JIM.D.Lentotukialuksen.Arkea.FiNSUB.PDTV.XviD-FTVDTseeders: 1
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JIM.D.Lentotukialuksen.Arkea.FiNSUB.PDTV.XviD-FTVDT (Size: 354.12 MB)
DescriptionFFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFFFFFFFFF TTTTTTTTTTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTTTTTTTTTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFFFFFFFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDD DDD TTT FFF TTT VVV VVV DDDDDDDDDDD TTT FFF TTT VVVVV DDDDDDDDDD TTT Finnish TV Document Team PRESENT E-mail: finnish.tv.document.team@gmail.com Homepages: http://thepiratebay.org/user/FTVDT http://twitter.com/FTVDT RELEASE INFO TITLE.......: JIMD Lentotukialuksen arkea LENGTH......: 50 min FORMAT......: AVI AIRDATE.....: 04/02/2009 CHANNEL.....: JIM AUDIO.......: MP3, avg. 151 Kbps VIDEO.......: XviD, 825 Kbps, 640*352 (16/9) SUBTITLE....: Finnish THUMBNAILS: http://bayimg.com/NaaHkaacM PLOT (Fin): Dokumentin nimi: JIMD Lentotukialuksen arkea Yhdysvaltain merivoimien Nimitz-luokan lentotukialus USS Dwight D. Eisenhower on palannut huollosta kuivatelakalta. Nyt edessä on viikon kestävä taisteluharjoitus, jonka avulla selvitetään, onko alus ja sen miehistö valmis palaamaan tositoimiin. Kun lataatte näitä FTVDTn dokumentteja niin muistakaa myös jakaa. Ratio olisi hyvä olla suurempi kuin 1.5. Ei saa olla liian itsekäs, muuten tämä homma ei toimi. PLOT (Eng): Document name: National Geographic: Inside Super Carrier Fresh from the shipyard after a $2.5 million makeover, the USS Eisenhower is the pinnacle of aircraft carrier technology. Powered by multi-megawatt nuclear reactors, this 97,000-ton steel behemoth has an air wing of 85 planes and next-generation radar and combat capabilities giving her a global strike capacity. Before the Navy will deploy her to the Persian Gulf however, she must prove her worth by winning a gruelling, two-week exercise that pits her against another carrier in battle – the USS Roosevelt. It’s a massive war game that involves live ordnance and real bombs. Each carrier is deployed with a full arsenal of fighter jets, destroyers, battleships, cruisers and submarines. Never before seen outside the military, documentary cameras embedded in the Joint Task Force Exercise capture the story of a super carrier where 6,000 men and women run one of the most complex machines ever built. When you downloading these FTVDTs documents, remember seed also. Ratio should be bigger than 1.5. Don't be selfish, else this torrent system won't work. Sharing Widget |