About: Web Creator Pro - a powerful software tool to create a website design without any knowledge of programming languages. The set of templates with the possibility of further trouble. Good tool for those who do not know programming languages, but I would like to express themselves in creating the site. Features: - getting their envy graphic designers using generators menus and buttons. - Set opacity, overlay, etc. - Create field controlled forms and passwords to gather information and communicate with your visitors. - Insert Flash animation, paste and edit HTML and JavaScript. - Includes a fully revised help and tutorial. - Get professional results with just a few actions. - Choose a template library with thousands sites and pages with themes including: industry, commerce and the service sector. - Group elements on the same level with a unique service program overlay layers for movement or interaction with multiple elements with a single command. - Insert elements: images, logos, animation. - Customize your template to give color to match your logo or any image using the service program sample color. - Add your visual effects (transparency, drop shadows, frames and more) directly from the graphics library. - Access Internet: using simple integrated module of the transmission and analysis of pages in one click publish and upload finished pages or web sites. Extras. : In contrast to the fifth version of the language is not kosyachit meta tags (for me at least). New templates. Backward compatibility. INSTRUCTIONS: 1)Install the program in the default directory
2)Use our activator to register (as admin for Vista & 7)
3)Enjoy your newly full registered app !