Il Padrino Parte III - The Godfather Part III (1990) [BDRip720p Ita-Eng] by Pitt@Sk8.mkvseeders: 0
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Il Padrino Parte III - The Godfather Part III (1990) [BDRip720p Ita-Eng] by Pitt@Sk8.mkv (Size: 7.96 GB)
Il padrino parte III - The godfather part III (1990), [BDrip 720p - H264 - Ita Eng Ac3 5.1 - Sub Ita Eng] TNT Village
.: Release Originale :. http://forum.tntvillage.scam...g/index.php?showtopic=450310 "> http://forum.tntvillage.scam...g/index.php?showtopic=450310 .: Locandina :. ![]() .: Trama Eng Ita:. In 1979, Michael Corleone is nearing 60 and racked with guilt for his ruthless rise to power, especially ordering the murder of his brother Fredo. By now, he has mostly retired from the Mafia, leaving the Corleone family's criminal interests in the hands of enforcer Joey Zasa, and is using his tremendous wealth and power to restore his reputation via numerous acts of charity. Michael and Kay have been divorced since 1960, and Michael gave her custody of their children, Anthony and Mary. At a ceremony in St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, Michael is named a Commander of the Order of St. Sebastian. At a party following the ceremony, Anthony tells his father that he is going to drop out of law school to pursue a career as an opera singer. Kay supports his choice, but Michael disagrees, wishing that his son would either finish law school or join the family business, but Anthony refuses to have anything to do with his father's "legacy". Michael and Kay have an uneasy reunion, in which Kay tells him that Anthony knows the truth about Fredo's death. Vincent Mancini, the illegitimate son of Sonny, shows up at the party. He is embroiled in a feud with Zasa, who has involved the Corleone family in major drug trafficking and turned Little Italy into a slum. Michael's sister Connie arranges a "sit-down" between Vincent and Zasa in Michael's study. When Zasa calls Vincent a bastard, Vincent bites Zasa on the ear. That night Vincent has a one-night stand with a journalist named Grace Hamilton. Two men armed with knives and a gun break in and try to kill him. Vincent kills them both but not before learning that Zasa sent them. Michael is troubled by Vincent's fiery temper but is nonetheless impressed by his loyalty and agrees to take his nephew under his wing. Michael busies himself with the biggest deal of his career: He has recently bought enough stock in International Immobiliare, an international real estate holding company known as "the world's biggest landlord", to become its largest single shareholder, with six seats on the company's 13-member board of directors. He now makes a tender offer to buy the Vatican's 25% interest in the company, which will give him controlling interest. Knowing that Archbishop Gilday, who serves as head of the Vatican Bank, has run up a massive deficit, he negotiates a deal to pay $600 million to the Bank in exchange for the shares. The deal is quickly approved by Immobiliare's board, but it must be ratified in Rome by Pope Paul VI, who is gravely ill. Without his word, the deal is in limbo. Don Altobello, an elderly New York Mafia boss and Connie's godfather, soon visits Michael, telling him that his old partners on the Commission want in on the Immobiliare deal. Michael is adamant that the deal shall be untainted by Mafia involvement. A meeting is arranged, and Michael appeases most of the Mafia bosses with payoffs from the sale of his Las Vegas holdings. Zasa gets nothing and declares that Michael is his enemy and storms out. Altobello tells Michael that he will try to reason with Zasa and follows close behind. Minutes later, a helicopter hovers outside the conference room and sprays it with machine gun fire. Most of the other mob bosses are killed, but Michael, Vincent, and Michael's bodyguard, Al Neri, escape. Back at his penthouse in New York, Al Neri tells Michael that those mob bosses who escaped the massacre made deals with Zasa. Michael knows that Zasa was not the mastermind of the massacre due to Zasa's being "muscle" and not having the cunning to organize such a scheme. Vincent wants to kill Zasa, but Michael refuses. As he considers how to respond to the situation, he suffers a diabetic stroke and is hospitalized but not before realizing that Altobello is the traitor. As Michael recuperates, Vincent begins a romantic relationship with Mary and plots revenge against Zasa. Neri and Connie give Vincent permission to act. During a street festival hosted by Zasa's Italian American civil rights group, Vincent's men gun down Zasa's bodyguards. Vincent, disguised as a policeman on horseback, shoots Zasa dead. When Michael discovers this, he berates Vincent for his rashness. Michael also insists that Vincent end his relationship with Mary because Vincent's involvement in the family's criminal enterprises puts her life in jeopardy. The family takes a vacation to Sicily in preparation for Anthony's operatic debut in Palermo at the Teatro Massimo. They stay at the villa of Corleone family friend Don Tommasino. Michael tells Vincent to speak with Altobello and tell him that he is planning to leave the Corleone family. Altobello supports Vincent switching his allegiance and introduces him to Don Licio Lucchesi, a powerful Italian political figure and Immobiliare's chairman. Michael realizes that the Immobiliare deal is an elaborate conspiracy among Lucchesi, Archbishop Gilday, and Vatican accountant Frederick Keinszig to swindle him out of his money and visits Cardinal Lamberto, the man favored to become the next Pope, to speak about the deal. Lamberto persuades Michael to make his first confession in 30 years, in which he tearfully admits to ordering Fredo's murder. Lamberto tells Michael that he deserves to suffer for his sins but that his life could still be redeemed. Shortly after the meeting between Vincent and Lucchesi, Altobello travels to the small village of Montelepre, where he hires Mosca, a veteran hitman, to assassinate Michael. A few days later, Mosca and his son, disguised as priests, attempt to kidnap Don Tommasino and force him to allow them entry to his villa. Tommasino refuses, and Mosca kills him. While touring Sicily with Kay, who has arrived for Anthony’s operatic debut, Michael asks for her forgiveness. As they both admit that they still love each other, Michael receives word that Tommasino is dead. At the funeral, Michael swears over his old friend's coffin to sin no more. After the death of Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Lamberto is elected Pope John Paul I, which means that the Immobiliare deal will likely be ratified. The new Pope's intentions come as a death knell to the plot against the ratification of the Immobiliare deal, prompting frantic attempts by the plotters to cover their own tracks. Vincent tells Michael that he has learned from Altobello of Mosca's plot on his life. Michael sees that his nephew is a changed man and makes him the new Don of the Corleone family. In exchange, Vincent agrees to put an end to his relationship with Mary. The family travels to Palermo to see Anthony perform the lead in Pietro Mascagni's Cavalleria rusticana, a tale of murderous revenge in a Sicilian setting. Meanwhile, Vincent exacts his own revenge: Keinszig is abducted by Vincent's men, who smother him with a pillow and hang him from a bridge to make his death look like a suicide. Don Altobello, also attending the opera, eats poisoned cannoli that his goddaughter Connie gave him. He dies as Connie watches from her opera box. Al Neri travels to the Vatican, where he shoots Archbishop Gilday. Finally, Calò (Tommasino's former bodyguard) meets with Don Lucchesi at his office, claiming to bear a message from Michael. As he pretends to whisper the message to Lucchesi, Calò stabs him in the jugular vein with his own glasses. The killings are too late to save the Pope. Just hours after he approves the Immobiliare deal, the Pope drinks poisoned tea provided to him by Archbishop Gilday and soon dies in his bed. Mosca, still disguised as a priest and armed with a sniper rifle, descends upon the opera house during Anthony's performance, eliminating three of Vincent's men but is unable to shoot Michael from a box before the opera ends. The assassin retreats to the opera house façade's staircase and tries to kill Michael there. At the same moment, Mary confronts her father about the forced break-up with Vincent. Mosca fires twice, wounding Michael and accidentally killing Mary. Vincent then shoots him dead. As Kay and Connie weep, Michael cradles Mary's body in his arms and screams in agony. Michael remembers all the women he has lost as a montage of Mary, Kay, and Apollonia is shown. An elderly Michael is sitting in the garden of Don Tommasino's Sicilian villa, eating an orange, a symbol in the Godfather trilogy of coming death. He slumps over in his chair, falls sideways to the ground with only his dog present. New York, 1979: Michael Corleone, da anni tornato a New York, è ormai miliardario, e gode della fama di una persona rispettabile. Indebolito dal diabete, è impegnato in una sincera attività volta a guadagnarsi onorabilità sociale e a estraniare definitivamente la propria famiglia dal mondo della Mafia. L'ex boss è impegnato a garantire la sicurezza di sua figlia Mary, presidente onorario della "Fondazione Vito Andolini Corleone", impegnata nell'opera di rinascita culturale e sociale della Sicilia, e nella scelta di un successore. Cerca invano di convincere il figlio Anthony Vito a lavorare con lui, ma il figlio, con l'appoggio della madre, sceglie di intraprendere la carriera di cantante lirico. Appoggiato dalla zia Connie, sorella di Michael, il bel Vincent Mancini, figlio illegittimo di Sonny e irascibile e violento come il padre, entra al servizio dello zio Michael.Ricevuta dall'Arcivescovo Gilday una bolla papale con un titolo onorifico conferitogli da Papa Paolo VI in virtù delle sue opere benefiche, Michael investe seicento milioni di dollari nella Banca Vaticana, per entrare nella Internazionale Immobiliare e assumerne il controllo. La società è controllata dal Vaticano insieme ad altri ed è un affare assai lucroso che gli assicurerebbe un enorme patrimonio. Tale investimento serve all'Arcivescovo Gilday per evitare il rischio di una bancarotta fraudolenta causata dalle manovre di un gruppo di avidi uomini d'affari cattolici, guidati dal potente Licio Lucchesi, un influente uomo politico italiano, che guida la maggior parte dei clan mafiosi in Italia. L'uomo è anche alla guida del corrotto banchiere svizzero Frederick Keinszig. Michael scopre ben presto di trovarsi in un brutto impiccio. Forze occulte pongono ostacoli alla sua presa di controllo dell'Internazionale Immobiliare di Lucchesi e, mentre è ad una riunione ad Atlantic City con altri quattro boss nel New Jersey, la capitale del gioco d'azzardo, annuncia di volersi ritirare dal gioco per dedicarsi ai suoi nuovi affari completamente legali e puliti: ma proprio in quel frangente arriva Zasa che uccide i quattro boss, ma fallisce su Michael. Mentre quest'ultimo ha una grave crisi diabetica, Vincent, con l'approvazione della zia Connie, uccide Joey Zasa e la situazione della malavita newyorkese precipita nel caos. Giunto a Palermo per assistere al debutto nell'opera di Anthony, Michael scopre tramite Vincent, che ha finto di volerlo tradire, che Don Altobello era complice di Zasa e che tutto era in realtà manipolato da Lucchesi, il quale vuole impedirgli di entrare nella Internazionale Immobiliare per mantenerne il controllo. Il Papa è l'unico che può esprimere il voto decisivo che permetta a Michael di assumere il controllo della società controllata dal Vaticano e alla morte di Paolo VI Michael scopre che il nuovo papa, Giovanni Paolo I, ha deciso di ratificare il contratto con la famiglia Corleone, ma che nel contempo è in previsione un suo assassinio a breve termine. Infatti, poco tempo dopo, Lucchesi e l'Arcivescovo Gilday fanno avvelenare il suo tè. Anche la vita di Michael è in pericolo, poiché Altobello si reca nel paese di Montelepre, dove assolda un sicario siciliano (Mosca) per ucciderlo. Quando Don Tommasino, suo vecchio amico e protettore, viene assassinato dal sicario, Michael comprende che tutto il suo operato per estraniarsi dal crimine è stato vano. Non potendo proseguire, cede il comando al nipote, che per l'occasione assume il nome di Don Vincenzo Corleone. La sera del debutto di Anthony al Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Vincent manda sicari a eliminare Frederick Keinszig (che viene soffocato e impiccato ad un ponte) e l'Arcivescovo Gilday (che viene crivellato), mentre Connie Corleone avvelena Don Altobello con dei cannoli. La sera stessa il mafioso Calò uccide Lucchesi conficcandogli i suoi stessi occhiali nel collo. All'uscita del Teatro Massimo, il sicario di Don Altobello quasi riesce a uccidere Michael, colpendo per errore la figlia Mary. Il film termina mostrando la fine di Michael, ormai anziano, molti anni dopo la morte di Mary, in una villa in Sicilia. Il boss, come suo padre prima di lui, si spegne sereno ma completamente solo e abbandonato da tutti mentre è nella quiete del giardino della meravigliosa villa. .: Crediti :. Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Andy Garcia, Talia Shire, Eli Wallach, Joe Mantegna, George Hamilton, Bridget Fonda, Sofia Coppola, Raf Vallone, Franc D'Ambrosio, Michele Russo, Robert Cicchini, Robert Vento, Willie Brown, Jeanne Savarino Pesch, Janet Savarino Smith, Santo Indelicato, Francesco Paolo Bellante, Richard Honigman, Frank Tarsia, Diane Agostini, Jessica di Cicco, Ida Bernardini, David Hume Kennerly, James D. Damiano, Michael Boccio, Brian Freilino, Giuseppe Pianviti, Tere Livrano, Al Martino, Gregory Corso, Mario Donatone, Don Novello, Joseph Drago, Anthony Guidera, Al Ruscio, John Abineri, Catherine Scorsese, Gabriele Torrei, Mimmo Cuticchio, Carlos Miranda, Rogerio Miranda, Nicky Blair, Vito Antuofermo, Brett Halsey, Remo Remotti, Luigi Laezza, Dado Ruspoli, Donald Donnelly, Rick Aviles, Mickey Knox, Carmine Caridi, Richard Bright, Jeannie Linero, Michael Bowen, Don Costello, Franco Citti, Vittorio Duse, Helmut Berger, John Savage, Paco Reconti, Valeria Sabel, Marino Masé, Enzo Robutti ======================================== .: Dati tecnici del file :. Formato : Matroska Versione formato : Version 2 Dimensione : 7,96 GiB Durata : 2o 50min Modo bitrate generale : Variabile Bitrate totale : 6.693 Kbps Data codifica : UTC 2011-04-09 10:08:41 Creato con : mkvmerge v4.6.0 ('Still Crazy After All These Years') built on Mar 10 2011 02:50:32 Compressore : libebml v1.2.0 + libmatroska v1.1.0 Video ID : 1 Formato : AVC Formato/Informazioni : Advanced Video Codec Profilo formato : High@L4.1 Impostazioni formato, CABAC : Si Impostazioni formato, ReFrames : 3 frame ID codec : V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC Durata : 2o 50min Modalità bitrate : Variabile Bitrate : 5.406 Kbps Bitrate massimo : 40,0 Mbps Larghezza : 1.280 pixel Altezza : 720 pixel Rapporto aspetto visualizzazione : 16:9 Modalità frame rate : Costante Frame rate : 23,976 fps Spazio colore : YUV Croma subsampling : 4:2:0 Profondità bit : 8 bit Tipo scansione : Progressivo Bit/(pixel*frame) : 0.245 Dimensione della traccia : 6,28 GiB (79%) Titolo : BDRip720p by Pitt@Sk8 Compressore : x264 core 114 r1913 5fd3dce Impostazioni compressione : cabac=1 / ref=4 / deblock=1:0:0 / analyse=0x3:0x133 / me=hex / subme=7 / psy=1 / psy_rd=1.00:0.00 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=1 / 8x8dct=1 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-2 / threads=6 / sliced_threads=0 / slices=4 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=1 / b_adapt=1 / b_bias=0 / direct=1 / weightb=1 / open_gop=2 / weightp=1 / keyint=240 / keyint_min=23 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=40 / rc=2pass / mbtree=1 / bitrate=5406 / ratetol=1.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=10 / qpmax=51 / qpstep=4 / cplxblur=20.0 / qblur=0.5 / vbv_maxrate=40000 / vbv_bufsize=40000 / nal_hrd=vbr / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:1.00 Default : Si Forced : No Audio #1 ID : 2 Formato : AC-3 Formato/Informazioni : Audio Coding 3 Estensione modo : CM (complete main) Impostazioni formato, Endianness : Big ID codec : A_AC3 Durata : 2o 50min Modalità bitrate : Costante Bitrate : 640 Kbps Canali : 6 canali Posizione canali : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE Frequenza campionamento : 48,0 KHz Profondità bit : 16 bit Modo compressione : Con perdita Dimensione della traccia : 779MiB (10%) Ti Related Torrents
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