O Deus Que Nao Estava La / The God Who Wasn't There - RHseeders: 3
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O Deus Que Nao Estava La / The God Who Wasn't There - RH (Size: 365.75 MB)
Tipo de Arquivo / Type of Archive: Filme / Movie
Genero(s) / Gender: Documentario / Documentary Observacoes / Observations: Factos Veridicos / Real Facts Idioma(s) / Languade(s): Ingles / English Legendas / Subtitles: Portugues / Portuguese Pais(es) / Country(s): O Planeta Terra / Planet Earth Tempo / Time: 1:00 Historia: Documentario sobre a Religiao. Realizado nos Estados Unidos da America por um ex-praticante. Ele mostra, com as opinioes de varios especialistas historicos, que exitem muitas contradicoes na Biblia e outros documentos. Nao exitem provas concretas sobre a existencia de Jesus e Deus. Vejam tambem o filme "Zeitgeit (2007) - RH" onde verao este tema ainda mais aprofundado a cerca de todas as religioes do mundo. Story: Documentary about Religion. Made in the United States of America by an former beliver. He shows, with the opinion of several historian expertes, that there are many contraditions in the Holy Bible and other documents. There are no hard evidente about the existence of Jesus or God. See also the movie "Zeitgeit (2007) - RH" where you can have more informacion about the worlds religions. IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0455507/ /> MAIS FILMES / OTHER MOVIES: http://www.mininova.org/user/humanocracia /> MAIS INFORMACOES: www.humanocracia.blogspot.com Sharing WidgetTrailer |