Oprah Winfrey 2010 11 26 Thank You Day Follow Ups HDTV Xvid-GRamseeders: 0
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Oprah Winfrey 2010 11 26 Thank You Day Follow Ups HDTV Xvid-GRam (Size: 349.94 MB)
RELEASE INFORMATION VIDEO FORMAT: XviD VIDEO BITRATE: 979 kbit/s 2pass VBR VIDEO RESOLUTION: 720 x 416 VIDEO ASPECT: Wide Screen VIDEO FPS: 23.976 AUDIO FORMAT: MP2 AUDIO BITRATE: 160 kbs LANGUAGE: English RELEASE 26 November 2010 (USA) SOURCE: ATSC/QAM digital 1080i RIPPED DATE: 27 November 2010 (USA) VIDEO LENGTH: 43 minutes GENRE: Talk Show URL: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001856/ http://www.oprah.com/showinfo/Thank-You-Day-Follow-Ups We're following up with our most unforgettable "thank you" moments of all time. It's our Thank You Day spectacular, and it will inspire you too. Official Download Links http://www.1337x.org/user/Dbaum/ http://thepiratebay.org/user/DBaum23/ Sharing Widget |