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| | 1-04 Do You Want to Know a Secret (L.m4a | 4 MB |
| | 1-05 Lucille (Live at the BBC For _P.m4a | 5.39 MB |
| | 1-06 Hey, Paul... (Spoken Word) [Liv.m4a | 1.19 MB |
| | 1-07 Anna (Go to Him) [Live at the B.m4a | 6.02 MB |
| | 1-08 Hello! (Spoken Word) [Live at t.m4a | 1.11 MB |
| | 1-09 Please Please Me (Live at the B.m4a | 4.28 MB |
| | 1-10 Misery (Live at the BBC For _He.m4a | 4.05 MB |
| | playlist text v1.txt | 7.47 KB |
| | playlist text v2.txt | 7.01 KB |
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