Taking Chance[2009]Eng Swesub DvDrip XviD NeRoZseeders: 1
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Taking Chance[2009]Eng Swesub DvDrip XviD NeRoZ (Size: 1023.63 MB)
Director: Ross Katz Writer: Ross Katz (writer) Michael Strobl (writer) ********************************************************************************** Genre: Drama,War Runtime: 1:25 ********************************************************************************** Language: English Subtitles: Swedish [Hard Encoded] [Inbränd Svensk text] Cover: No Label: No Source: DvD Picture: 640*320 Audio: 112kbps ********************************************************************************** Plot: In April, 2004, casualties mount in Iraq. At Quantico, choices focus on increasing troop strength or only replacing casualties. Lt. Col. Mike Strobl crunches numbers. Stung by his superior's rejection of his recommendation because he lacks recent combat experience, Strobl volunteers for escort duty, accompanying the remains Pfc. Chance Phelps, killed at 19. From Dover to Philadelphia by hearse, from there to Minneapolis and on to Billings by plane, and then by car to Phelps' Wyoming home - person after person pays respects. Kind words, small gifts, and gratitude are given Strobl to deliver to the family on this soul-searching journey. What are his own discoveries? ********************************************************************************** Handling: Taking Chance är en gripande filmberättelse som bygger på den sanna historien om en veterans osjälviska uppoffring för att föra hem en ung soldats kropp. När överstelöjtnant Michael Strobl (Kevin Bacon) får kännedom om den unge marinsoldaten Chance Phelps heroiska död i Irak bestämmer han sig för att leta reda på liket efter soldaten och föra hans kvarlevor tillbaka till hans hemstad Wyoming. Strobl ger sig av på en lång och riskfylld expedition, som också blir en känslomässig resa i en nation som sörjer och högaktar sina stupade krigshjältar. ********************************************************************************** Cast ---- Kevin Bacon ... LtCol Mike Strobl Tom Aldredge ... Charlie Fitts Nicholas Art ... Nate Strobl (as Nicholas Reese Art) Blanche Baker ... Chris Phelps Tom Bloom ... Navy Chaplain Guy Boyd ... Gary Hargrove James Castanien ... Robert Orndoff Gordon Clapp ... Tom Garrett Mike Colter ... MGySgt Demetry Henry Coy ... Marine Driver (as GySgt Henry Coy) Joel de la Fuente ... Ticketing Agent Liza Colón-Zayas ... Ticketing Agent Ann Dowd ... Gretchen Tate Ellington ... A.V. Scott Noah Fleiss ... Army Sergeant ********************************************************************************** Enjoy! ,?}' =!J | ,*-. ?& WP) Y9P YP ,W' wwwwwww wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww www ,W) ,WW.' ww ww wwwwww wwwwww ww ww www WW) ,WWW) ww ww ww ww ww www 7W),WWWW' wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww ww ww www `WWWWWW' ww wwwwww wwwwww ww ww www 9---W) ww ww ww ww ww ww ,,--WPL=YXW=== ww ww wwwwww wwwwww ww ww www (P),CY:,I/X'F9P wwwwwww wwwwww wwwwww wwwwww www WUT===---/===9) -HP+----Y(C=9W) '9Y3'-'-OWPT- 'WWLUIECW (:7L7C7' ,P--=YWFL Y-=:9)UW:L 3-'9=WU/.7 ,WP9HTFUW'() 9W7W))UF 9) 7WYW))PW W 7WH)),WC) 7L--/XY) 9+-,KY7) W9-Y3+7) W'=9WI7) ,W '-YY) W ::W , ,T :X) () () '9W 'L. () ,- (C =:9 '9L () ,T () ,,-7) 7WL WW ,F' () , T9) '9WL -- ,YF () '-/(W -==+PE9P7===O) -, 'W, , T+/WX=L-. ,WP+()+3L3,),=WL --==-T- 7) -,YW '-=9WPL+PT-- ':--L/=9WP=-' 'W-,.-,++W. 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