| | Exercie Files.zip | 21.29 MB |
| | info.txt | 1.39 KB |
| | 1. Welcome.mp4 | 11.93 MB |
| | 2. What to know before you start this course.mp4 | 2.56 MB |
| | 3. How this course and the lesson files will work.mp4 | 4.69 MB |
| | 4. Introducing Popperscores - A preview of the final project.mp4 | 7.43 MB |
| | 1. Setting up a WordPress development environment.mp4 | 3.88 MB |
| | 2. Getting and installing _s.mp4 | 6.73 MB |
| | 3. Installing WordPress Theme Unit Test Data.mp4 | 9.15 MB |
| | 4. Installing the Developer plugin.mp4 | 8.04 MB |
| | 5. Installing and setting up NetBeans or another IDE.mp4 | 11.52 MB |
| | 1. Modular, mobile-first design.mp4 | 4.23 MB |
| | 2. How do WordPress themes work.mp4 | 4.79 MB |
| | 3. Understanding the WordPress template hierarchy.mp4 | 7.19 MB |
| | 4. Underscores - An overview.mp4 | 2.61 MB |
| | 1. Setting up style.css.mp4 | 12.63 MB |
| | 2. Configuring baseline settings and functions.mp4 | 10.73 MB |
| | 3. Enabling custom web fonts.mp4 | 12.7 MB |
| | 4. Enabling local web fonts for intranets, etc. (optional).mp4 | 13.93 MB |
| | 5. Designing in the browser - A quick primer.mp4 | 5.64 MB |
| | 6. Creating responsive typography.mp4 | 15.14 MB |
| | 7. Making the site layout responsive.mp4 | 7.32 MB |
| | 1. Styling the default header.mp4 | 16.78 MB |
| | 2. Adding an optional header image function.mp4 | 9.16 MB |
| | 3. Placing the header image behind the site title.mp4 | 8.74 MB |
| | 4. Using the site icon as a home button.mp4 | 11.38 MB |
| | 5. Creating a reduced header for singular pages.mp4 | 7.93 MB |
| | 1. Rethinking the mobile menu.mp4 | 6.33 MB |
| | 2. Setting up menus.mp4 | 9.03 MB |
| | 3. Borrowing the accessible menu from Twenty Fifteen.mp4 | 4.05 MB |
| | 4. Moving styles and markup from Twenty Fifteen to our theme.mp4 | 6.63 MB |
| | 5. Refactoring JavaScript to create dropdown buttons.mp4 | 16.21 MB |
| | 6. Styling the dropdown buttons.mp4 | 8.13 MB |
| | 7. Creating a hovering and hiding menu button.mp4 | 10.55 MB |
| | 8. Creating the hovering small-screen menu.mp4 | 12.04 MB |
| | 9. Creating a horizontal menu for wide screens.mp4 | 7.35 MB |
| | 1. Working with the single post template.mp4 | 9.4 MB |
| | 10. Creating 'full bleed' images.mp4 | 13.88 MB |
| | 11. Working with image captions.mp4 | 10.44 MB |
| | 12. Working with image galleries.mp4 | 6.42 MB |
| | 13. Single post navigation.mp4 | 10.61 MB |
| | 2. Changing the output of meta elements.mp4 | 8.56 MB |
| | 3. Adding the author's Gravatar to the post.mp4 | 9.67 MB |
| | 4. Styling the post meta content.mp4 | 8.75 MB |
| | 5. Creating the illusion of full-width content.mp4 | 13.8 MB |
| | 6. Adding an optional deck with excerpts to the single post.mp4 | 6.41 MB |
| | 1. Working with the comments template.mp4 | 11.74 MB |
| | 2. Using Gravatars in comments.mp4 | 3.31 MB |
| | 3. Styling comments.mp4 | 10.57 MB |
| | 4. Highlighting the post author's comments.mp4 | 5.38 MB |
| | 5. Styling the comment form.mp4 | 9.24 MB |
| | 6. Working with comment navigation.mp4 | 11.4 MB |
| | 1. How do featured images (post thumbnails) work.mp4 | 4.34 MB |
| | 2. Defining featured image sizes.mp4 | 6.64 MB |
| | 3. Generating new featured images with a plugin.mp4 | 3.6 MB |
| | 4. Adding featured images to a template.mp4 | 8.49 MB |
| | 5. Styling the featured image.mp4 | 9.59 MB |
| | 6. Creating 'full bleed' featured images.mp4 | 6.34 MB |
| | 7. Displaying custom image sizes.mp4 | 4.91 MB |
| | 1. The index template hierarchy.mp4 | 2.85 MB |
| | 10. Highlighting the most recent post in the index template.mp4 | 11.68 MB |
| | 11. Working with archive,php.mp4 | 6.63 MB |
| | 12. Customizing the search results page.mp4 | 5.99 MB |
| | 13. Customizing error pages and empty search results.mp4 | 15.86 MB |
| | 14. Sidebar - Working with post formats.mp4 | 8.13 MB |
| | 2. Styling index templates.mp4 | 10.5 MB |
| | 3. Displaying excerpts on index pages.mp4 | 11.02 MB |
| | 4. Edit the excerpt 'Read More' indicator.mp4 | 3.76 MB |
| | 5. Configuring and styling index posts.mp4 | 10.65 MB |
| | 1. Working with pages.mp4 | 7.37 MB |
| | 1. Working with widget areas (sidebars).mp4 | 6.79 MB |
| | 2. Using the Monster Widget plugin to test all widgets.mp4 | 5.26 MB |
| | 3. Styling the widgetized area.mp4 | 10.66 MB |
| | 4. Adding custom styles to specific widgets.mp4 | 7.49 MB |
| | 5. Working with the footer.mp4 | 11.66 MB |
| | 1. Working with the Customizer.mp4 | 7.44 MB |
| | 2. Adding controls for the header background color.mp4 | 8.94 MB |
| | 3. Changing the header background color.mp4 | 10.17 MB |
| | 4. Creating sidebar layout options on the front end.mp4 | 12.19 MB |
| | 5. Adding sidebar layout options in the Customizer.mp4 | 11.7 MB |
| | 6. Hooking in sidebar layout preview in the Customizer.mp4 | 7.09 MB |
| | 1. Adding editor styles to match front-end styles.mp4 | 11.91 MB |
| | 2. Adding a screenshot.mp4 | 5.96 MB |
| | 1. Going further with WordPress.mp4 | 3.47 MB |