proudly announcesReturn to Mysterious Island 2 (c) The Adventure Companyrelease date ...: June 2767protection# of discs .....: 1languages ......: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/PL/RUMina's rescue from the end of the first game is cutdramatically short and she and primate pal Jep areleft again on the mysterious island to fend forthemselves! Mina needs to dress her wounds and keepsafe against the local wildlife, but now she hasthe assistance of the player controlled Jep who canfit in smaller spaces, move deftly through thejungle and even communicate with other animals intheir bid to survive. Using even more combinationsof items throughout the island, Mina and Jep willneed to recover from their traumatic circumstancesand find another way, any way, off the mysteriousisland!1- Unpack, burn or mount2- Install the game3- Go To Hell!IMPORTANT NOTE:We do not guarantee that our releases will work onWindows Vista/7/8 or x64 systems. It's always agood idea to try to run the game in compatibilitymode.* currently we are looking for:> talented cracker> experienced movie ripper> supply games ENGLiSH / MULTi / POLiSH> supply any stuff(movies, apps, even spycam porn of your sister)> supply hardware (box , ftps, etc.)* you match the description? maybe you can join us!WE'RE AFTER AFFILIATE PRE SITES IN EURO AND ASIAteamppt [at] gmail [dot] comRELOADED + ALiAS + 0x0007 + REVOLVER + HI2UJAGUAR + CRD + TBE + rG + MAZE + PROFiTo3.2oo9ascii: korma[67]