Title: LEGO The Lord of the RingsGenre: Arcade, 3D, 3rd Person Description: Based on The Lord of the Rings motion picture trilogy, LEGO The Lord of theRings follows the original storylines of The Lord of the Rings: TheFellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and The Lordof the Rings: The Return of the King, taking players through the epic storyevents reimagined with the humor and endless variety of LEGO play. Trustedwith the dangerous task to destroy an ancient magical ring that threatensall that is good, Frodo is forced to leave his peaceful home. But the ringwants to be found and the road to Mount Doom, the only place where it can bedestroyed, will be perilous and riddled with Orcs and fouler things. To helpFrodo, a Fellowship is formed -Aragorn the Ranger, Gandalf the WizardLegolas the Elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Boromir a Man of Gondor, and Frodo'sHobbit friends Sam, Merry and Pippin. Players relive the legend through theLEGO minifigures, as they explore wonders, solve timeless riddles, andovercome endless foes in their quest to destroy the RingDeveloper: TT GamesYear: 2012 Platform: PC Language: Russian, English (Depends on the language of the installer) Crack: Included (RELOADED) Features of Repack: *Files just compressed* Nothing was Ripped* Language of the game will depend on the choice of the language during installation * Retained the registry path for installing future updates
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