Starlight Tactics - POSTMORTEMseeders: 17
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Starlight Tactics - POSTMORTEM (Size: 613.28 MB)
Ь°ЯЬІЬ Starlight Tactics ЬІЬЯ°Ь
ЬІІЮЫІЭ (c) Escape Hatch Entertainment, LLC ЮІЫЭІІЬ ЬЯЯ°ЯЬЯ ЯЬЯ°ЯЯЬ Ь Ь °ЬІЬЯ Ь Release-Date.: 04/15 Ь ЯЬІЬ° Ь Ь ЬІЬЫ ЮІЫЭІІЬ Protection...: Steam ЬІІЮЫІЭ ЫЬІЬ Я Ы ЯЬІЬЯЯЬ Disc.Count...: 1 DVD ЬЯЯЬІЬЯ Ы Я ЫЯЯЯ ЯЮЫІЭ Ь Game.Type....: Action Ь ЮІЫЭ ЯЯЯЫ ЫЬЬЬ Ы Ы ЬІЬ Language.....: EN ЬІЬ Ы Ы ЬЬЬЫ Ы ЯЮЭЮЭ Я ЬЬЯ ЯЬЬ Я ЮЭЮЭЯ Ы ЯЬЯЯЬІЬЯЬЯЬЬІІЯ ЯІІЬЬЫЬЯЬІЬЯЯЬЯ Ь ЬЬ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЮЭЬЬЯЬІІЫЯЬЫЫЫЬЬЬЯ ЯЬЬЬЫЫЫЬЯЫІІЬЯЬЬЮЭЬЬЬЬЬЬ ЬЬ Ь Я ЬЯЮІІЫЯ ЯЭЬ ЯЯІЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯІЯЯ ЬЮЯ ЯЫІІЭЯЬ Я ЬІІ ЯЫЫЫЬЯ°ЮЭ G A M E N O T E S ЮЭ°ЯЬЫЫЫЯ ІІЬ ЬЯЯЬІІЬ ЯЬЬЬЯЬ ЬЯЬЬЬЯ ЬІІЬЯЯЬ ЯЯ ЯЯ One hundred years from tomorrow...World War IV has started! Will you join the United Star Force to defend Earth and its colonies from the relentless attacks of the Non-Aligned Nations? Or will you assume the role of commander in the NAN, striking at our Star System to gain dominance over the most powerful military organization in history? Do you have what it takes to command an advanced space fleet in the greatest conflict humankind has ever known? With over sixty starships with customizable weapons and defenses available to you, can you take the fight to the enemy and control the Star System? Sharing WidgetTrailer |