the tools to discovering breakthrough solutions to everyday challenges.
By discovering how to free your mind and think like a genius, you will be able to break the rules that inhibit you. You will make your business more profitable, improve educational opportunities for your children, achieve artistic and creative breakthroughs, enhance the quality of your life and even get your uncooperative kids to bed on time.
The impossible will become attainable when you learn how to solve problems by calling on such unlikely characters as Henry VIII, Dopey of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and your favorite aunt. Using the creative and original examples provided in this book, you will be able to solve any problem in your life--business, family or personal--and you will have the time of your life doing it.
About the Author
Scott Thorpe has worked in sales, marketing, design and production in the aerospace, robotics, semiconductor, computer and medical devices industries. He is looking forward to his second IPO. When not trying a new way to make money, he enjoys skiing, mountain biking and windsurfing.
Paperback: 226 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc.; 1st edition (January 15, 2000)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1570715858
ISBN-13: 978-1570715853
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