| | 002-Course Agenda.mp4 | 7.11 MB |
| | 001-The Course.mp4 | 6.36 MB |
| | 003-Ready For Some Fun.mp4 | 1.68 MB |
| | 006-Software configuration management.mp4 | 15.93 MB |
| | 005-Application demo.mp4 | 9.45 MB |
| | 004-Description and Goals of the case-study app.mp4 | 5.82 MB |
| | 008-Evolution of software development.mp4 | 10.18 MB |
| | 009-Characteristics of a service.mp4 | 9.34 MB |
| | 011-SOA and course technologies.mp4 | 6.83 MB |
| | 010-A typical service oriented architecture (visual).mp4 | 5.81 MB |
| | 007-What is SOA.mp4 | 4.57 MB |
| | 017-The architecture Reasons and goals.mp4 | 15.69 MB |
| | 016-The architecture Walkthrough.mp4 | 14.6 MB |
| | 015-Security.mp4 | 7.76 MB |
| | 012-The database.mp4 | 7.36 MB |
| | 013-Core use cases.mp4 | 4 MB |
| | 014-Service decomposition.mp4 | 3.68 MB |
| | 034-Implementing validation.mp4 | 24.95 MB |
| | 030-Refactoring object walk for reusability.mp4 | 23.78 MB |
| | 027-Event declaration to avoid duplicate subscribers.mp4 | 21.03 MB |
| | 029-Object-graph walking and dirty states.mp4 | 18.93 MB |
| | 021-data contract equivalency.mp4 | 14.17 MB |
| | 032-The rest of the client entities.mp4 | 13.58 MB |
| | 023-Business entity account ownership.mp4 | 13.37 MB |
| | 037-The rest of the tests and conclusion.mp4 | 12.37 MB |
| | 025-Setting up the client entity base class.mp4 | 11.03 MB |
| | 036-Unit testing core functionality.mp4 | 11 MB |
| | 049-Repository usage and mocking.mp4 | 25.5 MB |
| | 048-Setting up a test client class to use DI.mp4 | 22.67 MB |
| | 042-Adding ORM rules.mp4 | 22.6 MB |
| | 055-Custom DTOs.mp4 | 22.57 MB |
| | 045-CRUD implementation in the Account Repository.mp4 | 22.09 MB |
| | 046-Custom methods and repository interface with DI setup.mp4 | 21.43 MB |
| | 044-Core base classes and interfaces.mp4 | 18.37 MB |
| | 041-Setting up the ORM.mp4 | 17.16 MB |
| | 054-Repository factory usage and mocking.mp4 | 16.64 MB |
| | 047-The rest of the data repositories.mp4 | 16.4 MB |
| | 070-Setting up the business engine for DI.mp4 | 24.81 MB |
| | 061-Fully implementing the first operation.mp4 | 23.27 MB |
| | 064-The manager base class.mp4 | 22.72 MB |
| | 066-Adding CRUD operations and transactions.mp4 | 21.99 MB |
| | 059-Inventory service contract.mp4 | 19.56 MB |
| | 060-Setting up the inventory service.mp4 | 17.32 MB |
| | 063-Setting service characteristics.mp4 | 16.17 MB |
| | 069-Setting up a business engine.mp4 | 15.08 MB |
| | 067-Adding a multi-data and behavior operation.mp4 | 14.16 MB |
| | 062-Implementing a more complex operation.mp4 | 14.05 MB |
| | 075-Adding security to a service.mp4 | 29.06 MB |
| | 081-Adding the authorization check.mp4 | 25.1 MB |
| | 082-Finishing the rental service.mp4 | 22.89 MB |
| | 085-Testing the business engine.mp4 | 21.89 MB |
| | 079-Retrieving call user from SOAP header.mp4 | 17.13 MB |
| | 084-Wrapping up with the account manager.mp4 | 16.47 MB |
| | 083-Finishing the car rental engine.mp4 | 14.78 MB |
| | 086-Testing the manager.mp4 | 14.52 MB |
| | 077-Setting up the rental service.mp4 | 13.5 MB |
| | 080-Setting up for retrieval of authorization account.mp4 | 11.49 MB |
| | 099-Writing the unattended process.mp4 | 26.17 MB |
| | 097-Testing service connectivity.mp4 | 20.26 MB |
| | 095-Binding configurations.mp4 | 17.68 MB |
| | 102-Other hosting options.mp4 | 17.53 MB |
| | 093-Reporting hosting to console.mp4 | 15.96 MB |
| | 092-Configuring the inventory service host.mp4 | 15.74 MB |
| | 096-Configuring the test client.mp4 | 12.07 MB |
| | 091-Simple host setup of inventory service.mp4 | 10.77 MB |
| | 101-Bootstrapping MEF and test run.mp4 | 10.06 MB |
| | 094-Configuring the other services.mp4 | 7.96 MB |
| | 106-Setting up the client-side contracts.mp4 | 24.47 MB |
| | 107-Writing the basic client proxies.mp4 | 18.37 MB |
| | 110-Adding user name to the soap header in a proxy class.mp4 | 17.58 MB |
| | 115-Proxy obtainment unit tests.mp4 | 14.1 MB |
| | 114-Setting up the client bootstrapper.mp4 | 12.95 MB |
| | 108-Making the client proxies DI-aware.mp4 | 10.61 MB |
| | 113-Writing the service factory.mp4 | 10.59 MB |
| | 116-Service connection unit tests.mp4 | 9.92 MB |
| | 111-Refactoring to a proxy base class.mp4 | 7.92 MB |
| | 112-Service factory intro.mp4 | 7.44 MB |
| | 122-The App.js file and angular module definitions.mp4 | 39.19 MB |
| | 129-The rest of the Login view.mp4 | 29.25 MB |
| | 121-Describing the layout view.mp4 | 29.16 MB |
| | 126-The account controller setup.mp4 | 23.37 MB |
| | 130-Setting up and checking validation rules.mp4 | 21.01 MB |
| | 128-Setting up the Login view and JS model.mp4 | 17.36 MB |
| | 127-The Login model and action.mp4 | 16.02 MB |
| | 125-The security adapter class.mp4 | 13.9 MB |
| | 120-MEF bootstrapping and the dependency resolver.mp4 | 13.77 MB |
| | 123-Top-Bar view description.mp4 | 13.25 MB |
| | 133-Setting up an API controller.mp4 | 32.35 MB |
| | 140-Creating all the registration template views.mp4 | 32.29 MB |
| | 134-Finishing up the login viewmodel function.mp4 | 29.04 MB |
| | 144-Processing registration step 1.mp4 | 26.54 MB |
| | 145-Adding the server-side validation for registration step 1.mp4 | 25.57 MB |
| | 141-Sub-viewmodels and Angular routing.mp4 | 25.36 MB |
| | 135-Completing the login REST API call.mp4 | 24.44 MB |
| | 143-Adding validation rules to the models.mp4 | 24.08 MB |
| | 146-Registration steps 2 and 3 validation and proceed.mp4 | 21.93 MB |
| | 142-Playing nice with MVC routing.mp4 | 21.64 MB |
| | 156-Starting the Reserve-a-car template.mp4 | 21.46 MB |
| | 161-Setting up the Car-list viewmodel.mp4 | 19.78 MB |
| | 164-Starting the Car-list view.mp4 | 18.48 MB |
| | 163-Controller proxy disposability pattern.mp4 | 18.44 MB |
| | 158-Finishing up the calendar pickers.mp4 | 17.13 MB |
| | 162-Setting up the reservation controller and action.mp4 | 16.53 MB |
| | 160-Finishing the Reserve-a-car viewmodel.mp4 | 16.26 MB |
| | 166-Controller action for car reservation.mp4 | 14.39 MB |
| | 152-Setting up the controller and view.mp4 | 13.13 MB |
| | 157-Adding calendar buttons to textboxes.mp4 | 13.09 MB |
| | 176-Basic structure - main view with app config and MEF bootstrapping.mp4 | 20.24 MB |
| | 182-Setting up the tab panel.mp4 | 19.36 MB |
| | 180-Creating the skeleton for the four viewmodels.mp4 | 17.46 MB |
| | 183-Setting up the data templates.mp4 | 14.28 MB |
| | 181-Completing the main viewmodel.mp4 | 13.42 MB |
| | 178-Creating the first view and setting up its base.mp4 | 12.31 MB |
| | 184-Upcoming problems to be solved.mp4 | 7.99 MB |
| | 179-Creating the skeleton for the other three views.mp4 | 7.25 MB |
| | 175-Application infrastructure intro.mp4 | 5.6 MB |
| | 177-View hierarchy description.mp4 | 3.1 MB |
| | 174-Intro and highlights.mp4 | 2.37 MB |
| | 205-Unit testing the viewmodel.mp4 | 22.08 MB |
| | 199-Updating the XAML to account for car editing.mp4 | 19.36 MB |
| | 198-Updating the parent viewmodel with updated car.mp4 | 19.21 MB |
| | 203-Delete, exception handling, raising events.mp4 | 18.22 MB |
| | 190-Setting up more XAML and running the app so far.mp4 | 17.12 MB |
| | 187-Solving deterministic viewmodel initialization.mp4 | 15.34 MB |
| | 201-The edit-car view.mp4 | 15.33 MB |
| | 204-Wiring and unwiring viewmodel events.mp4 | 14.95 MB |
| | 186-Demonstrating view and viewmodel initialization points.mp4 | 14.32 MB |
| | 195-Validating and saving a car.mp4 | 13.93 MB |
| | 207-Course recap with vNext summary and farewell surprise.mp4 | 9.14 MB |
| | code_for_SOA_Angular.zip | 35.55 MB |