...Street Fighter V Deluxe Edition...Street Fighter V 2016 Season Pass...Publisher: Capcom...Developer: Capcom...Genre: ActionAbout This Content:Contains 6 additional characters: Alex, Guile, Ibuki, Balrog, Juri, and Urien, each with a premium alternate costume, for Street Fighter® V.Description:The legendary fighting franchise returns with STREET FIGHTER® V! Stunning visuals depict the next generation of World Warriors in unprecedented detail, while exciting and accessible battle mechanics deliver endless fighting fun that both beginners and veterans can enjoy.Game Features :New and Returning Characters: Classic characters like Ryu, Chun-Li, Charlie Nash and M. Bison return! Many more new and returning characters will be added to the diverse roster, offering a wide variety of fighting styles for players to choose from.New Strategies and Battle Mechanics: Highly accessible new battle mechanics, which revolve around the V-Gauge and EX Gauge, provide an unprecedented layer of strategy and depth to the franchise that all players can enjoy.V-Trigger: Unique abilities that use the entire V-Gauge, which allow players to turn the tide of battle.V-Skill: Unique skills for each character that can be done at any time.V-Reversal: Unique counterattacks that use one stock of the V-Gauge.Critical Arts: Ultimate attacks that use the entire EX Gauge.PC and PS4 Cross-Platform Play: For the first time in franchise history, the online community will be unified into a single player pool, allowing for even more rivalries to be born.Next Gen Visuals: Unreal Engine 4 technology pushes the realism and next-gen visuals to new heights, making this latest entry the best looking and most immersive Street Fighter game of all time.Rise up: Ranking leaderboards track players careers and are integrated with the Capcom Pro Tour, the premier league destination for competitive fighting games.More to Come! Stay tuned for more announcements regarding new characters, stages, features, and more.System Requirements:Minimum:OS: Windows 7 64-bitProcessor: Intel Core i3-4160 @ 3.60GHzMemory: 6 GB RAMGraphics: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 480, GTX 570, GTX 670, or betterDirectX: Version 11Interface Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, ArabicDubbing/Audio: English, JapaneseInstall info:-Unzip-Mount-Install-Play