| | 1.welcome.mp4 | 6.49 MB |
| | 2.What you should know before watching this course.mp4 | 3.09 MB |
| | 3.Using the exercise files.mp4 | 2.36 MB |
| | 4.Using the challenges.mp4 | 2.22 MB |
| | 1.Why use Node.js.mp4 | 4.29 MB |
| | 2.Choosing a Node.js installation process.mp4 | 8.99 MB |
| | 3.Installing Node.js on the Mac.mp4 | 4.7 MB |
| | 4.Installing Node.js on Windows.mp4 | 4.16 MB |
| | 5.Installing Node.js via Node Version Manager on Ubuntu Linux.mp4 | 16.83 MB |
| | 6.Installing Node.js via Node Version Manager on a Mac.mp4 | 10.76 MB |
| | 1.Exploring language additions to the V8 JavaScript engine.mp4 | 12.23 MB |
| | 2.Understanding require() and modules.mp4 | 14.62 MB |
| | 3.Understanding callback execution in the event loop.mp4 | 7.84 MB |
| | 1.Initializing Node.js projects.mp4 | 6.63 MB |
| | 2.Finding an NPM.mp4 | 10.07 MB |
| | 3.Maintaining projects using the npm command.mp4 | 20.68 MB |
| | 1.Creating modules with getters and setters.mp4 | 17.17 MB |
| | 2.Understanding module caching and scopes.mp4 | 19.1 MB |
| | 3.Implementing JavaScript creational patterns.mp4 | 15.18 MB |
| | 4.Challenge. Leveraging module caching.mp4 | 1.93 MB |
| | 5.Solution. Leveraging module caching.mp4 | 6.44 MB |
| | 1.Starting Express applications.mp4 | 11.6 MB |
| | 2.Handling GET requests returning JSON.mp4 | 9.4 MB |
| | 3.Navigating large datasets using request variables in routes.mp4 | 15.28 MB |
| | 4.Modifying data through PUT requests.mp4 | 13.86 MB |
| | 5.Supplying middleware to modify HTTP response headers.mp4 | 13.39 MB |
| | 6.Generating HTML views in Jade.mp4 | 19.23 MB |
| | 7.Challenge. List all records as JSON.mp4 | 1.27 MB |
| | 8.Solution. List all records as JSON.mp4 | 7.59 MB |
| | 1.Evaluating unit testing methodologies.mp4 | 5.07 MB |
| | 2.Isolating existing code for testing.mp4 | 21.53 MB |
| | 3.Supplying helpers for test data.mp4 | 6.89 MB |
| | 4.Writing unit tests with Mocha.mp4 | 19.26 MB |
| | 5.Simulating HTTP requests with SuperTest.mp4 | 20.91 MB |
| | 1.Connecting to MongoDB via Mongoose.mp4 | 13.45 MB |
| | 2.Defining schemas for collections in Mongoose.mp4 | 11.12 MB |
| | 3.Querying MongoDB collections.mp4 | 15.82 MB |
| | 4.Persisting Express sessions through MongoDB and mongo-connect.mp4 | 20.76 MB |
| | 5.Logging in to Express applications using Passport.mp4 | 24.79 MB |
| | 1.Controlling the built-in REPL.mp4 | 10.93 MB |
| | 2.Constructing a custom REPL.mp4 | 13.24 MB |
| | 3.Receiving command-line arguments with Optimist.mp4 | 19.06 MB |
| | 4.Building command-line tools.mp4 | 9.32 MB |
| | 5.Challenge. Launch a custom REPL from a command.mp4 | 1.36 MB |
| | 6.Solution. Launch a custom REPL from a command.mp4 | 3.83 MB |
| | 1.Emitting events and attaching listeners.mp4 | 17.32 MB |
| | 2.Streaming chunked data through readable streams.mp4 | 7.47 MB |
| | 3.Controlling readable streams.mp4 | 5.35 MB |
| | 4.Piping readable data into writable streams.mp4 | 4.79 MB |
| | 5.Handling duplex streams over TCP.mp4 | 8.98 MB |
| | 1.Deploying projects to cloud hosting services.mp4 | 8.7 MB |
| | 2.Finding Node.js resources.mp4 | 4.81 MB |
| | index.js | 100 bytes |
| | announce.js | 90 bytes |
| | example1.js | 75 bytes |
| | example2.js | 97 bytes |
| | Example3.js | 119 bytes |
| | Example4.js | 79 bytes |
| | proclaim.js | 188 bytes |
| | index.js | 96 bytes |
| | announce.js | 90 bytes |
| | example1.js | 75 bytes |
| | example2.js | 97 bytes |
| | Example3.js | 119 bytes |
| | Example4.js | 79 bytes |
| | proclaim.js | 188 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 259 bytes |
| | package.json | 276 bytes |
| | index.js | 178 bytes |
| | package.json | 325 bytes |
| | package.json | 276 bytes |
| | style.css | 110 bytes |
| | index.js | 110 bytes |
| | user.js | 107 bytes |
| | index.jade | 65 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 121 bytes |
| | APP.js | 847 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 314 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | APP.js | 144 bytes |
| | index.js | 535 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | APP.js | 349 bytes |
| | APP.js | 349 bytes |
| | index.js | 535 bytes |
| | index.js | 314 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | APP.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 621 bytes |
| | package.json | 269 bytes |
| | app_no_factory.js | 451 bytes |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | APP.js | 349 bytes |
| | index.js | 535 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | APP.js | 349 bytes |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | APP.js | 349 bytes |
| | index.js | 926 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | APP.js | 434 bytes |
| | index.js | 110 bytes |
| | APP.js | 780 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 443 bytes |
| | APP.js | 826 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 110 bytes |
| | APP.js | 780 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | Snippets.js | 240 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 398 bytes |
| | APP.js | 795 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 443 bytes |
| | APP.js | 826 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 646 bytes |
| | APP.js | 848 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 398 bytes |
| | APP.js | 795 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 646 bytes |
| | APP.js | 941 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 646 bytes |
| | APP.js | 848 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 756 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 971 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 646 bytes |
| | APP.js | 941 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 756 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 971 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 933 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1011 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 756 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 971 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 35 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 279 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 288 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 35 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 185 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 288 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 279 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 288 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 315 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 248 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | package.json | 288 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 225 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.12 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 315 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 248 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 837 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 315 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 248 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.42 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 180 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 939 bytes |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 315 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 248 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.12 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 899 bytes |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 315 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 248 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.42 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 180 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 939 bytes |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 315 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 248 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.78 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | Login.jade | 294 bytes |
| | user.jade | 75 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.39 KB |
| | auth.js | 495 bytes |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 405 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | auth.js | 495 bytes |
| | Login.jade | 294 bytes |
| | user.jade | 75 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 358 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 372 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 387 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 361 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 273 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | index.js | 160 bytes |
| | package.json | 295 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.67 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 1.5 KB |
| | flight.js | 221 bytes |
| | index.js | 379 bytes |
| | APP.js | 94 bytes |
| | FlightSpec.js | 1011 bytes |
| | arrivals.jade | 220 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 1.12 KB |
| | db.js | 132 bytes |
| | package.json | 346 bytes |
| | SERVER.js | 252 bytes |
| | DATA.json | 35.04 KB |
| | Stream.js | 462 bytes |
| | CONTROL.js | 585 bytes |
| | DATA.json | 35.04 KB |
| | DATA.json | 35.04 KB |
| | PiPE.js | 172 bytes |
| | tcp.js | 616 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 756 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 971 bytes |
| | package.json | 263 bytes |
| | index.js | 4.4 KB |
| | index.js | 662 bytes |
| | package.json | 278 bytes |
| | bootstrap.min.css | 95.06 KB |
| | index.js | 756 bytes |
| | layout.jade | 125 bytes |
| | list.jade | 185 bytes |
| | APP.js | 971 bytes |
| | package.json | 186 bytes |