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Added on November 30, 2006 by in Movies
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Moonstruck.1987.PAL.DVDR-FileHunter (Size: 4.23 GB)
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TiTLE.....[ Moonstruck

YEAR......[ 1987

GENRE.....[ Comedy / Romance / Drama

RUNTiME...[ 1h 42min

RELDATE...[ 2006-10-03

iMDB RATE.[ 7.0/10


AUDiO.....[ English DD5.1

[ English DD5.1

[ Germen DD2.0

[ French DD2.0

[ Spanish DD2.0

[ Italien DD2.0

SUBS......[ Swedish

[ Finnish

[ Norwegian

[ Danish

[ English

[ Germen

[ French

[ Portuguese

[ Dutch

[ Polish

ViDEO.....[ DVD

MENU......[ Retail

FiLES.....[ 91x50 mb

IMG SIZE..[ 4,35 GB

SOURCE....[ DVD Retail

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Loretta Castorini, a Brooklyn bookkeeper in her late 30s whose husband died

several years earlier in a bus accident, decides it's time to get married

again. So she accepts the proposal of a nice, middle-aged fellow named

Johnny Cammareri. Loretta is convinced her first marriage was cursed

because she and her husband had gotten married at City Hall; this time,

she's determined to do things right, even as she admits to her mother, Rose,

that she's not really in love with Johnny. (To which Rose replies: "Good.

When you love them, they drive you crazy, 'cause they know they can." Rose

speaks from rueful experience; she suspects, with good reason, that her

husband, Cosmo, is cheating on her.) Loretta is convinced that marrying

Johnny is the safe and sure thing to do - until she meets his estranged

younger brother Ronny, who tends the ovens in a neighborhood bakery. Loretta

discovers that in startling contrast to the pleasant, mild-mannered Johnny,

Ronny is moody and passionate; what follow are complications worthy of a

comic opera.

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r~~ 3 ^7MMmm,,


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