Added outline on moveable iconsAdded farming mag to learn the mild flies cureAdded electronics mag to learn how to make and add remote triggerAdded way to learn remote controller v2 and v3 in electronics magFixed watermelon sliced/smashed weightAdded updated terms and conditions PZServerSettings edits INI as well as SandboxVars.lua. Added MP thunder + changed fmod studio for thunder Fixed Bacon Bits not needing to be cooked to be safe to eat. Fixed issues with two different Milk itemsFixed map_p.bin being deleted if the user closes the window during loadingChanges to food naming and inventory window item stacking.Fixed incorrect coordinates passed to Lua onMouseDoubleClick.Save players every minute instead of every 2 seconds.Possibly fixed multiple copies of other players appearing in multiplayer.Fixed speed of falling not considering framerate. Reduced movement rate when going up or down stairs. Added CountDownSound for traps to override the beep sound. Alarm-clock ticks now. HardOfHearing perk results in muffled audio. Don't play thump / zombie-idle sounds unless a listener is in range. Excluded sound/*.ogg and sound/*.wav files from Steam build. Fixed OpeningHours sprite bug. Added media/profanity and media/radio to the server build script. Fixed possible zero-length vector bug with ambient sounds. Fixed a window parenting bug. Fixed starting date in new-game screen not matching the description. Stop shoveling sound if ISShovelAction is cancelled. Fixed "prevent zombies around player's spawn house". Delete all LastStand and Tutorial saves so they don't show up in the load-game screen. Fixed controller and ui glitches on the main screen. Fixed 2 swapped north/west wall tile properties. Removed "ZOMBIE" from "ZOMBIE ENVIRONMENTAL ATTACKS" cuz it's redundant (and wide). Active translation mods will be loaded when joining a server. Updated Windows pzexe binaries. ProjectZomboid exe prints any exception after running the main() method.