Peace Revolution Episode 0070 How the Mind is Harnessed to Create Human Resources

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Peace Revolution Episode 0070 How the Mind is Harnessed to Create Human Resources (Size: 283.45 MB)
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**Notes, References, and Links for further study:**

`Tragedy and Hope dot com `__

`Invitation `__ to
the Tragedy and Hope online community (link expires monthly)

`Log in page `__ for the Tragedy and
Hope online community

Peace Revolution `primary
site `__ (2009-2012)*

Peace Revolution `backup
stream `__ (2006-2012)*

Includes the 9/11 Synchronicity Podcast (predecessor to Peace

*These 2 podcasts and lectures amount to 400+ hours of commercial-free
educational content, which formulate a comprehensive and conscious

`The Ultimate History Lesson dot
com `__ (the film, notes,
references, transcript, etc.)

`IMDB Page for The Ultimate History
Lesson `__

`Facebook Page for The Ultimate History
Lesson `__

`Twitter feed for Tragedy and
Hope `__

`The Ultimate History Lesson Official
Playlist `__
(on YouTube)

UHL `Research Bonus
Pack `__
and `Gatto Fundraiser
Pack `__ (fundraiser
for media partners and JTG)

Partner Coupon Codes (MUST BE IN ALL CAPS):








**Reference Map to Episode 070:**

`Despotism `__
vs. `Aaron Dykes `__
(Infowars Nightly News clip) by R.G.

(4m-6m) `U.S. Army Kills
Kids `__ by Abby Martin (RT)

(6m-9m) `Robert F. Kennedy did not agree Oswald lone
assassin `__ (ABC News)

(9m-13m) `U.S. Government Found Guilty of Murdering Martin Luther
King `__
by Lee Camp

(13m-19m) `U.S. Court: Martin Luther King Killed by the
Authorities `__
by Barrie Zwicker

(19m-28m) Richard’s introductory monologue

(28m-2h50m) `Debate: Larken Rose (Anarchy) vs. Tom
Willcutts `__
(Authority) `History… So It Doesn’t
Repeat `__

(2h50-5h25m) `Briefing: Kevin Cole (Classical Trivium vs. Trivium
Method) `__
`History… So It Doesn’t
Repeat `__

(5h25m-6h50m) “ `Behaviorism in
Disguise `__ ”
School Sucks Podcast #150

`**Hist** ** ** **ory... So It Doesn't Repeat (Official YouTube Series
Playlist)** **|History So It Doesn't
Repeat|** `__
**Timecodes, notes, links, and references are posted just below the HD

**Notes, Links, & References for "The Trivium Method vs. The Classical Trivium" (recorded February 17, 2013)**

#. 1m “ *The Great Chain of Being and the Organic Unity of the
Polis* ” by Kevin Cole (Winter 2013)
#. 2m “ `The Trivium
Method `__ ”
by Jan Irvin and Gene Odening @ `Gnostic Media dot
com `__
#. 3m “ `The Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem
Solving `__ ” vs. the
innate method of learning, and comparing it to how the `Classical
Trivium `__ (as a method of
institutionalizing individuals) has historically been used prior to
the 21st century.
#. 4m History of the `Classical
Trivium `__ is the
history of the `Great Chain of
Being `__, useful
in shaping cultures. The Great Chain of Being is defined in classical
#. 5m The concept of “balanced” government and civil society itself, The
Ominous Continuity of the “education” system we know as schooling
#. 6m The changing of terms as a means of gaining power over unwitting
#. 7m The `Occulting of
Knowledge `__ to create Power
#. 8m Legacy of 2,500 years of the `Noble
Lie `__ being used to
create Power
#. 9m `Romantic
Nationalism `__ &
Germany vs. Limited Government System, continued definition of the
Great Chain of Being (3 estates)
#. 10m `Caste System `__,
`Divine Right of
Kings `__, and
the Classical Trivium; specifically the artificial scarcity of the
“7” liberal arts
#. 11m Enkyklios Paideia and the Caste System, `Arnold
Toynbee `__ “it allows
each empire to be immortal”
#. 12m `Great Chain of
Being `__ and the
Classical Trivium in context of `Organic
Unity `__
#. 13m `United Nations
Charter `__
provisions, `Positive and Negative
Rights `__, staying
knowledgeable about the first principles and jury nullification,
Thomas Jefferson and First Principles

#. `Article
29 `__:
1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free
and full development of his personality is possible. 2. In the
exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject
only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the
purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and
freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of
morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic
#. `Article
30 `__:
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any
State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to
perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
freedoms set forth herein.

#. 14m Logical foundation of `Negative
Rights `__, Irrational
foundation of Positive Rights
#. 15m Definition of `Organic
Unity `__
#. 16m `Scott Buchannan `__
quote on the Classical Trivium to create Organic Unity, Cardinal and
Ordinal structures of the story (Buchannan was a Rhodes Scholar)
#. 17m Definitions: The
`Auctors `__, The
`Polis `__, The
`Polity `__, Episcopal,
hierarchical structures of authorities, Anglicanism (Church of
#. 18m Comparison and Contrast the `Trivium
Method `__ vs. the Classical
Trivium, 7 Liberal Arts, Plato, Aristotle, educational philosophy and
`Isocrates `__,
#. 19m The “general education” of the inscribed circle of the
`Enkyklios `__
`Paideia `__, foreshadowing
`Fichte `__ and
`Hegel `__ of the `Prussian
System `__

#. `encyclopedia
(n.) `__
1530s, "course of instruction," from Modern Latin encyclopaedia
(c.1500), literally "training in a circle," i.e. the "circle" of
arts and sciences, the essentials of a liberal education; from
enkyklios "circular," and paideia “education”.
#. According to some accounts such as the `American Heritage
Dictionary `__
copyists of Latin manuscripts took this phrase to be a single
Greek word, enkuklopaedia.

#. 20m plunder v. production and human livestock, classical Trivium as a
system of creating production to be plundered… farming plunder
#. 21m Latin education and the Divine Right of Kings, organic unity and
feudalism, legitimizing the `great chain of
being `__ (methods
of authority), using the battlefield and education to subjugate
individuals for lack of Knowledge.
#. 22m Legitimizing the storyteller as the authority of the day,
group-think, authority to control human resources. Any citizen can
become an individual through learning habits of self-reliance
#. 23m “Authorities” (educators, sophists) define the
“ `Grammar `__ ” of the
Classical Trivium, thus making the
“ `Logic `__ ” a belief, not an
understanding. No knowledge is necessary for belief, in fact belief
is often what fills the void created when Knowledge is absent.
#. 24m Unified systems of knowledge, cybernetics and the ship of state
(Plato), first principles and common ground (Logic) necessary for
linguistic communication. The use of these ideologies to create state
#. 25m `Richard
Haklyut `__ and Queen
Elizabeth, propagating organic unity as “natural”, even though it
depends on people ruling over others. `Scott
Buchannan `__ papers
from Harvard University, “ `*Poetry and
Mathematics* `__ ”
(foreshadowing role of Rhodes Scholars)

#. Richard Hakluyt (c. 1552 or 1553 – 23 November 1616) was an
English writer. He is known for promoting the settlement of `North
America `__ by the
English through his works, notably *Divers Voyages Touching the
Discoverie of America* (1582) and *The Principal Navigations,
Voiages, Traffiques and Discoueries of the English Nation*

#. 26m `Dorothy Sayers `__
and removing the myths to get to the facts of her claims, `Reinhold
Niebuhr `__, `Royal
Institute of International
Affairs `__,
`Milner Rhodes Roundtable
Group `__,
secularizing values to continue organic unity
#. 27m Dorothy Sayers quotes in favor of British Empire building and
`Cecil Rhodes `__ /
`Milner Roundtable
Group `__ and
Organic Unity
#. 28m Origins of the systems which create and facilitate organic unity,
cybernetics, using the knowledge of self-learning to dissect the
history and identify the contradictions of our public educations
#. 29m Gnostic Media interview with Gene Odening, how the human being
learns, removing the dogma from the process of learning for one’s
#. 30m Asking substantial questions and using a method to find valid
answers consistently vs. the Classical Trivium (prescribed “Grammar”,
mandated “Logic”, rhetoric which reinforces servitude)
#. 31m Isocrates and literacy as a form of slavery (i.e. sophism) until
the reader learns how to identify reality and remove unreality (i.e.
#. 32m closed systems of learning to maintain the city-states,
aristocracy, and ruling class to manage the polity (public);
educating the kings, adopting education systems to gain power over
the polity, dichotomy of control, creating knowledge gaps to create
#. 33m focus on significant and substantial, discard the arbitrary,
dismiss the irrational. Sayers’ biases and the basis of Christian
Homeschooling in America.
#. 34m Sayers’ system as the “closest to the perfection of Plato’s
Republic” – Freemasonry
#. 35m Christian Homeschooling and predefined grammar, infecting the
logic by not asking preliminary questions to identify that which
exists, reality from unreality (Sayers’ seeds of irrationality)
#. 36m History of Ideas in relation to the Trivium Method contrasted to
the Classical Trivium and the history of creating organic unity
#. 37m The Classical Trivium, Freemasonry as a feedback mechanism for
creating organic unity through empire, “ `Builders of Empire:
Freemasons and British Imperialism
(1717-1927) `__ ”
by Jessica Harland Jacobs
#. 38m “ `Origins of
Freemasonry `__ ”
by Thomas Paine,
#. 39m `Johann Joachim Christoph “J.C.”
Bode `__,
Nicholas Bonneville, `Philo’s Reply to Questions Concerning His
Association with the
Illuminati `__
by Jeva Singh-Anand, `Illuminati Manifesto of World
Revolution `__
(1792) translated by Marco de Luchetti,
#. 40m King Elfwad,
`Charlemagne `__, and the
origins of the word “Trivium” by `Alcuin of
York `__
#. 41m Ancient Greece, systems of preserving itself against surrounding
piranha states
#. 42m Enkyklios Paideia created by Isocrates preserves organic unity
until Thomas Jefferson recognizes what it is, and what it does
#. 43m `Scott Buchanan `__
and `Stringfellow
Barr `__ (Rhodes
Scholars) and Freemasonry, origins of “Classical Trivium” revival
veiling the Enkyklios Paideia
#. 44m filling in between Isocrates and the Freemasons, Jesuits and the
`Ratio Studiorum `__,
which was rejected by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, `Ratio
Studiorum `__ as
continuation of organic unity under godhead of theology.
#. 45m Thomas Jefferson (post-revolution) goes to William and Mary and
has the Classical Trivium removed from the curriculum, breaking the
mechanism of British perpetuation of their organic unity
#. 46m Thomas Jefferson addressing the Educational
`Perennialists `__
of his day, accepting the theory before inspection, condemnation
prior to observation, “putting your logic before your grammar” as Jan
Irvin says
#. 47m Education as a tool of creating culture, its how the state
reproduces itself, “reality” filtered through he prescribed rhetoric
of the state,
#. 48m `Ignatius
Loyola `__,
`Alumbrados `__, the
Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola as the origins of the esoteric
organic unity progressed by the
`Jesuits `__, various
flavors of organic unity (various empires through time), sacrifice of
the individual to the state
#. 49m `Bavarian
Illuminati `__, `Thomas
Paine `__, `Nicholas
Bonneville `__, and
connections to the origins of America, May 1, 1776, `Adam
Weishaupt `__ (1911
Encyclopedia Britannica entry for Illumati), `Baron Adolph ‘Philo’
Knigge `__
as Weishaupt’s #2 in the Bavarian Illuminati
#. 50m `Bavarian
Illuminati `__ as
intellectual group fighting against organic unity and divine right of
kings in Europe. “Philo’s Reply to Questions Concerning His
Association with the Illuminati” Reply by Jeva Singh Anand reveals
the personal conversations between `Adam
Weishaupt `__ and `Baron
Knigge `__
prior to Knigge’s resignation from the Bavarian Illuminati and the
promotion of revolutionary publisher J.C. Bode.
#. 51m Thomas Paine’s references to Samuel Prichard’s “Freemasonry is
based on the foundation of the Liberal Arts” quote, Illuminati as a
system trying to do away with the state, `Isidore of
Seville `__ and the
creation of civil polity by limited education
#. 52m `Bavarian
Illuminati `__ vs.
Religion and the State, Freemasonry as the genitalia of the state and
the injection of organic unity throughout indigenous populations,
Illuminati plans to use for the state to reproduce itself via taking
over Freemasonry.
#. 53m the `Strict Observance Lodge of
Freemasonry `__
in Bavaria, Degree Systems above traditional York Rite degrees,
transcending nationhood. `Reinhard Koselleck’s “Critique and Crises :
Enlightenment and the Pathogenesis of Modern
Society” `__
(published by M.I.T.) on Freemasonry and creating organic unity
#. 54m Original members of the Illuminati influencing American
education, `The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor
Gatto `__
#. 55m Juxtaposing internet lore vs. actual artifacts and evidence of
the Bavarian Illuminati, similar to Jesuits in seeing value of
controlling education, 1610 Wood Manuscript (`The Hiram
Key `__
by Lomas and Knight)
#. 56m Individual Liberty based on that which exists vs. irrational
illusions of Authority, Bonneville, Jefferson, and the unknown
history of `Bavarian
Illuminati `__ influence
in America’s origins.
#. 57m Social Circle Freemasonic Lodge, papers published by J.C. Bode of
the Bavarian Illuminati, promoted after Knigge’s resignation,
connections to `Prussian
education `__.
#. 58m Johann Fichte’s references to Johann Pestalozzi’s organic unity
method of schooling and creation of the Prussian education system,
giving birth to Romantic Nationalism as opposed to the Jeffersonian
ideas of nationhood.
#. 59m Milton Peterson’s works on Thomas Jefferson, rejection of
classical forms of the Trivium as being connected to the `Great Chain
of Being `__, i.e.
a caste society subjugating individuals to illusory authority
#. 1h1m ideas of creating a balanced government based on first
principles subject to existence, not dogma; derivative proofs of
non-aggression undermined by changes in education system which
Jefferson feared, J.J. Rousseau, John Locke, The Meaning of Meaning,
particularity and universiality, from Charlemagne through to the 21st
#. 1h5m Jefferson displacing the Classical Trivium at the University of
Virginia, Jefferson laments genocide of indigenous languages and loss
of etymology.
#. 1h6m encryption of language enables selective power transfer
#. 1h8m how to preserve the first principles which inspired the
#. 1h10m Ben Franklin’s education in the liberal arts and secret
#. 1h11m parallels of Isocrates and Freemasonic organic unity, “Builders
of Empire” as blueprint for how Freemasonry assumes authority
throughout the world
#. 1h14m philosophic corruptions of reality, claims of authority break
down under scrutiny and defined terms, taboo to discuss because you
might perceive the ruse of organic unity
#. 1h15m Thomas Jefferson displaces classical Trivium as being tied to
the `Great Chain of
Being `__
#. 1h16m Legacy of Alcuin of York, creating a duality in Christianity,
“othering” of the natural world, Basil Bernstein’s work on the

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Peace Revolution Episode 0070 How the Mind is Harnessed to Create Human Resources