RessurectionXtras is a project which goal is to preserve history of gaming. It was started by RessurectionX over at Scenyx forum a long time ago and gladly it seemed to be a project alot of people were interrested in.
The 80s/90s brought us into the home gaming
era with consoles like Atari, Colecovision, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System and many more. Over the years there have been quite a number of home consoles and tons of games released. These games are very hard to get a hold of today, but as we move further away from this era we also move further into the emulation-era which allows us to enjoy these games on new systems.
This project doesn't aim to just give access the games (roms as they are called), but more a collection containing the following:
1. Artwork (Boxart, Screens, Gameplay video)
2. Synopsis (Description, Developer
3. Music (MIDI), Commercials
4. Configs / Rumbles (XBOX)
5. Game maps, scans of Manuals
the rat