Rawhide 117 Incident of Fear in the Streets-Jarnkaminenseeders: 0
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Rawhide 117 Incident of Fear in the Streets-Jarnkaminen (Size: 490.12 MB)
When Pete is hurt by a steer, Gil and Rowdy try to find a doctor. They ride into a nearby town but end up as victims of a vicious gang which has taken over the town.
First Aired: 8 may 1959 Rowdy Yates - Clint Eastwood Gil Favor - Eric Fleming Jim Quince - Steve Raines Mushy - James Murdock Joe Scarlett - Rocky Shahan My personal opinion: For me this is the best Westernserie made ever. Great performance by Eric Fleming and Clint Eastwood. My rating in pistols will be 10/10 Sharing Widget |