Contains: Every volume of Carla Speed McNeil's science fiction opus "Finder" published to date. Close to 1,500 pages in toto - mostly monochrome, mostly visually exquisite, many with astonishing and astonishingly effective paneling layouts.Full outline: (do beware spoilers)VOLUMES I-II, III, IV (SIN-EATER, KING OF THE CATS, TALISMAN) - Repackaged versions of the digital TPBs posted by . Each of those contains "Author's Notes" as back matter, which are meant to be read alongside the comic proper, being predominantly elaborations on minutiae in individual panels. Since it is a lot more convenient to flip between two digital comics than to page-jump back and forth within one, these Notes are presented separately here.VOLUMES V, VI, VII, VIII (DREAM SEQUENCE, MYSTERY DATE, THE RESCUERS, FIVE CRAZY WOMEN) - Repackaged version of the "Library Volume Two", again recently posted by LeonardTSpock. I found that release rather unwieldy; here, it has been broken down into its component tales, each bookended with the corresponding covers and bonus artwork from the "Gallery" section. Again, the Notes are supplied separately.VOLUME IX (VOICE) - Repackaged release by G85-Empire, once again with separate Notes.VOLUME X (THIRD WORLD) - My own version, manually assembled from Empire's digital releases of issues 1 thru 21 of the "Dark Horse Presents" anthology, in which this instalment was originally published in serialized form. First and only volume in full colour, unfortunately without any Notes at all - for now, at any rate.
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