S K I D R O Wthe leading forceproudly presentsLumino City (c) State of Play Games27-12-2014......Release Date Protection.................SteamAdventure, Indie...Game Type Disk(s)....................1 DVDRELEASE NOTESSequel to the award-winning game Lume, Lumino City begins where thatgame left off. Begin by exploring the city, and using your ingenuitypiece together all sorts of puzzling mechanisms to help the people wholive in its unique world. Discover gardens in the sky, towers maroonedhigh on an immense waterwheel, and houses dug precariously into cliffsTo create the environment, a ten foot high model city was built by handand by laser cutter, with each motor and light wired up individuallybringing the scenes to luminous lifeLumino City continues where we left Lume. As Lumi welcomes Grandad backat the end of Lume, she is swiftly catapulted into a new epic journeyand a hunt for Grandad. Explore the unusual dwellings beyond the citygates and finding out more about her Grandad's intriguing life alongthe way. Is there more to him than first appears?A cross disciplinary team worked on Lumino City State of Playcollaborated with award-winning architects, fine-artists, prop-makersand animators, each discipline brought something unique to the designand execution of the finished gameINSTALL NOTES1. Unpack the release2. Mount or burn image3. Install4. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content assecure/trusted in your antivirus program5. Play the game6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!GREETINGSTo all friends of the family and honorable rival groups!ascii art by thegodlike & terrific duomalodix + irokostitan artdivision