Outerspace BluffTitler EASY + Portable (Size: 60.49 MB)
| | read me.txt | 250 bytes |
| | reg-edit.exe | 604.5 KB |
| | blufftitler.exe | 981 KB |
| | BluffTitlerSetup.exe | 23.06 MB |
| | arrow2.eps | 149 bytes |
| | Up.eps | 216 bytes |
| | Rectangle_4_3.eps | 224 bytes |
| | SQUARE.eps | 226 bytes |
| | Rectangle_16_9.eps | 228 bytes |
| | Rectangle_20_1.eps | 284 bytes |
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| | Star.eps | 319 bytes |
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| | cross.eps | 351 bytes |
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| | AlienBrainBumpmapAdditive.png | 5.5 KB |
| | AlienBrainBumpmap.png | 5.5 KB |
| | Fractal_FerroMagneticZ.png | 6.1 KB |
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| | Circles.png | 3.68 KB |
| | Toon.png | 3.74 KB |
| | ColourInvert.png | 3.77 KB |
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| | VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_Circles.png | 2.06 KB |
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| | VJ_SpectrumAnalyzer_3D.png | 8.59 KB |
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| | Plane2Donut.png | 4.61 KB |
| | ModelRepeatMask.png | 4.63 KB |
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| | BeachballSticker.png | 5.15 KB |
| | doublesided.png | 5.22 KB |
| | AlphaMap.png | 2.67 KB |
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| | CameraBloom.png | 5.37 KB |
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| | CameraDepthOfField.png | 7.65 KB |
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| | invisible.cfx | 1.21 KB |
| | Lightened.png | 2.44 KB |
| | CartoonMap.png | 2.5 KB |
| | normalmap.png | 3.79 KB |
| | DisplacementMap.png | 4.17 KB |
| | NotLightenedAdditive.png | 4.96 KB |
| | flare.png | 5.07 KB |
| | NotLightened.cfx | 5.46 KB |
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| | topview.bp | 302 bytes |
| | rightView.bp | 304 bytes |
| | rightView.png | 308 bytes |
| | whitenoise.bp | 342 bytes |
| | VerticalLines.bp | 344 bytes |
| | HypnotizingTunnel.bp | 346 bytes |
| | OrangeBlobs.bp | 360 bytes |
| | PurpleBlobs.bp | 364 bytes |
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| | Sketch_Cube.eps | 592 bytes |
| | Sketch_Square_Rounded.eps | 1.72 KB |
| | Sketch_Ribbon.eps | 1.78 KB |
| | Sketch_Staircase.eps | 2.12 KB |
| | Sketch_BlockLetters.eps | 2.59 KB |
| | Sketch_Circle.eps | 2.63 KB |
| | Sketch_HandWritten.eps | 3.52 KB |
| | Sketch_Trefoil.eps | 6.82 KB |
| | Sketch_Flower.eps | 9.4 KB |
| | Sketch_MagicTree.eps | 15.2 KB |
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| | salsa.xml | 1.81 KB |
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| | Spheres.bt | 2.87 KB |
| | BeDifferent.bt | 3.17 KB |
| | Encrypt.bt | 3.2 KB |
| | DigitalHellfire.bt | 3.3 KB |
| | MagicBlackCircle.png | 3.31 KB |
| | Flexibility5.png | 1.35 KB |
| | elastic.png | 2.19 KB |
| | GearUpGearDown.png | 2.25 KB |
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| | Flexibility1.png | 2.98 KB |
| | crash.bt | 3.12 KB |
| | MovingWords.bt | 3.22 KB |
| | Flexibility4.png | 3.23 KB |
| | Flexibility2.png | 3.24 KB |
| | TextParticles.bt | 1.48 KB |
| | Abstract4.bt | 1.52 KB |
| | AlienParticle.bt | 1.61 KB |
| | abstract1.bt | 1.89 KB |
| | Turbulence.bt | 2.1 KB |
| | Abstract6.bt | 2.5 KB |
| | Beachballs.bt | 2.66 KB |
| | PictureInTheMist.bt | 2.67 KB |
| | PictureInTheSmoke.bt | 2.68 KB |
| | DissolveTextToParticles4.png | 2.69 KB |
| | TangleCube.bt | 1.67 KB |
| | fresnel.bt | 1.84 KB |
| | GoursatSurface.bt | 2.42 KB |
| | _VoxelLesson2.bt | 5.35 KB |
| | _VoxelLesson1.bt | 5.47 KB |
| | TangleCube.png | 7.11 KB |
| | _VoxelLesson1.png | 7.37 KB |
| | GoursatSurface.png | 7.47 KB |
| | fresnel.png | 8 KB |
| | _VoxelLesson2.png | 10.46 KB |
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| | AdditiveBlending.png | 1.87 KB |
| | EternalZoom.bt | 2.01 KB |
| | COLLAGE.bt | 2.48 KB |
| | ModelRepeat1.bt | 2.54 KB |
| | posterize.bt | 2.82 KB |
| | Swirl.bt | 2.85 KB |
| | Fractal.bt | 2.93 KB |
| | MORPH.bt | 2.94 KB |
| | TransitionGradientWipe.bt | 3.07 KB |
| | shadow4.png | 1.72 KB |
| | LightBeams2.bt | 1.88 KB |
| | shadow4.bt | 2.63 KB |
| | LightBeams4.bt | 2.75 KB |
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| | avatar1.bt | 4.71 KB |
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| | _ModelLesson1.bt | 5.47 KB |
| | _ModelLesson5.bt | 5.49 KB |
| | _ModelLesson2.png | 6.06 KB |
| | BeatTheAliens.bt | 6.48 KB |
| | trefoil.bt | 2.19 KB |
| | Sketch_GoldenGlow.bt | 2.57 KB |
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| | lightning2.png | 4.52 KB |
| | lightning3.png | 5.33 KB |
| | LotsOfWords.bt | 2.29 KB |
| | LiquidMetalMorph.bt | 3.22 KB |
| | TextAndPicture.bt | 3.25 KB |
| | CreditRoll.bt | 3.73 KB |
| | salsa.bt | 4.13 KB |
| | rss4.png | 4.13 KB |
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| | Lesson15.bt | 4.55 KB |
| | LESSON8.bt | 4.58 KB |
| | LESSON4.bt | 4.63 KB |
| | LESSON5.bt | 4.73 KB |
| | Lesson14.bt | 4.76 KB |
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| | LESSON2.bt | 5.55 KB |
| | Lesson16.bt | 5.56 KB |
| | LESSON6.bt | 5.57 KB |
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| | particle_helix.png | 2.32 KB |
| | particle_glass.png | 2.74 KB |
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| | Cartoon_Red.png | 2.88 KB |
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| | hebrew.txt | 27.01 KB |
| | czech.txt | 29.63 KB |
| | arabic.txt | 29.76 KB |
| | english.txt | 30.72 KB |
| | persian.txt | 30.74 KB |
| | Svenska.txt | 31.56 KB |
| | russian.txt | 32.41 KB |
| | Nederlands.txt | 32.57 KB |
Outerspace BluffTitler EASY is a Windows desktop app for creating, rendering and playing 3D video effects. Want to impress your family, friends and clients with spectacular 3D titles and intro videos? But do not want to use complex and expensive 3D animation software? BluffTitler makes it easy and affordable to add 3D effects to your videos.BluffTitler uses state of the art 3D game technology to render your animations in realtime. Exporting as video is super fast.
How To Install the Software
1- Run Reg-Edit.exe to add registry settings
2- Run BluffTitlerSetup.exe to Install the Software
3 Run BluffTitler.exe to Install Portable Version
4- That it Finish the Setup
5- Run the Software & Enjoy
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