Release Title: (PSX-PSP) Jade Cocoon - Legend of Tamamayu converted properly [ResourceRG Games]
Release Date: July 29, 1999
Platform: PSP
Genre: RPG
Folder Size: 431 MB
Number of Files: 2
Game Description:
Your village is under attack from a swarm of giant insects. You take the role of Levant, a cocoon master who has sworn to protect the village, in
JADE COCOON: Story of the Tamamayu. Travel through the forests surrounding the town and capture over 150 monsters, which can be trained to fight for you.
If you don't want to keep a monster, have your wife turn it into gold so you can buy more provisions and supplies. Should you want to combine elements of
two monsters, breed them and use the offspring to continue the battle. After the main adventure is completed, you can continue to play the game with the
Arena and Hunt modes. Play JADE COCOON: Story of the Tamamayu, and try to save your village. - IGN
Releasers Notes
Drag and drop the Jade Cocoon folder to the PSP>GAME directory on your memory stick
Tested and working on CFW's m33 and GEN-D with the popsloader pack set on 3.80 POPS
Hash Info - 1FCB4AFD73F0E76AD4833D93F0940439D89822EC