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| | CITY.txt | 92 bytes |
| | Town.txt | 94 bytes |
| | rural.txt | 95 bytes |
| | Enclave.txt | 95 bytes |
| | large_city.txt | 98 bytes |
| | Pastoral.txt | 100 bytes |
| | Wasteland.txt | 100 bytes |
| | large_town.txt | 100 bytes |
| | tiny_island.txt | 101 bytes |
| | small_island.txt | 102 bytes |
| | 00_scripted_triggers.txt | 150 bytes |
| | CHI_scripted_triggers.txt | 388 bytes |
| | GER_scripted_triggers.txt | 736 bytes |
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| | 00_opinion_modifiers.txt | 8.62 KB |
| | 00_scripted_effects.txt | 225 bytes |
| | land_upgrades.txt | 984 bytes |
| | air_upgrades.txt | 1.55 KB |
| | naval_upgrades.txt | 1.82 KB |
| | Support.txt | 450 bytes |
| | Motorized.txt | 509 bytes |
| | convoys.txt | 870 bytes |
| | anti_tank.txt | 1.17 KB |
| | anti_air.txt | 1.18 KB |
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| | 00_names.txt | 72.13 KB |
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| | light_cruiser.txt | 254 bytes |
| | battlecruiser.txt | 255 bytes |
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| | generic.txt | 638 bytes |
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| | Hungary.txt | 2.17 KB |
| | CapitulationEvents.txt | 3.7 KB |
| | Romania.txt | 5.57 KB |
| | Greece.txt | 6.06 KB |
| | Finland.txt | 6.26 KB |
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| | cas_plane.dds | 5.32 KB |
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| | submarine_II.dds | 6.5 KB |
| | submarine_I.dds | 6.5 KB |
| | Submarine.dds | 6.5 KB |
| | submarine_IV.dds | 6.5 KB |
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| | unit_light_tank_icon.dds | 25.06 KB |
| | unit_marine_icon.dds | 25.06 KB |
| | carrier_base.dds | 1.93 KB |
| | air_reserves_icon.dds | 2.06 KB |
| | mission_cancel.dds | 2.77 KB |
| | EXPAND.dds | 2.95 KB |
| | split_btn.dds | 4.99 KB |
| | details_btn.dds | 4.99 KB |
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| | aggressivness_btn.dds | 11.39 KB |
| | strategicair_mission_airbase_bg.dds | 11.84 KB |
| | subtech_td.dds | 2.96 KB |
| | tank_small_icon.dds | 2.96 KB |
| | subtech_rocket.dds | 2.96 KB |
| | subtech_aa.dds | 2.96 KB |
| | subtech_art.dds | 2.96 KB |
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| | ITA_imp_light_tank.dds | 10.37 KB |
| | ENG_basic_light_tank.dds | 11.16 KB |
| | Rocket_Art_1_allies.dds | 11.18 KB |
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| | global_alert_icons.dds | 262.3 KB |
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| | production_recommend_support.dds | 6.53 KB |
| | production_recommend_navy.dds | 6.69 KB |
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| | default_mapmode_highlight.dds | 10.75 KB |
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| | battleplan_btn_highlight.dds | 12.63 KB |
| | train_glow.dds | 13.99 KB |
| | btn_merge.dds | 3.88 KB |
| | Btn_Delete.dds | 3.88 KB |
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| | repair_symbol.dds | 8.38 KB |
| | btn_repair_prio_1.dds | 10.82 KB |
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| | btn_repair_now.dds | 16.17 KB |
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| | own_chat.tga | 236 bytes |
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| | button_small_remove.dds | 256 bytes |
| | tweaker_sliderright.tga | 263 bytes |
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| | Western_Buildings_Diffuse.dds | 5.51 KB |
| | western_buildings_1_01.mesh | 5.82 KB |
| | western_buildings_2_02.mesh | 7.37 KB |
| | western_buildings_1_04.mesh | 7.61 KB |
| | western_buildings_2_04.mesh | 7.96 KB |
| | Western_buildings_normals.dds | 10.89 KB |
| | Western_buildings_specular.dds | 10.89 KB |
| | western_buildings_3_03.mesh | 11.54 KB |
| | western_buildings_3_04.mesh | 11.61 KB |
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| | radar_base_s.dds | 176 bytes |
| | asiancity_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | factory_s.dds | 240 bytes |
| | radar_alphatiling_s.dds | 328 bytes |
| | radar_alphatiling_d.dds | 328 bytes |
| | radar_alphatiling_n.dds | 328 bytes |
| | 88_aagun_s.dds | 336 bytes |
| | 88aagun_combat_idle.anim | 489 bytes |
| | artillery_idle.anim | 492 bytes |
| | ships_formation_template_idle.anim | 158 bytes |
| | ger_sub_specular.dds | 208 bytes |
| | generic_freighter_LP_idle.anim | 736 bytes |
| | generic_freighter_idle.anim | 736 bytes |
| | generic_destroyer_idle.anim | 904 bytes |
| | generic_destroyer_combat_idle.anim | 917 bytes |
| | ships_convoy_idle.anim | 922 bytes |
| | ships_convoy_none.anim | 1008 bytes |
| | generic_heavy_cruiser_idle.anim | 1.38 KB |
| | ships_formation_template.mesh | 1.41 KB |
| | ENG_tank_light_specular.dds | 176 bytes |
| | FRA_tank_heavy_diffuse.dds | 184 bytes |
| | JAP_tank_medium_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | JAP_tank_light_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | FRA_heavy_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | ITA_tank_medium_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | ENG_tank_heavy_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | ENG_medium_tank_crusader_threads_spec.dds | 240 bytes |
| | ENG_medium_tank_crusader_spec.dds | 240 bytes |
| | ITA_tank_heavy_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | motorized_frame_moving.anim | 319 bytes |
| | motorized_frame_attack.anim | 319 bytes |
| | motorized_frame_idle.anim | 319 bytes |
| | motorized_frame.mesh | 1.21 KB |
| | axis_motorized_specular.dds | 1.48 KB |
| | USA_motorized_specular.dds | 1.48 KB |
| | axis_mechanized_specular.dds | 1.48 KB |
| | USA_mechanised_specular.dds | 1.48 KB |
| | GER_mechanized_01_attack.anim | 1.88 KB |
| | SOV_mechanized_01_attack.anim | 2.04 KB |
| | fighter_default_idle.anim | 631 bytes |
| | bomber_default_idle.anim | 631 bytes |
| | v2rocket_launch.mesh | 865 bytes |
| | bomber_1_bombing.mesh | 967 bytes |
| | fighter_1_vs_bomber_1.mesh | 968 bytes |
| | bomber_1_CAS.mesh | 968 bytes |
| | fighter_1_patrol.mesh | 968 bytes |
| | fighter_1_kamikaze.mesh | 970 bytes |
| | fighter_1_vs_fighter_1.mesh | 971 bytes |
| | v2rocket_launch_launch.anim | 1.03 KB |
| | Cigarette.dds | 312 bytes |
| | cavalry_frame_cavalry_move.anim | 482 bytes |
| | cavalry_frame_cavalry_idle.anim | 482 bytes |
| | cavalry_frame_attack.anim | 482 bytes |
| | cavalry_frame.mesh | 1.03 KB |
| | cigarette_package.mesh | 1.54 KB |
| | Lighter.mesh | 1.6 KB |
| | Cigarette.mesh | 1.74 KB |
| | animation.asset | 6.16 KB |
| | Sandbag.mesh | 6.32 KB |
| | Leaf_Diffuse.dds | 176 bytes |
| | palm_normal.dds | 240 bytes |
| | beech_specular.dds | 240 bytes |
| | pinetree_diffuse.dds | 2.8 KB |
| | savanna_tree_normals.dds | 5.48 KB |
| | savanna_tree_diffuse.dds | 5.48 KB |
| | savanna_01.mesh | 7.9 KB |
| | pinetree_normal.dds | 10.8 KB |
| | leaf_shadow.dds | 21.48 KB |
| | palm_diffuse.dds | 21.48 KB |
| | mapitemes_animation.asset | 289 bytes |
| | tutorial_arrow_no_rotation_idle.anim | 401 bytes |
| | tutorial_arrow_idle.anim | 954 bytes |
| | wave.mesh | 2.9 KB |
| | Tutorial_arrow.mesh | 8.81 KB |
| | wave_idle.anim | 18.71 KB |
| | tutorial_arrow_diffuse.dds | 42.8 KB |
| | wave_01_diffuse.dds | 42.83 KB |
| | tutorial_arrow_specular.dds | 85.48 KB |
| | tutorial_arrow_normal.dds | 341.48 KB |
| | anim_blend_test.gfx | 643 bytes |
| | anim_blend_test_animation.asset | 682 bytes |
| | anim_blend_test.asset | 759 bytes |
| | anim_blend_test_char_idle.anim | 92.82 KB |
| | anim_blend_test_char_arm_out.anim | 93.7 KB |
| | anim_blend_test_char_leg_forward.anim | 93.8 KB |
| | anim_blend_test_char_squat.anim | 117.11 KB |
| | anim_blend_test_char_back_bend.anim | 125.47 KB |
| | anim_blend_test_char_jump.anim | 129.57 KB |
| | anim_blend_test_char.mesh | 290.65 KB |
| | animations_test.asset | 161 bytes |
| | nonormal.dds | 176 bytes |
| | nospec.dds | 176 bytes |
| | empty.mesh | 441 bytes |
| | test_object_idle.anim | 846 bytes |
| | nuke.mesh | 869 bytes |
| | test_object.mesh | 3.87 KB |
| | nuke_attack.anim | 7.27 KB |
| | border_mesh.mesh | 289.7 KB |
| | border_bottom_mesh.mesh | 289.7 KB |
| | pdxmap.fxh | 174 bytes |
| | posteffect_base.fxh | 232 bytes |
| | ButtonState.fxh | 243 bytes |
| | defines_hlsl.fxh | 685 bytes |
| | color.shader | 737 bytes |
| | DebugLines.shader | 792 bytes |
| | DebugTexture.shader | 1.12 KB |
| | sky.shader | 1.26 KB |
| | buttonstate_rendertarget.shader | 1.3 KB |
| | static_button.shader | 1.46 KB |
| | NEP_fascism.tga | 324 bytes |
| | Nic.tga | 324 bytes |
| | NIC_communism.tga | 324 bytes |
| | NIC_fascism.tga | 324 bytes |
| | NIC_neutrality.tga | 324 bytes |
| | nor.tga | 324 bytes |
| | NOR_communism.tga | 324 bytes |
| | NOR_fascism.tga | 324 bytes |
| | NZL.tga | 324 bytes |
| | NZL_communism.tga | 324 bytes |
| | SOV_fascism.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SOV_neutrality.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SPA_communism.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SPA_democratic.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SPA_fascism.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SPA_neutrality.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | JOR.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SPR_communism.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SPR_democratic.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | SPR_fascism.tga | 4.18 KB |
| | LAO_communism.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LAO_fascism.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LAO_neutrality.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LAT_communism.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LAT_democratic.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LAT_fascism.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LAT_neutrality.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | lba.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LBA_communism.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | LBA_democratic.tga | 16.7 KB |
| | decrease_texticon.dds | 752 bytes |
| | increase_reversed_texticon.dds | 752 bytes |
| | increase_texticon.dds | 752 bytes |
| | decrease_reversed_texticon.dds | 752 bytes |
| | organization_texticon.dds | 912 bytes |
| | navy_experience_20x20.dds | 912 bytes |
| | strenght_texticon.dds | 912 bytes |
| | army_experience_20x20.dds | 912 bytes |
| | air_experience_20x20.dds | 912 bytes |
| | technology_texticon.dds | 1.12 KB |
| | lighter_fire.asset | 1.11 KB |
| | boot_dust.asset | 1.35 KB |
| | rifle_cartridge.asset | 1.56 KB |
| | artillery_tyre_tracks.asset | 1.75 KB |
| | mg_muzzle_smoke.asset | 2.06 KB |
| | cigarette_smoke.asset | 2.28 KB |
| | artillery_cartridge.asset | 2.54 KB |
| | USA_rifle_cartridge.asset | 3.04 KB |
| | blood.asset | 3.17 KB |
| | artillery_ground_smoke.asset | 3.27 KB |
| | snow_small_clouds.asset | 1.26 KB |
| | Rain_Clouds.asset | 1.35 KB |
| | rain_small_clouds.asset | 1.35 KB |
| | bunker_smoke_effect.asset | 1.45 KB |
| | rain.asset | 2.09 KB |
| | factory_smoke.asset | 2.29 KB |
| | dustcloud.asset | 2.46 KB |
| | snow_storm_clouds.asset | 2.47 KB |
| | snow_storm_small_clouds.asset | 2.48 KB |
| | lightning_storm_small_clouds.asset | 2.52 KB |
| | ship_fire_water_shockwave.asset | 1.29 KB |
| | tank_exhaust.asset | 1.57 KB |
| | ship_moving_back.asset | 2.15 KB |
| | ship_moving_back_fleet.asset | 2.15 KB |
| | plane_mg_muzzle.asset | 2.75 KB |
| | ship_fire_water.asset | 2.94 KB |
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| | GER_heavy_tank_moving_tracks.asset | 3.68 KB |
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| | 93-SupplyArea.txt | 82 bytes |
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| | 74-SupplyArea.txt | 82 bytes |
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| | 120px-Latvia.png | 301 bytes |
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| | 330px-Canada.png | 29.29 KB |
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