 - War Of Change.mp3 | 4.42 MB |
| | 13 - Already Home.mp3 | 7.1 MB |
| | 06 - Watching Over Me.mp3 | 6.91 MB |
| | 07 - The Part That Hurts The Most (Is Me).mp3 | 6.78 MB |
| | 10 - Foward Motion.mp3 | 6.57 MB |
| | 05 - E For Extinction.mp3 | 6.39 MB |
| | 02 - Welcome To The Masquerade.mp3 | 6.21 MB |
| | 09 - Look Away.mp3 | 6.1 MB |
| | 04 - Bring Me To Life.mp3 | 5.97 MB |
| | 11 - Outta Control.mp3 | 5.79 MB |
| | 08 - Scream.mp3 | 5.63 MB |
| | 14. So Far Gone.mp3 | 8.22 MB |
| | 12. All I Need To Know.mp3 | 7.62 MB |
| | 05. Let The Sparks Fly.mp3 | 7.52 MB |
| | 13. Fly On The Wall.mp3 | 7.41 MB |
| | 03. Light Up The Sky.mp3 | 7.32 MB |
| | 09. Courtesy Call.mp3 | 7.23 MB |
| | 10. War Of Change.mp3 | 7.08 MB |
| | 04. The End Is Where We Begin.mp3 | 6.87 MB |
| | 07. Be Somebody.mp3 | 6.79 MB |
| | 06. I Get Wicked.mp3 | 6.52 MB |
| | 08 In My Room.mp3 | 10.7 MB |
| | 06 I See Red.mp3 | 9.58 MB |
| | 02 Untraveled Road.mp3 | 9.03 MB |
| | 09 Oxygen.mp3 | 8.88 MB |
| | 04 Set Me On Fire.mp3 | 8.75 MB |
| | 01 Like a Machine.mp3 | 8.58 MB |
| | 05 Give It To Me.mp3 | 8.39 MB |
| | 03 Born This Way.mp3 | 7.89 MB |
| | 10 Glow.mp3 | 7.7 MB |
| | 07 Light Up.mp3 | 6.82 MB |
| | Cover.png | 739.63 KB |