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Added on July 14, 2007 by in Movies
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Harry.Potter.And.The.Goblet.Of.Fire.2005.SE.Fi.PAL.DVDR-APOCALYP (Size: 4.37 GB)
 Harry.Potter.And.The.Goblet.Of.Fire.2005.SE.Fi.PAL.DVDR-APOCALYPSE.img4.37 GB







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�²²� �²³movie title ..: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ³²� �±²�

�²²� �²³theatre date .: 18.11.2005 ³²� �±²�

��±���²³genre ........: Adventure/Fantasy/Mystery/Thriller ³²���²��

�²±��²³imdb url .....: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0330373 ³²��²²�

�²²��²³imdb rating ..: 7.7/10 (37,788 votes) ³²��±²�

�²²���³runtime ......: 150 min ³���²²�

�±²���³director .....: Mike Newell ³���±±�


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�²²²��³release date .: 21.03.2006 ³��²±²�

�²±²��³source .......: Retail PAL DVD ³��²²±�

��²°²��³rar files ....: 95x50mb ³��±²±��

�²²²²��³image size ...: 4,36gb ³��²±²²�

�±°°°��³file naming ..: apo-hp4.* ³��²°±²�



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