Peace Revolution Episode 0006

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Peace Revolution episode 006: The Intellectual Elite vs. You / The Resurrection of Critical Thinking

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*This is the version without background music throughout; if you would
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**104 Statements which reveal the New World Order:**

**The Intellectual Elite vs. You / The Resurrection of Critical

**Raw Footage audio / Interview Clips from the film *Believers Beware:
Contrary Conditioning* by Paul Verge**


**Richard Grove, filmed 12.10.2009

1) The idea of a NEW WORLD ORDER. Plato's Republic. The suppression of
consciousness. A comprehensive endeavor. Seeking to subjugate the masses
thru a watered down education. HG Wells, "NWO", subliminals

2) Agatha Christie's novel/movie "Murder on the Orient Express" too much
evidence. cant be just one culprit. creating plausible deniability. each
party plays 2 parts. an actual part, and the plausible denial.
Interchangeable parts.

3) Ego worshippers, using the hidden knowledge to help perpetuate this
"new world order". Intellectual elite dumbing down the masses. More on
Plato's Republic.

4) Plato's allegory of the cave. Good description. How the illusion
works. Same as now as it was 2500 years ago. Pullout of Afghanistan by
sending in more people. Doublethink and Schizophrenia.

5) Reading books vs. internet only research Eustace Mullins - "Secrets
of the Federal Reserve." His other book "The World Order"

6) "Superclass" using Rhetoric, Fallacy arguments, and dumbing us down.

7) News agencies lying to help protect their advertisers. How the NWO is
fed by  that relationship.

8) "With No Apologies" by Senator Barry M. Goldwater Chapter 33 - The
Non Elected

Rulers, Col. Edward Mandell House CFR, House, JP Morgan. Trilateral

Council on Foreign Relations. Surrendering Sovereignty, Merger and

9) More from "With No Apologies" from Barry M. Goldwater

10) Right Leg and Left Leg stepping towards goal. Part of same torso
(CFR, TC, Bilderberg.) More on Trilaterals Subverted groups, Zbigniew
Brzezinski. Controlling groups invisibly thru Bait & Switch.  Goldwater
on the Trilateral Commission. Global Warming, etc.

11) "Superclass", David Rothkopf CFR Member - Cover says, We've got the
world on our

key chain, ready to take it for a ride. - Fareed Zacharia, CFR "The
Post-American World"

 12) The Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. forming Working
Groups from his fortune left behind to those who undermine state
sovereignty. Plan laid out. Why are we not taught this in schools?

13) Lewis Lapham's film, "The American Ruling Class" CFR members, all
sorts of people exposed in the film. Read books, learn things, they rule
because we are willfully ignorant. "The American Public just doesn't
read." (Allen Dulles) Buy old good books instead of self help mumbo
jumbo & LEARN.

14) Lisa on Albert Einstein Learning our way out of  the insanity by
evolving our consciousness.

15) Lisa on John Taylor Gatto, and "Dumbing Us Down" ie: ridding us of
effective Critical Thinking skills.

16) John Taylor Gatto's 7 things he really Teaches








17) Other selected passages from "Dumbing Us Down"

18) John Taylor Gatto's 7 things he really Teaches (RE-CAP)

19) Gene Odening's concern. The harm being brought to the current
generation of students.

20) Gene Odening on the Trivium

21) Dan Brown's Lost Symbol


22) Cecil John Rhodes

23) William T. Stead, The Interview, Titanic, Last Will and Testament of
 Cecil John Rhodes.

24) ALTERNATE ON William T. Stead, The Interview, Titanic, Last Will and
Testament of Cecil John Rhodes.

25) Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. How to find books...
"The Review of Reviews"

26) William T. Stead, Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes.

27) Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes.  Quotes from the Book.
plus Rich's elucidations

28) Last Will and Testament of Cecil John Rhodes. Quotes from p. 73 of
book plus Rich's elucidations

29) Removing doubts that the NWO exists..  About Carroll Quigley

30) Quote from Quigley

31) Quote from Quigley on Internalization of Controls

32) Hemp, Oil, Carbon emissions 500 largest ships put out more crap than
all vehicles' Global warming Realities. Pollution done by corporations,
not the people. not by accident

33) Quote from Quigley's Evolution of Civilizations Old way of war, vs.
New form of war - subversion thru commerce.

34) Good analogy of the monetary system as an invisible control system
you can't see until you are out of it.

35) On Quigley's "The Anglo- American Establishment", and "Tragedy and
Hope", and Quigley's credibility.

36) On John Taylor Gatto's book Dumbing Us Down, real society vs. what
we are taught.

Suppression of education. Tax-Exempt Foundations, Norman Dodd, Reece
Committee, Rick Malchow & Mrs. Tichy

37) Norman Dodd, Reece Committee, Robert Hutchens, Rene Wormser,
Assembling evidence that the Foundations were up to no good. Kathryn
Casey reads the Carnegie Endowment which are shocking.. Who to bring the
US into war.

38) Tax Exempt Foundation book The point - Dumbing Us Down so that we
perpetuate a loss of critical thinking and become non-thinking
followers. Frank Kapra's WHY WE FIGHT

39) Why War is waged, and how to continue the consume- produce cycle by
removing critical thinking to make the propaganda more effective. Why
loss of critical thinking is a bad thing. Easily groomed to be servants.
Empty minded consumers who take instructions without question.

40) The Great Conversation - Robert Maynard Hutchins - The 500 families
who own the copies of these books.

41) The importance of these books and the Liberal Education..  In 1952
Hutchins was saying

42) Liberal Education had been gone for 90 years!

43) What would America look like after 150 years of watered down
critical thinking ability? Anything like today? Understanding the NWO

44) What exactly is the Liberal Education? The Great Conversation?
Plato's Allegory of the Cave

45) Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Sophicles, Plutarch, Dark Ages, Middle
Ages, Renaissance. History Repeating itself.. Recognize patterns, and
 change it up! Breaking the Status Quo/Honoring Tradition

46) Civic Responsibility to Learn and understand things. Consent,
Government, Deception

Rights, Privileges, Responsibility    

47) NWO Ideology Political -Fabian Socialism, getting paid to argue
persuasively. Religious -Theosophy William T. Stead, HG Wells, Cecil
Rhodes, Rudyard Kipling, Mason, Swastika, Round Table Workgroups RIIA,
CFR, Tavistock, Versailles Treaty

48) Fabian Socialists, Fabius the Roman Dictator, Wolf in Sheep’s
clothing, Hammering the World into their image.

| 49) Propaganda, Propagating ideas. Media is Propaganda. Is it helping
to expand or suppress your consciousness.

50) Trivium and Quadrivium Thinking Critically and Creatively, Dorothy
Sayers, Lost Tools of Learning, Autodidactic Learning

51) Quote from Dorothy Sayers, "The Lost Tools of Learning"

52) Trivium and the 3,4,5 Triangle. 3 Trivium 4 Quadrivium 5 Senses

53) Trivium - Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.. How and Why the Trivium works..
The effect of  taking them out.

54) Why learn the Trivium- Seeing thru the fallacies, figuring out hard
facts, and transferring that understanding. Having a Virus Scanner for
your mind. Follow money exposing the Fallacy Rhetoric 1886 - Supreme
Court Justice Morrison R. Waite Gives CORPORATIONS the rights of Humans.
Socio-Psychopath Corporations Charters, Profit Monsters

55) Externalization of Costs, Why things aren't as cheap as you think.
Passing the cost on to other poor folk. Connecting Emotions to
Advertising. Taking News & Ads as truth. Mass Media Public Relations
(pre TV)

56) War is a Racket, Smedley Butler , the 1934-1935  Business Plot -
Gerald MacGuire

57) Quotes from War is a Racket,  Smedley Butler ,   

58) Who was Smedley Butler?

59) Propaganda, 1928 Edward Bernays, (Sigmund Freud's nephew).  Chapter
1 - Organizing Chaos (quote from HH)

60) More quote from Propaganda by Edward Bernays

61) The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Bringing America into
war against Germany by using Propaganda and Demonization

62) After Treaty of Versailles 1919 Invention fo Credit leads to the
Roaring 20's.  Bernays & Lippmann  start sexing up ads. Public Opinion -
Walter Lippmann, Plato's Allegory of the Cave

63) Bernays’ 1928 Propaganda, builds on Lippmann's P.O., Tavistock,
using mass media to fool the public en masse. Tying it all together...
Bankers funding these Ideologies as a Hegelian Dialectic.

64) The END result? The Planned Obsolescence of America

65) Lawyer from Skadden Arps, adding 26 words to Corporations Act   

66) Earning profit responsibly, Cartel Capitalism VS. Compassionate
Capitalism, Pollution, Corps Externalizing Costs

67) Using the Hegelian Dialectic to fool us into fixing their dirty
work. Where the hole in the system is. Environmentalism Agenda 21 and
Depopulation Coralling us into a False dilemma

68) The Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution" how to make Humanity
the enemy of Humanity by Blaming us for pollution, global warming, and
over popluation. Planned Obsolesence

69) When the working groups and think tanks and societies all got
together to make US pay for their crap, and to control us. The Carbon
Tax Scam Blood and Gore Trading Firm Taxing the Problem instead of
Solving. Avoiding REAL solutions like Hemp.

70) Similar scam to US economy. Robert Rubin removing Glass/Steagall
laws of regulation. Tyco, Enron, Worldcom result. Sarbanes-Oxley
supposed to tighten it up, but doesn't really. SEC bad, ref. 20-20
Hindsight. Goldman Sachs COO 29 year old  

71) Whistleblowing, and Rich's experiences. If the public knew what Rich
knew, all these

financial scams could have been avoided.  The irony of paying
institutions and magazines

to lie to you. Conceal and Reveal

72) Education and Religion do 2 things with information- They provide it
and conceal it.

Which information is more valuable?

73) Prisoner VS Slave mentality - Hoping for a better master, a better
system of obeying.

Prisoners want to break out and think for themselves. Offering info to
the slaves can upset them into trying to stop the prisoners from leaving

74) The Root of the Problem. The Suppression of Consciousness.
Artificial boundaries.

Einstein - You cant solve a problem from the same mindset that created
it. Question everything.

75) Freedom, Being a Slave vs. Prisoner

76) Explaining the Game to children and empowering them.

77) The Reality of the True Problem. Rejecting the Status Quo

78) What corporations want you to do VS what you should be doing.. How
they profit from our ignorance.  Reading VS Violence

79) Learning our way out of the Problem. Sharing the wisdom.  Popping
the illusion bubble.

80) Treating Root causes instead of Symptoms in society, our lives, and
our health. Avoiding the cycle.

81) Actually listening and realizing REAL solutions vs. looking to
Corporate Authorities for solutions (they can't profit from)

82) Learning, Understanding, disarming the fear with Knowledge. Not
showing you what to think, but teaching you How to think.

83) All the little chains attached to us to prevent our full
self-expression. Disinfo agents  drawing peoples energy and attention.

84) Purposeful complication 

85) Words, Propaganda, making choices to react Emotionally instead of

86) High Vs. Low Vibrations, Tone, From SD to HD

87) Synchronicity, Carl Jung, Legitimate Suffering,

88) Fear, Manifestation, Religion, the Middle man, Suppressing
Consciousness and Hell

89) Believing VS. Really Knowing.  Some GREAT easy solutions.

90) Running it Their Way: Corporate Pollution and externalizing Blame
with their Scams (Global Warming, War on Terror)

91) Not knowing Frees you to actually Learn, Fear Free, when you let go
of the pre-conditioning. Why churches hide things occultism (hidden).
Vaccination of Info

92) The common Realization - Finding Solutions through changing our
habits first. then collaborating resisting advertising taking back our

93) Solving Problems with Words and Understanding and Cooperation. Logic
and Reason

94) Spending our time like we spend our money. Get to know your REAL
self. Noticing the Corporate Conditioning, and being constructive
against it. Taking Steps to Action.

95) Acting Vs. Reacting and Asking the Right Questions about our habits

96) Who are you? What is important? Do you like what your doing? What
are you doing to change it?

97) The multi-pronged onslaught against us. Connecting the dots and
bringing things back to something good. Corporate Media Bad.

98) Neil Postman "Amusing our Selves to Death" Suppression of
Consciousness. Learning our way out of the game with good decisions.

99) Consumerism/Slavery, Understanding motives and intentions. Threat
and Fear Culture. Love. The Frequency opposed to Fear.

100) Our adversaries are our greatest teachers.

101) Learn the lessons! They fear the awakening

102) Selective Genocide, Homosexuality as a control mechanism. Setting
the boundaries.

103) Overcome Fear, Learn our way Free, Achieve Happiness, don't avoid
fear and pain. Confront and defeat it! Take your Life Back!

104) Rich's final message. Does our Propaganda help or suppress your

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Peace Revolution Episode 0006