Psych S01E14 REPACK DVDRip XviD-TOPAZseeders: 0
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Psych S01E14 REPACK DVDRip XviD-TOPAZ (Size: 358.55 MB)
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This is “Psych” season 1, episode 14. A 2006 American comedy, drama and mystery television series. └ MORE information: USA Network | Wikipedia. FACTs: 1. RElease name: Psych.S01E14.REPACK.DVDRip.XviD-TOPAZ ▪ SCENE group: TOPAZ ▪ Date: 2007-06-13 2. Episode name: Poker? I Barely Know Her ▪ ORIGINal broadcast date: 2007-02-23 3. .avi video file CONtainer CRC32 hash: 98C92DE9 ▪ Source: DVD ▪ Pixel resolution: 624x352 ▪ COMpression: H.263 ▪ Timespan: 43 minutes, 9 seconds ▪ Language: English ▪ .srt sub-title file: English 4. Curator: Warlord Blade. Instructions: 0. READ the .nfo file 1. Use a CAPABLE MULTI-media player/device to view the .avi files 2. KEEP the torrent AND content ALIVE SEED! 3. REGISTER/logIN to KickassTorrents, rate UP and/or leave a THANKful comment └ IF you have ANY NEGATIVE feedback and/or criticism — KEEP it to YOURself. NOTEs: 0. IGNORE the “EXTRAsCounter.DMCA” file — it is UN-important └ It EXISTs for TECHNICAL reasons 1. The Scene does NOT release season packs — they release EACH episode INdependently in a chain 2. IF the .torrent file is UNavailable — use the MAGNET URL INstead └ Click the magnet icon. SEARCH for related content. RSS Feed SUBscriptions types for my published torrents: ALL | Television | Psych. REviving, REdistributing and REviewing the WAREZ Scene’s content. What are YOU doing to HELP? ... Warlord Blade Related Torrents
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