Released: September 29, 2009Genre : Hack and slashWebsite : : Team NINJAPublisher : Tecmo KoeiLanguage: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, JapaneseLanguage: English, JapanesePlatform: PS3Publication Type: LicenseRegion : USACode disc : BLUS30380Firmware: 2.80 / image for Cobra ODE / E3 ODE PRO ( 100 % IRD Verification)Multiplayer: Internet ( up to 2 players cooperative mode "Mission Mode")Description:Ninja Gaiden series has been around for over two decades and enjoys a well-deserved love and respect of fans worldwide . Ninja Gaiden Sigma is the first episode , developed exclusively for the PlayStation 3 , and critics praised all the elements of the game : the game mechanics , graphics and sound design . And now Ninja Gaiden Sigma will be a worthy successor !The most dynamic , exciting and action-packed story about a ninja returns on PlayStation 3 as Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 . Players will meet with the characters from the previous episodes of the series and, of course , spectacular fights . Quality images of warriors and the world Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 surpasses its predecessor , but still requires skillful players and deliberate action . In the game you need to skillfully combine skill melee with contractions in the distance.In the role of the elusive ninja Ryu Hayabusa players go on an exciting journey around the world . Ryu must return the statue Demon kidnapped soldiers of the Black Spider Clan , who set out to use it to resurrect the Prince of Darkness himself . On his way from Tokyo to New York hero is not just collide with dangerous enemies , but a vast arsenal of ninja weapons will help him overcome enemies.
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