Stellaris Update v1.0.2 Hotfix + cracks Clean Repackseeders: 1
leechers: 0
Stellaris Update v1.0.2 Hotfix + cracks Clean Repack (Size: 23.07 MB)
This repack should work with every previously cracked release as the hotfix does not reapply drm, if you need to crack it, included cracks from 3DM and CODEX for their respective releases. no fishy self-extracting executables in this repack, you just have to copy and paste Install.txt : Hello, Note : This update need stellaris 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 installed. Also if you already cracked your stellaris 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 you do not need to crack again. 1. Copy Update folder content to Stellaris install dir (default C:GamesStellaris for CODEX) overwrite when asked. 2. If you haven't previously cracked it, copy crack content depending of your release in install dir. 3. Play the game. - Ncrpts Sharing Widget |