MacJournal 6.1.3 ~floxjes~seeders: 8
leechers: 1
MacJournal 6.1.3 ~floxjes~ (Size: 31.45 MB)
Name: MacJournal Version: 6.1.3 Mac Platform: Intel Includes: KG OS version: 10.6.8 or higher MacJournal is the world's most popular journaling software for the Mac. MacJournal 6 adds a calendar mode that show entries from any journal, geolocation, word count and progress tracking, as well as additional blogging support. A Timeline mode has been added to gig the journaler the ability to see their writing activity in chronological order. MacJournal 6 even introduces a feature for creating books from journals specially formatted for publishing. Add any kind of content, not just text. Drag PDFs, QuickTime movies, images, audio and more. Record audio and video, even publish to a blog account on Blogger, WordPress, LiveJournal, Posterous, and Tumblr. Dropbox support added as well. More info: Whats new: Fixed unsaved tags not getting saved if you quit before doing something else. Fixed an issue specifying an editor with extra arguments for the MacJournal tool. The individual files backup should now take place even if the only thing you've done is delete or move an entry. The individual files backup will be more accurate in the face of journals with the same name and entries that differ only by case. The individual files backup will remove any folders for deleted or renamed journals. Fixed issue changing journal sorting in the Inspector popup or window. Fixed issue preventing Spotlight index from updating. Fixed an issue using "Next" or "Previous Entry" with the Entries list open in some cases where there are smart journal references and the original entry in the same list. Fixed downloading links as web archives for complex web pages with lots of images. Fixed a case where the original URL was not saved as the entry link when dragging a link into the Entries list or sidebar. Text saved from AppleScript will be scanned for links if that preference is enabled. Improved conflict resolution with Dropbox. Fixed an issue downloading all Blogger posts not getting any more than 10. Added a "Rename" button to the Colors pref pane for the highlights, labels, and text colors. Entries downloaded from Blogger will save location info, if the post had it. Added a way to import HTML text to an entry via Apple Script. Fixed issue where the Markdown Preview window would not update until the first time you edited some text. Files imported into MacJournal will now have correct word counts before editing them for the first time. Sharing an entry via email will use the entry's topic as the email subject. Added support for importing attachments from Evernote XML. Fixed Control-Option-F moving window focus to the search field. Improved handling of servers when the new API is enabled. Use the Apple built-in media browsers on Yosemite instead of iMedia to read the new photo library. Fixed an issue preventing encrypted journals from unlocking in the command line tool. Fixed an issue where the Change Password sheet would not reject mismatched new passwords when changing the hint. Sharing Widget |