| | Basic Music Theory How to Read Write and Understand Written.pdf | 5.15 MB |
| | Click here for MORE FREE E-BOOKS & Audiobooks.url | 210 bytes |
| | read me.txt | 101 bytes |
| | Gospel_Piano_Videos_Collection_Cassandra_Piano_Video.wmv | 342.33 MB |
| | 12 Chord-Scale Compendium.wma | 17.87 MB |
| | 06 Blues In Three Colors.wma | 10.35 MB |
| | Jerry Coker - The Complete Method for Improvisation.pdf | 9.03 MB |
| | 05 Interminable.wma | 7.92 MB |
| | 04 Minor Incident.wma | 7.82 MB |
| | 02 Two-Bop.wma | 7.47 MB |
| | 03 Fours.wma | 7.42 MB |
| | 10 Interminable (w-solo).wma | 4 MB |
| | 07 Two-Bop (w-solo).wma | 2.48 MB |
| | 11 Blues In Three Colors (w-solo).wma | 2.45 MB |
| | 18.Funk Piano Song.flv | 12.7 MB |
| | 11.Tremolo for Funk Piano Solos.flv | 10.74 MB |
| | 15. Accent Notes for Blues Piano.flv | 10.17 MB |
| | 16.Riff Variation in Funk Piano.flv | 10.06 MB |
| | 8.Left Hand Techniques for Funk Piano Solos.flv | 9.92 MB |
| | 12.Double Stops for Funk Piano Solos.flv | 9.77 MB |
| | 2. Lead In Melody Line for Funk Piano.flv | 6.8 MB |
| | HowToPlayAFunkGroove_Drums_5Minutes.mp3 | 4.62 MB |
| | HowToPlayAFunkGroove-II.mp3 | 3.61 MB |
| | 0.Funk Piano Overview.flv | 2.91 MB |
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| | funk groove-Piano_diary_2000_03.html | 77.91 KB |
| | How to Play a Funk Groove on the Piano _ GrooveWindow.htm | 48.08 KB |
| | What a Friend We Have In Jesus.wmv | 33.29 MB |
| | MIDI SHED MIXTAPE.wmv | 27.77 MB |
| | worship moves.wmv | 25.08 MB |
| | piano shout.wmv | 23.99 MB |
| | BecauseofWhoYouAre.mp3 | 9.86 MB |
| | JesusIsTheBestThing.mp3 | 9.21 MB |
| | JamalsTalktoBeginners.mp3 | 6.96 MB |
| | We Fall Down.wmv | 6.77 MB |
| | big change.wmv | 5.53 MB |
| | RUNS.wmv | 5.39 MB |
| | MinistryMusician-Disc1.mp4 | 478.35 MB |
| | MinistryMusician-Disc2.mp4 | 478.16 MB |
| | Mark Levine - Jazz Theory.pdf | 111.52 MB |
| | Jazz Theory.pdf | 103.78 MB |
| | Kiselev W. - 150 American Jazz Standards.pdf | 71.51 MB |
| | Harmonia - Berklee.pdf | 59.81 MB |
| | Lenny Breau - Fingerstyle Jazz.pdf | 49.53 MB |
| | Toby Wine, Hal Leonard - 1001 Blues Licks.pdf | 46.37 MB |
| | Guitar Book 1001 Blues Licks.pdf | 46.37 MB |
| | The Real Book of Jazz Volume II.pdf | 44.82 MB |
| | Jazz Fake Book.pdf | 38.32 MB |
| | Salsa Guidebook Para Piano & Ensemble.pdf | 35.38 MB |
| | 03 - From Basic to Advanced - How to Transform a Traditional Hymn.mp4 | 282.8 MB |
| | 04 - Tips and Techniques for Reaching a Mastery Level.mp4 | 125.3 MB |
| | 02 - Combining Common Patterns to Play Songs.mp4 | 97.51 MB |
| | 05 - Mastery Summary.mp4 | 39.81 MB |
| | 01 - Introduction.mp4 | 28.33 MB |
| | cover4.jpg | 13.64 KB |
| | 02 - Mastering Chord Qualities.mp4 | 243.64 MB |
| | 03 - Mastering Scale Tones and Common Patterns.mp4 | 194.61 MB |
| | 04 - Mastery Summary.mp4 | 60.3 MB |
| | 01 - Introduction.mp4 | 35.16 MB |
| | Cover5.jpg | 18.27 KB |
| | 03 - Circle of Fifths, Circular Movement.mp4 | 175.22 MB |
| | 06 - Common Advanced Progressions.mp4 | 169.6 MB |
| | 02 - Diatonic Chords.mp4 | 126.04 MB |
| | 05 - Common Circular Progressions.mp4 | 124.31 MB |
| | 08 - The Art of Fancy Chords (Placement).mp4 | 87.37 MB |
| | 04 - Stepwise Motion and Other Patterns.mp4 | 78.86 MB |
| | 07 - Transposition and Learnining all 12 Keys.mp4 | 73.4 MB |
| | 01 - Introduction.mp4 | 40.6 MB |
| | 09 - Mastery Summary.mp4 | 37.76 MB |
| | Cover3.jpg | 27.29 KB |
| | 06 - Seventh Chord Voicings.mp4 | 160.27 MB |
| | 11 - Mastery Summary.mp4 | 100.88 MB |
| | 07 - Ninth Chord Voicings.mp4 | 99.17 MB |
| | 02 - Chord Quality vs Quantity.mp4 | 93.41 MB |
| | 08 - Eleventh Chord Voicings.mp4 | 89.89 MB |
| | 04 - Chord Inversions.mp4 | 61.56 MB |
| | 10 - Common Altered Chords.mp4 | 57.32 MB |
| | 03 - Diminished vs Augmented Chords.mp4 | 49.83 MB |
| | 05 - Chord Classes.mp4 | 46.7 MB |
| | 09 - Thirteenth Chord Voicings.mp4 | 46.65 MB |
| | 02 - Note Names, Sharps andFlats, Whole Steps and Half Steps, 12 Keys Goals.mp4 | 147.44 MB |
| | 03 - Major Scales, Relative Minor, Minor Scales.mp4 | 116.02 MB |
| | 05 - Intervals and Distance.mp4 | 105.57 MB |
| | 04 - Number System.mp4 | 97.73 MB |
| | 01 - Introduction.mp4 | 52.69 MB |
| | 06 - Mastery Summary.mp4 | 33.74 MB |
| | cover1.jpg | 15.15 KB |
| | PITCH.zip | 1.34 MB |
| | pitch code.txt | 14 bytes |
| | Book 2 - missingchapter.pdf | 1.12 MB |
| | Book 3 - bigsecret.pdf | 952.25 KB |
| | Book 1 - mtreport.pdf | 913.63 KB |
| | mtchart.pdf | 418 KB |
| | Flash Cards 1 - pianonumbers.pdf | 153.13 KB |
| | Flash Cards 3 - patterns.pdf | 145.29 KB |
| | Flash Cards 2 - pianochords.pdf | 129.2 KB |
| | The Secrets To Playing Piano By Ear.pdf | 4.17 MB |
| | GospelKeys300 Manual.pdf | 681.31 KB |
| | Cover.jpg | 135.87 KB |
| | Forget the right hand! Focus on the left… - Hear and Play Music Learning Center.mp4 | 8.15 MB |
| | YouTube - Clip from GospelKeys Urban... How To Use Grace Notes.mp4 | 8.15 MB |
| | YouTube - Gospel Keys Urban Clip-Learn Chords That Will Turn Heads.mp4 | 8.09 MB |
| | YouTube - GospelKeysUrban.com-Learn Fat Chords_ Licks_ Tricks And More.mp4 | 7.21 MB |
| | YouTube - GospelKeysUrban.com-Discover The Power Of Grace Notes.mp4 | 7.14 MB |
| | YouTube - Gospel Keys Urban Pro Clip - Learn Phat Passing Chords.flv | 4.49 MB |
| | YouTube - GospelKeysUrban.com-You Will Turn Heads With This One.flv | 3.88 MB |
| | Forget the right hand! Focus on the left… - Hear and Play Music Learning Center.flv | 3.8 MB |
| | YouTube - GospelKeysUrban.com-Explore Advanced Two Hand Chord Voicings.flv | 3.8 MB |
| | YouTube - Gospel Keys Urban Clip-Explore How To Fatten Up The 7-3-6.flv | 3.16 MB |
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| | YouTube - Bishop Paul S. Morton Don_t Do it without Me.flv | 1.44 MB |
| | gk202clip9.wmv | 1.44 MB |
| | gk202clip11.wmv | 1.43 MB |
| | Interview with Nelson Jackson.mp3 | 11.93 MB |
| | Interview with Mike Bereal.mp3 | 9.87 MB |
| | Gospel_Piano_Videos_Collection_John_Peters_NEXT_LEVEL_DVD.wmv | 837.93 MB |
| | Gospel_Piano_Videos_Collection_JUSTIN_GILBERT.wmv | 557.48 MB |
| | Track 86.mp3 | 3.19 MB |
| | Track 90.mp3 | 2.82 MB |
| | Track 82.mp3 | 2.49 MB |
| | Track 87.mp3 | 2.36 MB |
| | Track 78.mp3 | 1.96 MB |
| | Track 91.mp3 | 1.89 MB |
| | track 33.mp3 | 1.84 MB |
| | Track 08.mp3 | 1.84 MB |
| | Track 02.mp3 | 1.84 MB |
| | Track 83.mp3 | 1.83 MB |
| | Country Piano.pdf | 238.97 MB |
| | Track 94.mp3 | 3.43 MB |
| | Track 92.mp3 | 2.58 MB |
| | Track 95.mp3 | 2.43 MB |
| | Track 90.mp3 | 2.19 MB |
| | Track 98.mp3 | 2.17 MB |
| | Track 86.mp3 | 2.13 MB |
| | Track 96.mp3 | 2.02 MB |
| | Track 93.mp3 | 1.93 MB |
| | Track 87.mp3 | 1.71 MB |
| | Track 91.mp3 | 1.66 MB |
| | R&B Keyboard - The Complete Guide.pdf | 29.19 MB |
| | 70_Boogie Woogie Wonderland Demo Slow.mp3 | 2.83 MB |
| | 71_Boogie Woogie Wonderland Backing Track Slow.mp3 | 2.82 MB |
| | 73_Boogie Woogie Wonderland Backing Track Full Speed.mp3 | 2.51 MB |
| | 72_Boogie Woogie Wonderland Demo Full Speed.mp3 | 2.51 MB |
| | 64_Buddy Brilliant Demo.mp3 | 2.34 MB |
| | 65_Buddy Brilliant Backing Track.mp3 | 2.33 MB |
| | 75_RIC~1.mp3 | 2.19 MB |
| | 74_Rick's Rock Little Richard Style Demo Slow.mp3 | 2.19 MB |
| | 78_Roll Over Jerry! Jerry Lee Lewis Style Demo Slow.mp3 | 2.04 MB |
| | 79_ROL~1.mp3 | 2.03 MB |
| | Rock 'n' Roll Piano - The Complete Guide.pdf | 19.54 MB |
| | . | 6 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track39.mp3 | 948.7 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track25.mp3 | 909.72 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track56.mp3 | 842.37 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track92.mp3 | 693.39 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track99.mp3 | 609.31 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track49.mp3 | 595.63 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track97.mp3 | 587.88 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track70.mp3 | 569.72 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track90.mp3 | 561.35 KB |
| | Scott Miller - Track18.mp3 | 549.51 KB |
| | Miller, Scott - Rock Keyboard.pdf | 7.42 MB |
| | Track 88.mp3 | 3.09 MB |
| | Track 77.mp3 | 3 MB |
| | Track 81.mp3 | 2.88 MB |
| | Track 86.mp3 | 2.64 MB |
| | Track 82.mp3 | 2.42 MB |
| | Track 84.mp3 | 2.37 MB |
| | Track 78.mp3 | 2.29 MB |
| | Track 89.mp3 | 2.13 MB |
| | Track 79.mp3 | 2.04 MB |
| | Track 87.mp3 | 1.95 MB |
| | ._Track 68. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 67. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 69. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 66. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 65. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 64. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 63. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 62. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 61. | 82 bytes |
| | ._Track 60. | 82 bytes |
| | Smooth jazz piano by Mark Harrison 79p.pdf | 6.05 MB |
| | Track 88.mp3 | 3.09 MB |
| | Track 77.mp3 | 3 MB |
| | Track 81.mp3 | 2.88 MB |
| | Track 86.mp3 | 2.64 MB |
| | Track 82.mp3 | 2.42 MB |
| | Track 84.mp3 | 2.37 MB |
| | Track 78.mp3 | 2.29 MB |
| | Track 89.mp3 | 2.13 MB |
| | Track 79.mp3 | 2.04 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track85.mp3 | 3.67 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track93.mp3 | 3.67 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track91.mp3 | 3.58 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track81.mp3 | 3.45 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track89.mp3 | 3.38 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track87.mp3 | 3.26 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track83.mp3 | 3.22 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track18.mp3 | 2.99 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track92.mp3 | 2.63 MB |
| | Blues Piano - Track90.mp3 | 2.45 MB |
| | Blues Piano by Mark Harrison.pdf | 5.94 MB |
| | PLEASE READ THIS IF YOU WANT MORE.txt | 729 bytes |
| | Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.com.txt | 47 bytes |
| | 12 - Improvising over 7th Chords.mp3 | 27.68 MB |
| | 23 - Have you met Miss Jones (pt1).mp3 | 26.69 MB |
| | 14 - Rhythm Changes (pt1).mp3 | 26.28 MB |
| | 01 - From Scales to Chords.mp3 | 25.27 MB |
| | 22 - Blue Bossa.mp3 | 24.81 MB |
| | 16 - Rhythm Changes (pt2).mp3 | 23.62 MB |
| | 05 - The 2,5,1 Sequence.mp3 | 23.26 MB |
| | 13 - Bebop Blues.mp3 | 22.34 MB |
| | 07 - Autumn Leaves (pt2).mp3 | 22.32 MB |
| | 03 - Intervals and the Circle of Fifths.mp3 | 22.04 MB |
| | Gospel_Piano_Videos_Collection_MASTER_CLASS_VO1_Mike_Bereal_CD1.wmv | 360.85 MB |
| | Gospel_Piano_Videos_Collection_MASTER_CLASS_VO1_Mike_Bereal_CD2.wmv | 345.17 MB |
| | Gospel_Piano_Videos_Collection_Pamela_Davis.mpg | 911.11 MB |
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| | B9_p4-7_maj_scales.mov | 6.79 MB |
| | B9_p6_scales_flats.mov | 4.86 MB |
| | B3_p6-9_Inversions.mov | 8.65 MB |
| | B3_p28-31_practise_chds.mov | 8.15 MB |
| | B3_p3-4_all_chds_mem_trick.mov | 5.75 MB |
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| | B9_p21_7ths_workout1.mov | 2.09 MB |
| | B9_p22_7ths_workout2.mov | 1.46 MB |
| | B6_p58_Jazz_G.mov | 7.24 MB |
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| | B6_p52_Gm_bass_line_pt2.mov | 2.27 MB |
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| | B4_p7_9_Mannilow.mov | 3.37 MB |
| | B4_p6_9_11_pract_prog.mov | 2.35 MB |
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| | B6_p8_monk_pt2_imp.mov | 1010 KB |
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| | B7_p14_I-IV_riff.mov | 3.99 MB |
| | B7_p20_new_RH_chds.mov | 2.12 MB |
| | B7_p10_doub_shuff.mov | 1.58 MB |
| | B7_p18_I-IV_hammer-on.mov | 1.24 MB |
| | B7_p12_trip_shuff.mov | 1.21 MB |
| | B7_p13_trip_shuff_mix.mov | 1.11 MB |
| | B7_p17_I-IV_riff_pt2.mov | 955.25 KB |
| | B7_p23_new_chds_shuff.mov | 517 KB |
| | B9_p10-11_other_scls.mov | 6.28 MB |
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| | B9_p19_triad_workout_1.mov | 2.75 MB |
| | B9_p12_arpeggios.mov | 2.65 MB |
| | B9_p15_arpeg_minor_dim.mov | 1.56 MB |
| | B4_p10_Dim_Chds.mov | 5.17 MB |
| | B4_p13_RH_clust_chds.mov | 5 MB |
| | B4_p25_Beatles_Blues_Rock.mov | 2.18 MB |
| | B4_p24_Beatles_style.mov | 2.17 MB |
| | B6_p49_Chd_Fragments.mov | 5.1 MB |
| | B6_p46_Quartal.mov | 4.39 MB |
| | B6_p40_comping.mov | 3.83 MB |
| | B6_p43_strd_variation.mov | 2.32 MB |
| | B6_p50_Bill_Evans.mov | 2.15 MB |
| | B6_p42_Latin_comp.mov | 1.42 MB |
| | B6_p39_God_Rest.mov | 1.28 MB |
| | B6_p63_Trad_Jazz.mov | 5 MB |
| | B6_p68_Blues_Cm.mov | 3.23 MB |
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| | B6_p20_imp_ideas.mov | 4.98 MB |
| | B6_p16_imp_mel_1-6.mov | 4.5 MB |
| | B6_p17_Jazz_Inv.mov | 4.24 MB |
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| | B6_p21_ideas_4.mov | 2.95 MB |
| | B6_p15_FJJ_pt_2.mov | 1.16 MB |
| | B6_p14_FJJ.mov | 873.95 KB |
| | B6_p16_imp_mel_no7.mov | 309.46 KB |
| | B5_p9_pent_ideas_pt1.mov | 4.83 MB |
| | B5_p19-20.mov | 3.53 MB |
| | B5_p21_4.mov | 3.2 MB |
| | B5_p5_ex1-3.mov | 3.03 MB |
| | B5_p15.mov | 2.52 MB |
| | B5_p21_12.mov | 2.19 MB |
| | B5_p18.mov | 1.93 MB |
| | B5_p21_3.mov | 1.12 MB |
| | B5_p30_3steps.mov | 4.5 MB |
| | B5_p24_no1_Am_pt2imp.mov | 3.76 MB |
| | B5_p23_mix_pt1.mov | 2.51 MB |
| | B5_p24_no1_Am_pt1.mov | 2.35 MB |
| | B5_p26_Dm_pt1.mov | 2.32 MB |
| | B5_p26_Dm_pt2_Imp.mov | 2.25 MB |
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| | B5_p23_mix_pt2.mov | 823.52 KB |
| | B5_p47_Tipp.mov | 4.42 MB |
| | B5_p48_Danny_Boy.mov | 2.66 MB |
| | B5_p42_Chim_Chim.mov | 2.64 MB |
| | B5_p45_Part_Glass.mov | 2.06 MB |
| | B5_p33_3stps_pt2.mov | 2.01 MB |
| | B5_p41_Jock_Stewart.mov | 1.54 MB |
| | B5_p38_Ding_D.mov | 1.2 MB |
| | B5_p33_ALSang.mov | 659.51 KB |
| | B5_p36_Scar_Fair.mov | 616.57 KB |
| | B1_p47_Sevenths.mov | 4.36 MB |
| | B1_p35_Brk_Chd_ex.mov | 3.08 MB |
| | B1_p51_split_ch.mov | 1.79 MB |
| | B1_p30_Um_pah_prog.mov | 1.55 MB |
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| | B1_p29_Um_pah.mov | 1.02 MB |
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| | B1_p8_Left_Right.mov | 757.1 KB |
| | B7_p51_fake_LH.mov | 4.33 MB |
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| | B8_p36_Bach_G.mov | 1.9 MB |
| | B8_p30_Rondino.mov | 1.69 MB |
| | B8_p31_Bach_pt1.mov | 1.6 MB |
| | B8_p23_Fur_Elise.mov | 1.55 MB |
| | B8_p31_Bach_pt2.mov | 844.27 KB |
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| | B7_p35_pick-Hamm-Trem.mov | 1.03 MB |
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| | B7_p38_using_Octvs.mov | 938.66 KB |
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| | B2_p15_R4_12-8 Boogie.mov | 3.03 MB |
| | B2_p7_R2_Str8 Boogie.mov | 2.79 MB |
| | B2_p13_R3_Blueb_Hill.mov | 2.41 MB |
| | B2_p4_R1_Basic.mov | 2.09 MB |
| | B2_p20_R5_Blues_Bros.mov | 1.78 MB |
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| | B2_p9_R2_Str8_Boogie_2.mov | 1.05 MB |
| | B1_p55_Half_B_Bounce.mov | 2.93 MB |
| | B1_p59_Twist.mov | 2.71 MB |
| | B1_p72_country.mov | 2.45 MB |
| | B1_p77_Twst2.mov | 2.14 MB |
| | B1_p74_Bossa_Nova_B.mov | 2.03 MB |
| | B1_p68_3_Beat_Bounce.mov | 1.79 MB |
| | B1_p63_Slash_Chds.mov | 1.76 MB |
| | B5_p59_stride.mov | 2.74 MB |
| | B5_p57_10ths.mov | 2.09 MB |
| | B5_p55_ext_LH.mov | 2.01 MB |
| | B5_p61_beyond_3.mov | 1.84 MB |
| | B5_p58_10ths_cycle.mov | 1.83 MB |
| | B5_p65_jazz_imp.mov | 1.63 MB |
| | B5_p64_jazz_LH.mov | 1.34 MB |
| | B5_p62_Greensleaves.mov | 807.92 KB |
| | PFA_xtraBonus.pdf | 3.27 MB |
| | PFA_Book9.pdf | 2.39 MB |
| | PFA_Book6.pdf | 2.25 MB |
| | PFA_Book8.pdf | 1.92 MB |
| | PFA_Book1.pdf | 1.91 MB |
| | PFA_Book10.pdf | 1.73 MB |
| | PFA_Book7.pdf | 1.61 MB |
| | PFA_Book5.pdf | 1.47 MB |
| | PFA_Book3.pdf | 1.39 MB |
| | PFA_Book4.pdf | 1.35 MB |
| | PFA_Book2.pdf | 803.99 KB |
| | Torrent_downloaded_from_Demonoid.com.txt | 47 bytes |
| | 3.wmv | 44.71 MB |
| | 9.wmv | 43.31 MB |
| | 8.wmv | 30.81 MB |
| | 11.wmv | 30.14 MB |
| | 6.wmv | 27.02 MB |
| | 12.wmv | 25.18 MB |
| | 13.wmv | 24.01 MB |
| | 18.wmv | 23.58 MB |
| | 2.wmv | 20.59 MB |
| | 4.wmv | 20.59 MB |
| | Ear Training DVD Part 1.avi | 358.4 MB |
| | Ear Training DVD Part 2.avi | 266.86 MB |
| | Lesson 1 - 1 - Introductory Talk Part 1.mp3 | 36.39 MB |
| | Lesson 9 - 12 - Relative Pitch Power Points Part 2.mp3 | 25.95 MB |
| | Lesson 2 - 4 - Enharmonic Spellings.mp3 | 21.37 MB |
| | Lesson 3 - 5 - Sound Test Perfect Fifths (Singing).mp3 | 16.41 MB |
| | Lesson 7 - 7 - Lightning Round Mixed P4, P5, PO & PU.mp3 | 15.96 MB |
| | Lesson 5 - 3 - Sound Test Major Thirds.mp3 | 15.38 MB |
| | Lesson 7 - 2 - Spelling Test Major & Minor Chords.mp3 | 15.15 MB |
| | Lesson 4 - 3 - Sound Test Perfect Fourths.mp3 | 15.15 MB |
| | Lesson 8 - 07 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill.mp3 | 14.59 MB |
| | Lesson 7 - 3 - Sound Test Major & Minor Arpeggios.mp3 | 14.15 MB |
| | Lesson 21 - 2 - How to Take Music Out of Your Head.mp3 | 29.67 MB |
| | Lesson 23 - 6 - Stepwise Motion - Spelling.mp3 | 17.75 MB |
| | Lesson 22 - 3 - Sound Test Augmented Fourths.mp3 | 14.3 MB |
| | Lesson 19 - 3 - Sound Test Minor Sevenths.mp3 | 12.93 MB |
| | Lesson 20 - 3 - Sound Test Major Sevenths.mp3 | 12.75 MB |
| | Lesson 22 - 7 - Synthesizer Lightning Round.mp3 | 12.71 MB |
| | Lesson 18 - 07 - Drill Keynotes, Degrees & Inversions - Part 1.mp3 | 12.63 MB |
| | Lesson 25 - 4 - Synthesizer Lightning Round All Mixed with.mp3 | 11.82 MB |
| | Lesson 23 - 3 - Lightning Round All Mixed.mp3 | 10.42 MB |
| | Lesson 24 - 04 - Miscellaneous Notes on Intervals & Theoret.mp3 | 9.8 MB |
| | Lesson 16 - 5 - Synthesizer Drills 2) Moving Inversions.mp3 | 25.66 MB |
| | Lesson 16 - 3 - Synthesizer Drills 1) Inversions.mp3 | 15.81 MB |
| | Lesson 13 - 08 - Drill Melodic Inversions.mp3 | 12.86 MB |
| | Lesson 12 - 10 - Drill Harmonic Inversions.mp3 | 12.45 MB |
| | Lesson 14 - 05 - Lightning Round Sixths.mp3 | 11.12 MB |
| | Lesson 10 - 10 - Drill Mixed Major & Minor Inversions.mp3 | 10.03 MB |
| | Lesson 14 - 03 - Sound Test Monir Sixths.mp3 | 9.99 MB |
| | Lesson 15 - 09 - Relative Pitch Identification Drill.mp3 | 9.97 MB |
| | Lesson 13 - 04 - Sound Test Major Sixths.mp3 | 9.68 MB |
| | Lesson 17 - 6 - Exam 4) Lightning Round.mp3 | 8.96 MB |
| | Lesson 28 - 5 - The Circle of Fifths.mp3 | 20.93 MB |
| | Lesson 26 - 3 - Talks 2) How Perfect Pitch & Relative Pitc.mp3 | 20.43 MB |
| | Lesson 33 - 6 - Analysis Following the Flow of Music by Ear.mp3 | 13.83 MB |
| | Lesson 26 - 2 - Talks 1) Stabilization of Relative Pitch.mp3 | 12.86 MB |
| | Lesson 27 - 4 - Major Scales Essential Foundations for Ear.mp3 | 12.47 MB |
| | Lesson 27 - 5 - Lightning Round Scale Degrees.mp3 | 11.37 MB |
| | Lesson 31 - 09 - Diatonic Tones.mp3 | 10.86 MB |
| | Lesson 33 - 7 - The 8 Essential Perceptions for the Establi.mp3 | 10.55 MB |
| | Lesson 29 - 10 - Chord Drill M7, m7, m M7, Dom7.mp3 | 9.83 MB |
| | Lesson 32 - 11 - Lightning Round All Seventh Chords.mp3 | 9.17 MB |
| | Lesson 41 - 7 - Final Talk & Notes.mp3 | 18.61 MB |
| | Lesson 41 - 6 - Answers Arrangement.mp3 | 15.5 MB |
| | Lesson 34 - 6 - Progression & Modulation.mp3 | 14.82 MB |
| | Lesson 34 - 4 - Pivot Chords & Changing Chords.mp3 | 14.62 MB |
| | Lesson 39 - 2 - Borrowed Dominants.mp3 | 13.25 MB |
| | Lesson 39 - 6 - Drill Progressions (Cadences).mp3 | 12.51 MB |
| | Lesson 39 - 3 - Cadences Full, Half, Plagal, Deceptive, fl.mp3 | 11.77 MB |
| | Lesson 34 - 3 - Analysis of Bach Following the Flow of Mus.mp3 | 11.74 MB |
| | Lesson 37 - 02 - Equal-Tempered and Just Tuning Systems.mp3 | 11.58 MB |
| | Lesson 37 - 10 - Lightning Rounds Ninth Chords with Add 9.mp3 | 11.21 MB |
| | Relative Pitch Ear Training by David Lucas Burge (Manual).pdf | 7.99 MB |
| | 16-short musical phases.mp3 | 6.42 MB |
| | 26-major & minor 7th & 9th chords -modern voicings- 4 bars each.mp3 | 5.45 MB |
| | 14-chord qualities & arpeggios.mp3 | 4.91 MB |
| | 22-major & minor-mixed-3 bars each.mp3 | 4.3 MB |
| | 06-major & minor 3rd intervals.mp3 | 4.07 MB |
| | 12-minor & major 7th and the octave.mp3 | 3.91 MB |
| | 10-major & minor 6th invervals.mp3 | 3.91 MB |
| | 02-chromatic scale exercises.mp3 | 3.9 MB |
| | 04-major & minor 2nd intervals.mp3 | 3.81 MB |
| | 08-perfect 4ths augmented 4ths & perfect 5th intervals(exercise).mp3 | 3.49 MB |
| | 26 - random qualities 2 bars each(exercise).mp3 | 6.23 MB |
| | 12 - walking bass line maj min dom 4 bars eachv.mp3 | 5.67 MB |
| | 20 - v7b9 resolving up perfect 4th to maj or min tonic chord(exercise).mp3 | 5.09 MB |
| | 22 - Whole Tone Chords + Scales over Tonic resolving (Maj or Min) Dom 7th chords(Exercise).mp3 | 4.25 MB |
| | 14 - maj to min or vice versa 2 bars each(exercise).mp3 | 3.9 MB |
| | 08 - mixed maj 7th min 7th dom 7th random root movement 2 bars each(exercise).mp3 | 3.86 MB |
| | 18 - diminished 7th chords 4 bars each (whole-half dim)(exercise).mp3 | 3.77 MB |
| | 24 - ii_v_i_i(exercise).mp3 | 3.65 MB |
| | 10 - mixed maj 7th min 7th dom 7th varied voicings 2 bars each(exercise).mp3 | 3.5 MB |
| | 16 - half diminished 7th chords 2 bars each(exercise).mp3 | 3.31 MB |
| | Jamey Aebersold - Jazz Ear Training.pdf | 982.9 KB |
| | setup.exe | 1.78 MB |
| | setup.exe | 1.78 MB |
| | a-eat165.rar | 1.76 MB |
| | air.nfo | 5.33 KB |
| | file_id.diz | 444 bytes |
| | a-eat165.zip | 1.76 MB |
| | air.nfo | 5.34 KB |
| | PITCH.zip | 1.34 MB |
| | pitch code.txt | 14 bytes |
| | Latin Real Book.pdf | 60.27 MB |
| | Real Book Vol 2 in Bb.pdf | 59.01 MB |
| | Real Book Vol 1 in Bb.pdf | 58.07 MB |
| | The Real Book XV Edition.pdf | 49.79 MB |
| | Real Book Vol 2.pdf | 44.82 MB |
| | The Book.pdf | 44.76 MB |
| | Jazz Ltd.pdf | 43.25 MB |
| | The Slickbook 1.pdf | 43.12 MB |
| | Hal Leonard Real Jazz Book.pdf | 42.95 MB |
| | Jazz standards (Budget books).pdf | 42.56 MB |
| | Willie Myette - 24 Jazz Piano Lessons.avi | 1.38 GB |
| | Amos St. John Interview.mov | 258.45 MB |
| | Interview with Nelson Jackson.mp3 | 11.93 MB |
| | Interview with Mike Bereal.mp3 | 9.87 MB |
| | The Art of Improvisation 1.pdf | 680.15 KB |
| | piano lessons.docx | 39.16 KB |
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