pROUDLY pRESENTS aNOTHER 0dAY rELEASE[ rELEASE iNFO ]iFoxSoft.Photo.Collage.Platinum.v3.01.Cracked-MAZE[ rELEASE NOTES ]sUPPLiER TEAM MAZEpROTECTiON unknowneXE pROTECTiON unknownrELEASE siZE 04x5.00 MBrELEASE dATE 2012-02-28oS tYPE 2k0/XP/Vista/w7tESTED bY TEAM MAZE[ rELEASE oVERViEW ]Photo Collage is a collage maker that is capable ofcreating photo collages, desktop wallpaper, CD andcovers, and miscellaneous Web graphics. You cana favorite photo as background, arrange multiplephotos on the paper, then apply operations to them,such as rotating, resizing, adding frame, changingposition, and changing overlay order, and merginginto background with mask templates.This collage maker does not reduce a photo's pixelswhen it resizes and rotates photo, this ensures highquality of your printed collage. Its feature ofarranging multiple photos on a paper lets you saveexpensive paper, because you can print many photos ona paper. Photo Crop Editor is interactive photo cropsoftware for selecting and cropping an object in apicture or photograph from its background.What's new in this version: Version 3.01 fixed bugsselecting background picture.1. Install.2. Replace trial exe with cracked onefrom crack dir.3. Run :).4. Enjoy!5. Buy![ gROUP NOTES ]sTiLL aLiVE , rE0RGANiZED aND kiCKiNG- The LAST BASTiON of POLiSH CRACKiNG -gREETiNGS CRDiNDUCTiNViSiBLEiM4GESUNiON55LcONTACT - nO pRESERVATiVES - nO NOTHiNG -