The story unfolds in a dry barren village. Anbu (Kishore), the protagonist in the film comes across his bitter foe Jeeva (Sriram) on the first day of his school. Interestingly, Jeeva happens to be son of the headmaster Nithyanandam (remember the Kalloori professor).
The good-hearted Anbu tries to mend ways and befriend Jeeva. However, Jeeva is hell-bent on taking Anbu for task. Enters Manonmani (Dharini), who develops affinity towards Anbu raising between him and Jeeva. Anbu not only excels in his academics but also in various extra curricular activities, which only widens the rift.
The fight between Anbu and Jeeva results in a rift between their respective families.However, in a twist to the tale, Meenakshi Sundaram (Vimal), Anbu’s uncle falls in romance with Sobikannu (Vega), the sister of Jeeva. Interestingly, the families get united as they agree for Meenakshi Sundaram’s wedding with Sobikannu, much against the wishes of both Jeeva and Anbu. Did they unite or not forms the climax.
Kishore as Anbukkarasu Vellaichamy
Sri Ram as Jeeva Nithyanandham Chokkalingam
Vimal as Meenakshi Sundaram
Vega Tamotia as Sobhikannu Chokkalingam
Pandian as Kuzhanthaivelu (Pakkada)
Tharani as Manonmani
Murugesh as Kuttimani
Karthikraja as Gautham Vellaichamy (Bujjima)
Yoganathan as Akila
Jayaprakash as Chokkalingam
Sivakumar as Vellaichamy
Sujatha as Muthadakki Chokkalingam
Senthikumari as Pothum ponnu Vellaichamy
seed,comment and enjoy guys!!!!!!!!