I Am Legend Dvd Rip 2007 h33t Dave3737seeders: 0
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I Am Legend Dvd Rip 2007 h33t Dave3737 (Size: 690.26 MB)
http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/7193/ial1gy1.png http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/1126/iaal2yf7.png http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/7933/ial3nr5.png Dave3737 Presents.......: I Am Legend.avi _______________________File Information_______________________ File Size.......: 723,740,672Bytes Duration.......: 1:40:26 Bytes Missing.......: 0 IMDB Link.......: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0480249/ Rating.......:User Rating: 7.3/10 ______________________Video Information______________________ Video Codec.......: XviD 1.0.3 - AVI(.AVI) - OpenDML (AVI v2.0), Resolution.......: 672x288 Video Bitrate.......: 786 kb/s FPS.......: 23.976 Display Aspect Ratio.......: 2.333 Bits / Pixel.......: 0.169 ______________________Audio Information______________________ Audio Streams.......: 1 Audio Codec.......: 0x0055 MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio Bitrate.......: 160kb/s - VBR - 48000 Hz Audio Channel Count.......: 2 Audio alignment.......: Aligned Interleave.......: 42ms Preload.......: 480ms Plot synopsis: The movie begins with a newspaper interview with Dr. Kripper (Emma Thompson) who is speaking about the her scientific breakthrough. She has taken the Measles virus and altered it at a genetic level so that it attacks only cancerous cells. The treatment has proven 100% effective in over 10,109 clinical trials. The film then cuts to three years later and we see that New York is deserted. Grass is breaking through the concrete, cars are rusting in the streets, and entire buildings are covered in titanic sheets of plastic with Biohazard signs plastered all over them. Dr. Robert Neville (Will Smith) is driving down one of the overgrown streets in a Ford Mustang when a herd of deer suddenly dart out from behind a building. He guns the engine and chases them through the streets, singling one out until it leaps over a blockade with dozens of cars blocking the road. Neville screeches to a halt, looks at Sam, his German shepherd companion, and steps out with his M4 rifle to track down the deer. Silently making his way through the tall grass growing between the cars, he spots the deers tail and takes aim just as it goes around a bus and under an overpass. Cursing, Neville lowers his rifle and begins to walk around the other side, Sam at his heel. As he approaches the corner he raises the scope to his eyes and edges around, catching sight of the deer through an abandoned car. Carefully edging his way around the car for a clear shot, Neville takes aim and A lioness leaps out from behind a car on the other side of the deer, grabbing it and wrestling it to the ground. Neville holds the rifle to his and looks as though he is going to shoot the lioness, but he lowers it as a lion and two cubs come into view. He seems torn until his watch starts beeping. Turning off the alarm, Neville glances at the sun, which is beginning to makes its way down the horizon. He turns to Sam and tells her its time to go. Neville drives home, switching vehicles to an SUV with a large amount of gear strapped to the roof rack. As he pulls up to his house, we see several barrels, with what looks like explosive devices attached to them, scattered around the outside area of the house. As Neville exits the SUV, he grabs a satchel and a squirt bottle from the back seat. Walking backwards up to the front door, he squirts the ground and stairs behind him with the liquid inside of the bottle. A shot of the kitchen reveals it to be well-stocked and very orderly. When Neville takes a can of Tomato sauce from the cupboard, he replaces it from a stack under the table. He makes dinner for him and his dog while the TV plays a recorded news broadcast that is obviously several years old as it shows one of the hosts outside measuring the snowfall with a ruler. Neville tells Sam to eat her vegetables and not just push them around her plate. His watch alarm goes off again and he takes Sam upstairs to have a bath. After turning on his iPod player, Bob Marley starts to sing Dont Worry. He washes Sam, telling her that hell forgive her for not eating her vegetables today if she eats double tomorrow. While singing along with the music, Neville starts to zone out and looks as if he is remembering something until Sams barking brings him back to reality and the beeping of his watch. He shakes his head and then gets up and starts to cover every window with massive steel shutters and locks the door with an industrial-sized bolt. As the sun sets, he curls up in the bathtub with Sam, listening to the howls of the Infected and slowly drifts off to sleep and starts dreaming In the New York of three years ago, two unmarked, black government vehicles pull up to Nevilles house and he jumps out of one of them. His wife, Zoe (Salli Richardson) runs down the stairs of their apartment holding their child (Willow Smith) and Samantha as a puppy and asks whats going on. A man in a military uniform jumps out of the first car and tells Neville that they still have a 30 minute window. Neville tells his wife to get in the car and as they drive off, he asks how much money she got. When she tells him she has $600 he tells her thats not enough and, once she is across the bridge, she needs to stop by an ATM and pull out as much as she can and then head to her sisters house where he will meet her in two weeks. She seems extremely frightened and asks him if it has become airborne. Neville guardedly tells her that he doesnt know and dismisses her request to come with them, telling her that New York is Ground Zero and that he has a two-week window to stop the spread of the virus. During this conversation his daughter is in the back complaining because she is confused. They only go visit her aunt during summer and it is Christmas. Eventually Neville and Zoe tell her to be quiet after she tries to get their attention by making a butterfly with her hands and saying Look at the butterfly, Daddy. At this point, Neville wakes up in his bed (he must have moved during the night), with the sun streaming in through small cracks in the metal shutters over the windows. The first thing he does is exercise, doing pull ups and running on a treadmill with the dog running on a treadmill next to him. He then gets dressed and goes to a door under the stairs leading to the basement. Sam tries to follow him, but he tells her that she cant come down there and shuts her outside. He walks through a room bathed in UV light, grabs a lab coat, and walks into a very well appointed lab. Starting up an Apple computer with a wireless camera he begins to make a video journal for the day. He attaches the wireless camera to a pair of glasses and walks over to a boxy looking structure covered with a black tarp while dictating details of his experiments. Neville pulls off the tarp revealing about thirty stacked cages filled with Infected rats. They are completely hairless and begin to throw themselves at the Plexiglas cage doors as soon as they see him. He sighs and begins to dictate that the anti-virus seems to have had no effect on most of the subjects and seems to have killed several of them. He stops, however, because one of the rats is not throwing itself against the cage door. It is acting, well, rat-like. He looks at it more closely, dictating that it seems to have markedly decreased aggression as well as regaining some pigmentation and the ability to dilate its pupils in the presence of bright light. Neville decides that the compound he gave that rat is the next candidate for human testing (meaning he must capture an infected person). He makes a note then heads back upstairs, taking off his lab coat. Opening up an armoire next to the door he grabs a jacket, M4, a set of keys (he has about 20, all for different cars), and the some DVDs and heads outside to his car. As the sun shines down on the city, Neville stops by a video store with several mannequins set up outside and inside dressed in different clothing styles. He seems to have formed some sort of personal relationship with them to cope with being the only human being in the city because he greets them by name as he walks in. There is a very humorous scene here while he is replacing the DVDs that he brought where he looks over and sees a female mannequin wearing very fashionable and expensive clothing standing next to the Adult DVD section. He seems flustered then grabs a pair of DVDs that were next to the ones he returned and makes his way to the front counter. Explaining to the mannequin behind the counter that he is halfway through the Gs he seems like he wants to ask him something about the lady by the adult section but he just shakes his head and walks out to his car. He then goes to gather corn from a small field while talking to Sam and assuring Sam that he would go talk to the lady tomorrow. After collecting several ears of corn he heads back to his car and a voicover, most likely a repeating broadcast over the radio, tells whoever is listening that he is a survivor and he will be at the docks by the bridge at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky. The message says that he can offer food, shelter, and protection and invites any other survivors to come join him. He pulls up to the pier and makes his way to a desk at the very end, pulling notes and reading glasses out of his satchel and setting them neatly on the table. After a few hours, he takes a break and goes to hit some golf balls off the wing of a Blackbird spy plane sitting on top of a Carrier. Sam is sitting next to him and jumps up, spotting something on the mainland. Neville grabs a pair of binoculars and sweeps the area, stopping when he notices the tail of one of the deer vanishing around a bus. He grabs his jacket and rifle and makes his way over to where he spotted the deer. Flushing the deer out into the open, Neville gives chase while Sam runs ahead of him. The deer cuts under the tattered edge of one of the building-covering plastic sheets and then darts inside of the pitch black building. Sam runs in right after the deer while Neville shouts at her to stop. Halting at the door Neville desperately whispers Sams name into the darkness. Not hearing a response, he hesitantly makes his way inside, flipping on a flashlight attached to the barrel of his rifle. Sweat pours down his face as he slowly, carefully stalks through the darkened building, fearfully whispering Sams name. He freezes and covers the flashlight with his hand when he hears a sharp, inhuman scream from a stairwell. After getting control of his breathing he again edges towards the door. Using quick bursts of light, moving his hand away from the flashlight for a second then replacing it, he comes around the corner and sees a pool of blood at the bottom landing of the stairs. Slowly making his way up to the top, he follows a trail of blood until he sees the dead deers muzzle poking out from behind a wall. Making his way down the hall with the deers head, which has been torn off, he looks down at the floor and sees millions of dollars just scattered on the ground. While distracted by the cash, he almost walks right into a room with a group of about ten infected arranged in a circle, sleeping. He freezes and seems to be trying to hold in a scream or control his breathing before he slowly makes his way backwards, trying not to make the money crinkle. He reaches the top of the stairs and hears a low whine from Sam from the other direction of the hallway. Darting into a large room he waves his flashlight over the area until he sees Sam under a desk. He makes his way over to her and tells her to come out and then he notices that she is looking at something to the right of him. Whipping around he catches one of the Infected in the light as it leaps at him, firing several shots and killing it. Not stopping to make sure that its dead he takes off running with Sam following close behind as a chorus of roars and screams signify that the Infected have been woken up by the commotion. Neville spots a small square of light and begins sprinting for it, telling Sam to run ahead. Just as he makes to the light one of the Infected springs onto his back, throwing him forward and through a window two stories up. Neville grabs the Infected and uses it to break his fall, rolling off as the sunlight begins burning the skin of the Infected. It has lost all of its hair and its skin seems to be almost translucent in the light of day. Neville watches it until it dies then makes his way back to the car. Drawing a small vial of his blood, Neville tells Sam to stay in the car because the dog is immune to the airborne strain of the virus but not from the contact strain. Neville returns to the building and sets up a snare trap with a tarp right inside the door so that it will pull whatever it catches into the open, covered with the tarp. He crushes the vial of his blood on top of the tarp and moves out to the street, taking position on top of a car so he can watch the door. Noises start to emanate from the darkness, growls and hisses, then the distinctive clink of the trap going off. The counterweight Neville had attached to the trap falls and pulls the catch through the door, tangled up in the tarp. Neville stops its struggling with a quick blow from the butt of his rifle. As he looks at the still form in the tarp, another one of the Infected, a male, tries to lunge through the door at him, but is held back by the others. The Infected stares at Neville, ignoring the burns that are beginning to appear on its flesh before allowing the others to pull him back into the darkness of the building. Neville shakes it off and takes the captured Infected to his lab. Down in his lab, Neville again has his cam-glasses on and has the Infected stretched out on a stainless steel table, chain-reinforced restraint bands around her wrists, waist, and legs and has pumped her full of drugs to keep her sedated, noting that it takes six times as much dosage as a normal human. He is going to inject the infected with the same formula that seemed to work on the rat in the hope that it might have similar effects on humans. He notes that the Infecteds heart rate is 200 BPM and the temperature is 106 degrees before he injects the serum. Watching the monitor with hope in his eyes, Neville is ecstatic when the heart rate and temperature start dropping, until the Infected begins to have a seizure and the heart stops completely. He sighs and injects her with another substance (unknown, maybe original virus?) that causes the Infecteds heart to start back up. Frustrated with the tests failure, Neville wheels the Infected into a Plexiglas containment room and goes upstairs. Sitting in the car Neville pulls out a map of Manhattan half covered in small xs over each block. He circles the next block in a row and makes his way to the house he marked. Sam goes through and gives a single bark as an all clear, after which Neville makes his way through the house, checking medications and supplies for anything useful and pulling the curtains off of windows to allow sunlight in. As he rummages through the kitchen he opens a cabinet with newspaper clippings on it, one of which is a story about the infection spreading to dogs. He makes his way through the rest of the rooms, coming across a bedroom with a quaranting plastic tent stretched over the bed. The door next to it has a bow and a note that says Do not open till Xmas. Nudging the door open, Neville sees that it is a nursery with two cribs, both with bows on them. He shuts the door and makes his way back to the car. As he is driving home he glances over and slams on the brakes of the car. Across a bridge he sees one of the mannequins from outside of the video store standing at the othe Related Torrents
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