The Condemned 2007 HC 264 AAC MatRoska NhaNc3seeders: 0
leechers: 0
The Condemned 2007 HC 264 AAC MatRoska NhaNc3 (Size: 455.58 MB)
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The.Condemned.2007.480p ???? ??????? ??????? ?? .x264.HE-AAC.MatRoska.NhaNc3 ?? ??????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????[R]eleasenfo????[_][-][X] ????????? ? ???? ?? ????????? ??x????? [Ripper]............: TEAM NhaNc3/TheUnStoppable ?????? ?? ???????? ??2????? [Genre].............: Action / Crime / Thriller ?? ? ???????? ??6????? [NRelease Date].....: 2007 ? ??? ? ? ?????V?? ??4????? [Runtime]...........: 113 Mins-1Hr 53Mins ?? ??? ?? ?????o?? ???????? [Size]..............: 450 MB ? ??? ????? ?????R?? ???????? [XtRa]..............: Sample, NhaNc3 Wallpaper, Poster??? ????????b?? ???????? [Source]............: NTSC DVD ? ??????? ?????i?? ???????? [Tracks]............: 05 {1ViD/1AUD/3SUB} ? ??? ? ???????s?? ???????? [Subtitles].........: ENG - DUTCH - SPANISH ? ??? ? ?? ???????? ????????? ?? ? ??? ????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????[R]ippingnfo??????[_][-][X] ??H?????? ?Video? ??? ????? ????????? ??E????? [Codec].............: H264/AVC @ 505Kbps ?? ? .???? ???????? ??A????? [Encoder]...........: x264(r628)/MeGUI ? ? ???? ?????X?? ??A????? [Resolution]........: 720x400 ? ?? ?????? ?????v?? ??C????? ? ?? ?????? ?????i?? ???????? [Xtra Setting]......: Custom MatRix ? ??? ??????? ?????D?? ???????? ??? ? ????? ???????? ???????? ?Audio? ????? ? ???????? ???????? [Codec].............: HE-AAC @ 48 Kbps Stereo 2.0 (2 Channels)???????? ???????? [Encoder]...........: Nero Digital(SSE2)/BeHappy ?? ??????? ???????? ???????? ? ??? ???? ? ????? ???????? ???????? [Container].........: MatRoska @ 553 kbps/MKVmerge v2.0.2 ??? ???????? ????????? ?? ???? ? ?? ????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????[P]lot???????????????[_][-][X] ????????? ????????? ???????? An adrenalin-charged action thriller, "The Condemned" tells???????? ???????? the story of Jack Conrad, who is awaiting the death penalty ???????? ??A????? in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by ???????? ???????? a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate ???????? ??S????? island where he must fight to the death against nine other ???????? ???????? More ..... ? ??? ???????? ??S????? [IMDB] .............: ???????? ???????? [User Rating] ......: 6.0/10 ( 4,291 votes) ? ??????? ???????? ????????? ? ? ??????????????? ??????? ??????????????????????????????????[N]haNc3??pec????????????[_][-][X] ????????? ? ? ????? ??????????? ???????? ? ????? ?? ???????? ???????? ?NhaNc3 Specification?????? ? ? ????? ???????? ???????? ??? ?? ?????M?? ???????? R5........: R5 its original dvd released in russia and than ?????M?? ???????? its ripped and released with the screener audio ?????M?? ???????? MicRoHD...: 320*xxx resolution,Smart phone Compatible.?? ? ?? ?????a?? ???????? ?? ???? ?????t?? ???????? MiniHD....: Full resolution near DVD transparency. ??? ? ? ???????R?? ???????? Sources including DVDs or HD source. ???? ?? ?????o?? ???????? S.HD......: 720p HDTV resolution with or without ?????? ??? ?????s?? ???????? pan & Scan. ? ? ??? ??????k?? ???????? HD........: HDDVD/Blue Ray Rips, 1080p/1080i ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????a?? ???????? ? ? ?????????????????? ???????? HC........: Highly compressed DVDRips ? ????? ??? ???????? ???????? ? ??? ??? ? ???????? ???????? DVDRip....: Standard resolution optimise with ? ? ???? ? ? ???????? ???????? filter under 900MB size limit. ?? ????? ? ? ???????? ???????? ????? ? ? ? ???????? ????????? ???????? ? ??????????? ???? ????????? ??????? ????????????????????????????????????[T]eam ????[C]omments?????[_][-][X] ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????? ? ????????? ???????? ????????????????Promote MatRoska N VoRbis??????????? ?? ? ???????? ???????? ?????????????????X264...The Near Future!!!???????????????????????????? ???????? ?? Install Klite Mega Codecpack playback or VLC. ? ????????????????? ???????? ?? Use CoreAVC for optimum Video playback. ? ??????????? ????????? ???????? ?? Use J.River MediaCenter for Audio playback. ? ??? ??? ????????? ???????? ?? For DVD convertion use WINAVI. ? ????????? ???????????? ???????? ? ? ??? ?????? ????????? ???????? ?? For more details check our FoRum N Comment!!! ? ??? ? ????????? ???????? ?? ??NhaNc3?? ?A Glimpse Of The Future? ???? ?????? ????????? ???????? ?? ??Official FORUM?? ? ? ? ???? ? ????????? ???????? ?? ??Official Partner?? ? ? ? ???? ????????? ???????? ? ??????? ? ? ????????? ???????? ?? ? ???? ???????????????????? ????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????[T]eam [W]oRk[_][-][X] ????????? ? ??? ? ??? ????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????? ? ?????? ??????????? ???????? ???????????????HOW 'n' WHY to contact NhaNc3!???????????????? ???????? ???????? ? ???????????????????????????????? ? ???? ???? ???????? ???????? ?? Dump site/FTP/Rapidshare premium account. ? ? ??? ?? ???????? ???????? ?? DVD/CD DA provider/rental/Source in india ? ?????? ? ???????? ???????? ?? Any type of?HARDWARE?DoNations aRe Appreciated?? ??? ?? ???????? ???????? ?? You can always help by donation ?? ???? ? ???????? ???????? ?? You can keep this release as long as you have ? ???? ? ???????? ???????? ?? license of the same,BUY it or delete it within 24hrs???? ? ???????? ???????? ?? We don't give a DAMN abt *SAP* compatibility because ? ? ???????? ???????? ?? This is only for promotion and screening purpose!? ? ? ? ???????? ???????? ?? NhaNc3 is NOT RESPONSIBLE for Violation of any CopyRight ? ???????? ???????? ?? Wanna join us? ? ? 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